UK Newswire Archive
San Salvador Atenco infonite
29-05-2006 22:10
Two companeros from mexico city in londonTITNORE WOODS SITE ESTABLISHED: HELP NEEDED
29-05-2006 20:42
A tree hamlet has been set up to combat threatened development in Worthing. Woodland will be destroyed to make way for a road widening scheme and 900 house development. Help is urgently needed to build and defend the space.LABOUR PARTY EVIL - GETS WORSE FROM DAY TO DAY...
29-05-2006 19:58
Met Press Release: Placard Amnesty to Free Our Streets from Protest Crime
29-05-2006 18:36

A public campaign supporting the amnesty will urge people to hand in their placards during the five week period. Police stations throughout London will take part in the amnesty.
support Brian Haw in court tomorrow
29-05-2006 17:57
Brian is in court Tuesday 30 May from 9am at Bow Street Magistrates Court for failing to comply with SOCPA conditions police placed upon him. This is the first case of its kind. It is not known what the outcome is likely to be but the police could be given more authority to remove Brian from Parliament Square. So... come along to the court and the Square to support if you can.Palestine Today
29-05-2006 17:36

Several main checkpoints in West Bank locked down by Israeli forces
Israeli forces invade Nablus, Balata in ongoing siege Four arrested by Israeli forces in Bethlehem Four arrested by Israeli forces in north Tulkarem raid
These stories and more coming up stay tuned.
Stop Internet Repression
29-05-2006 15:59
Amnesty International celebrates its 45th anniversary this week, and to mark this the West Midlands Amnesty International is asking people to support our new campaign, It’s an exciting new campaign which challenges a new threat to freedom - repression on the internet.Oxford MP demo'ed by SPEAK - doesnt like awkward questions
29-05-2006 15:40
Evan Harris, the Lib-Dem health spokesperson and local MP in favour of the controversial animal lab being built in Oxford recieved a visit from protesters who want to challenge some of his public statements on animal testing. It seems when it came to the crunch, he was left without words. Below is an article from Speak Campaigns.Full article | 1 addition | 15 comments
29-05-2006 14:45
Commonwealth Development Company (CDC) is the Investment partner of the Donor Fund for International Development (DFID). CDC owns an agribusiness company called Mpongwe Development Company that has been involved in corrupt practices,racism and land disputes.The Brighton Community Resource Press Release.
29-05-2006 13:34
A group of squatters have taken over Home Farm in Stanmer and in a week successfully turned it into a community centre.Australia Is Bullying Timor-Leste
29-05-2006 13:17
In the current climate of enegry insecurity, Australia is using (if not engineering) the recent unrest in Timor-Leste as an excuse station troops there to ensure that huge Timorese oil reserves and revenues remain within Australia's control.When the unrest is quelled Australia will ensure that the make of subsequent Timorese governments always remain friendly to Australian energy interest.
Wild Horse of Newbury
29-05-2006 13:05
Posted by Kayla Mccoy on 26/5/06
Eye opening to mankinds destruction on the beautiful and essential earth around us. Also shows that although many people have became out of tune with the earth, the rest of nature hasn't.
Posted by Jo Harrington on 25/5/06
Epona came. *wiping tears*
Posted by Shonna Gariepy on 25/5/06
There are only five stars? This film.....where are the words? They simply don't exist. Wild horses trying to save trees with more majesty by far than any human being. The horses proved their humanity far better than any there holding a chain saw or wearing a bright orange vest. If we don't learn to respect what is in nature, we WILL be forced to succumb to it. This film puts this fact beautifully into focus. The horses....oh the horses........
Posted by JERI FREELS on 25/5/06
just one more example of man's greed and it's effect on the planet's animals, who are forced to share the space with mankind, through no fault of their own.
Bovis Homes Group PLC 'Take Over' Crest Nicholson Evicted Family Fax Invitation!
29-05-2006 10:44
Under John Callcutt, the new CEO of English Partnerships, house builder and property developer, Crest Nicholson Plc, evicted a Family of 7 from their own home. Amid new city speculation of a 'take over', Bovis Homes Plc has been sent an invitation to understand the implications.Brazil: CONLUTAS congress
29-05-2006 09:20
A new setback for the Brazilian and Latin American workers at the hands of the ex-Trotskyist left of the World Social ForumCamp Titnore
29-05-2006 08:51
LATEST news from the new protest camp in Titnore Woods, Durrington, Worthing, West Sussex.Children (Detention Centres) Amendment Bill 2006
29-05-2006 05:30

Latin American Anarchist Journal
29-05-2006 03:54
Incendio Publicacion! - English and EspanolNew Bi-lingual Anarchist Journal focused on Latin America!
Incendio is...
An endeavor that some of us have taken up to increase communication with anarchists in Latin America, network, learn from their struggles, illuminate opportunities for solidarity actions, provide a forum for Latin American anarchists to share ideas and analysis, break down the language barrier, and make support efforts more possible.
28-05-2006 21:07
The endless bloodshed and funerals washing over America is not even being noticed by the average American, and most who do notice turn away and try to forget. This is the price we are paying and the ongoing grief we are experiencing.Loach Irish Civil War Film wins Cannes Palme d`Or : Radio Interview
28-05-2006 20:55

Demonstrate at Communications House
28-05-2006 20:00
In Glasgow, Tyneside, Manchester and elsewhere, regular pickets of immigration reporting centres are ensuring that anyone working or living nearby is made aware that these are places of fear for asylum seekers. However the central London reporting centre at Old Street goes mostly unnoticed