UK Newswire Archive
Kill Faster...
20-05-2004 12:41
The media weren't reporting. They were taking sides. With our enemies. And our enemies won. Because, under media assault, we lost our will to fight on.During the combat operations, al-Jazeera constantly aired trumped-up footage and insisted that U.S. Marines were destroying Fallujah and purposely targeting women and children, causing hundreds of innocent casualties as part of an American crusade against Arabs.
It was entirely untrue. But the truth didn't matter. Al-Jazeera told a receptive audience what it wanted to believe. Oh, and the "Arab CNN" immediately followed the Fallujah clips with video of Israeli "atrocities." Connecting the dots was easy for those nurtured on hatred.
Chalabi? what gives?
20-05-2004 12:18
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. military personnel and Iraqi police have raided the compound of the Iraqi National Congress and the nearby home of Iraqi Governing Council member Ahmed Chalabi.Chalabi's nephew, Salim Chalabi, said the forces entered his uncle's home, put a gun to Chalabi's head and threatened him.
Interview with an Iraqi Barrister
20-05-2004 12:02

Russian scientists threaten Kyoto Treaty.
20-05-2004 12:01
Russian scientists report threatens Kyoto ratification.Farnborough International 2004
20-05-2004 11:18
The United Nations say that 90% of war-victims are civilians and at least half of these childern. Ironic then that Farnborough International 2004 should be using childern to foster acceptance of weapons systems at its 'air show' this year (Monday July 19 - Sunday July 25).Assaults by "Peace and Justice" against Zapatistas in Tila Denounced.
20-05-2004 10:55
San Cristóbol de Las Casa, Chis. April 26. The Good Government Junta (JBG) "Semilla que va a Producir"in the northern zone, informed today about an assault against Zapatista support bases by members of the "Peace and Justice" organization in the Tiutzol ejido [common land] (Tila township). Now the effected indigenous people find themselves displaced, although the details of their situation are unknown.Pagan Choir Follow in Ancient Footsteps
20-05-2004 10:53
It may seem like an unlikely claim, but London's "Harmonic Concordance" are billed as the UK's only pagan choir.Latest from the Council on Platt Fields er.. Car Park
20-05-2004 10:47
I've been trying to add this as a comment but it ain't working so i'll try it here instead which makes no sense probably but maybe the server will be fooled into co-operation by my devious tactics - these things are alive u'know :)Monday May 24th - Demo in Support of Iraqi Journalist Jailed in Abu Ghraib
20-05-2004 09:59
The London Freelance Branch of the NUJ is calling a demo at the AmericanEmbassy 11am-1pm monday May 24th. The focus of our demo is Iraqi journalist
Junis Kuthair who has been in Abu Ghraib prison since september 2003.
No reason was given for his arrest though we are fairly sure that the US
forces were unhappy about him interviewing Iraqi cops who were wounded by
US soldiers in Falluja. We also want to highlight the general repression of
the Arab media in Iraq.
So please come down, bring banners and imagination, all welcome
Amnesty International Rafah Update and Plea to All Communities
20-05-2004 02:29
Israeli military demolishes homes and kills civilians.US Tax dollars is being spent creating more refugees, more violence.
Foreign Aid to Israel is Aid in Ethnic Cleansing.
Here we go again - BNP get more free promotion...
20-05-2004 00:08
Here we go again, recently Le Pen visited Manchester and the Anti-Fascists held a protest, thus helping turn a secret visit into a photo opportunity and media event.Report of Latest ESF Organising Committee, May 16th@LSE
19-05-2004 23:15
Dear IndyfolksSunday May 16th saw the latest Organising Committee meeting of the ESF2004UK process. It was eventful to say the least.
Chomsky on Social Forum
19-05-2004 21:32
Noam Chomsky, author, linguist, university professor and politicalactivist joined the Another World is Possible! Network in Budapest,
for an afternoon of discussion ranging from the war in Iraq, social
movements, the media and the corporate agenda, to consumerism as a tool of
social control. The video of the debate can be downloaded in english from
Father of beheaded Nick Berg sends message of support to Stop War Coalition
19-05-2004 19:11
The father of Nick Berg - the US civilian beheaded in Iraq - has sent a message of support to the Stop the War Coalition.Michael Berg contacted the coalition to offer his backing after it sent him a letter of sympathy.
We are the People: Underage and Longing for Leaders
19-05-2004 17:39
"Now and then persons at the top of our political pyramids have a screw loose somewhere. George Hitler alias Adolf Bush appealing to God is the best example.. Can this continue for ever? Will idiots in power breed idiots who defend their idiotologies? I don't believe so. Rather new concepts will arise in the future.. Perhaps new ideas and new systematics will set programs instead of persons in the foreground.."The Oxford based social centre OCSET has been re-born in a beautiful location
19-05-2004 16:48

Gentleman's club needs your support!
19-05-2004 16:21
Millions of hard working businessmen have found much needed relief from the daily stresses of their involvment with capitalism (and a wife that doesn't understand them!) at Spearmint Rhino around the world... but Sheffield's infamous Gentleman's Club located in the city centre made an application for renewal of its entertainment licence ("dancing" etc.) on 5th May 2004.