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RoboWombles are needed!

Paxman | 17.12.2001 11:05

Police are furious at government plans to change their pay and working conditions, according to a senior officer.
Glen Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, told the BBC there was "massive anger" at proposed cuts in overtime pay, sick pay and allowances.

For those who haven't read this page - do so now and realise the potential that this offers us!! When the police rally on the streets - maybe we could surround them, hem them into sidestreets and make them stay there for 5 hours and then let them go one-by-one throught OUR checkpoints, asking them to reveal their t-shirts and to be Section 60'd on their way thro!! Or alternatively - we should get out here and support them and maybe they'll realise the irony of their position and hopefully - Rank and File coppers will temper their physical tendencies towards us if we support them in their hour of need. I back the second idea - I think it's a perfect idea to test the old bill's mettle when it comes to differing with the Phoney McBlair and Mr Blind-Kit - What do we think?

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Display the following 6 comments

  1. Education not Alienation is always teh best p — gnome11
  2. Y not — anarchoteapot
  3. Why not — anarchoteapot
  4. my opinion — jimmer
  5. Choice? — Paxman
  6. Chill the Bill — Prole