UK Newswire Archive
The real story behind America's war
17-12-2001 12:37
Since 11 September, the "war on terrorism" has provided a pretext for the rich countries, led by the United States, to further their dominance over world affairs. By spreading "fear and respect", as a Washington Post commentator put it, America intends to see off challenges to its uncertain ability to control and manage the "global economy", the euphemism for the progressive seizure of resources and markets by the G8 rich nations.This could be many things... (a muse)
17-12-2001 11:44
It's a statement of intent. It's about how the first inklings of anarchy will, calmly and peacefully, begin to present themselves in our (everyone's) lives. How the revolution doesn't have to be bloody and how some can make a start right now. Starts off with a technical description, then there're a few very generic pictures of how it would work, from micro to macro. Then some answers to possible questions. Please, enjoy.RoboWombles are needed!
17-12-2001 11:05
Police are furious at government plans to change their pay and working conditions, according to a senior officer.Glen Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, told the BBC there was "massive anger" at proposed cuts in overtime pay, sick pay and allowances.
The Trouble With Anarchists (in Washington DC)
17-12-2001 06:37
The Trouble With Anarchists (in Washington DC)Wall St. and the Drug Trade
17-12-2001 03:32
This is not only a call for American to wake up, it is time for people all over this planet to wake up and do so fast.Photo Montage Shannon PEACE protesters confront US Marines
17-12-2001 00:30

RUMBLE on the Runway Shannon Airport Ireland
PEACE Protesters in Runway Invasion 2 arrested IRELAND
Direct Action against American troops in Ireland
The plane in the background has Hundreds of US Marines on there way to WAR
Why Audio & Video Shouldn't Be Allowed In Court
17-12-2001 00:09
Here, this should give you an idea why audio shouldn'tbe allowed in courts, much less video. And that goes
for the "courts of opinion" such as with the USAma Bin Laden video.
Dealing with newswire abuse
16-12-2001 23:45
Newswire abuse is a problem at nearly every IMC. How do we deal with this?29 Pentagon officers eliminated - Could it be true?
16-12-2001 21:35
12-14-01 I received notice this morning that these FEW men who are trying to betray us are 29 officers in top positions at the Pentagon. 12-15-01 My top TRUE White Knight sources tell me they are ON MISSIONS to get rid of these traitors and to get our prosperity deliveries and NESARA doneIMMEDIATELY! 12-16-01 Friday, the 29 Pentagon officers got what they deserved for trying to stand in the way of our deliveries and NESARA. They were "totally eliminated" and the locations of their deaths were terrible sights to behold, I'm toldBush Slip Reveals Total 9.11 Complicity
16-12-2001 21:05
Bush Slip Reveals Total 9.11 Complicity --Says Saw Film of FIRST Attack on WTC:
Israel's Slaughterhouse Party: United Nations not invited (cartoon by Latuff)
16-12-2001 20:14

(copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff)
Article from the Examiner
16-12-2001 19:47

Back from Bruxxels
16-12-2001 19:34

Le Samedi a BRuXXXels au Rhythms de Resistance
16-12-2001 19:12
The best day of the three! Read all about it here.Video of Brussels 14th demo
16-12-2001 16:42
In a large colourful demo the “old left” speaks out with a renewed voice.More Pictures of Irish Anti War Movement at Shannon
16-12-2001 14:20

16-12-2001 14:17

Audio report from SHANNON anti WAR protest IRELAND
16-12-2001 14:07
AUDIO Windows audio filePEACE Protesters in Runway Invasion. 2 arrested IRELAND
The Irish anti War Movement has been protesting because American War planes are using Shannon Airport to refuel.
PiCTURE PEACE Protesters in Runway Invasion 2 arrested IRELAND
16-12-2001 14:04

PEACE Protesters in Runway Invasion. 2 arrested IRELAND
The festive atmosphere (singing dancing and music) was shattered by the arrival of hundreds of American trained killers (Marines) marching through Neutral Ireland on there way to War in Afghanistan
picture RUMBLE on the Runway Shannon Airport Ireland
16-12-2001 14:00

PEACE Protesters in Runway Invasion 2 arrested Protesters had a minute silence for the dead in America and Afghanistan. The Irish anti War Movement has been protesting because American War planes are using Shannon Airport to refuel.