Latest from the Council on Platt Fields er.. Car Park
heather | 20.05.2004 10:47
I've been trying to add this as a comment but it ain't working so i'll try it here instead which makes no sense probably but maybe the server will be fooled into co-operation by my devious tactics - these things are alive u'know :)
Dear all at Manchester IMC
I am writing to let you know what Councillor Lynne Williams and I, both
elected to represent Rusholme ward, are doing to oppose the proposed Car
Park for the Platt Lane side of Platt Fields Car Park.
We are both horrified by these plans. We were not consulted by the Council
before they gave permission for the park to be used. Platt Fields is our
local park. This park is the "Green Lung" or "Community Garden" of this
part of Rusholme and it is crucial that it be protected from the advance of
concrete and tar. Most of us around here live in densely-packed terraced
housing and the park is the only garden we've got.
It would involve:
- some tree felling
- hundreds of extra cars in our area every day
- 2.1 metre mesh fencing
- 6 metre lighting columns
- 416 spaces
- bus turning circle
I was sent a copy of the plans by the Council on May 11th, at the same time
as other local residents received consultation letters, and I studied the
plans carefully over the weekend. I have also spoken at length to the
Parks Manager and to the Chair of the Friends of Platt Fields. We have
since been liaising with members of the South Rusholme Residents'
Association, who have acted with commendable haste to leaflet the area.
I can honestly say that in my four years as a Rusholme Councillor, no issue
has raised so much heat and anger. I have had e-mails, phone-calls and
angry callers at my door. No doubt letters will follow.
One of the worst things is that the applicant ( the local Health Authority
) is applying for temporary permission for two years. Yet the Council's
parks management have already said the only reason they are giving
permission for the park to be used is so they can take it over permanently
In fact the Council's planners only found out it was planned to be
permanent this week - when I rang them and told them!
I have asked for all consultation letters, which state that the car park
would be "temporary", to be re-issued giving the correct facts. However,
the City Council have refused to do this.
We believe that it is misleading for the applicant to apply for "temporary"
planning permission when they know that the only reason the Council are
backing it is so that it can permanently take over the car park in two
So what have we done this week? -
1) Councillor Lynne Williams and I issued a press release yesterday to
highlight the issue to the people of Manchester, rather than only those
local residents leafletted by the admirable South Rusholme Residents'
Association. This work may bear fruit tomorrow, as the Manchester Evening
News are interested. I met this week with their reporter and gave him copy
of a map of the proposed car park. Hopefully the whole city or region will
know soon.
2) I have put a large banner saying "No Car Park in Our Park" in my house
window. I can see the park and the corner of the site of the proposed Car
Park through this window.
3) We have prepared letters with a map to go out to residents this week
alerting them and stating our opposition to the plans for any number of
sound planning reasons.
This is our local park and we aim to protect it. Both Cllr Williams and I
live on streets within sight of the proposed Car Park. We are doing and
will do everything in our power to stop this unwanted development. I have
helped other Rusholme residents overturn at Planning Committee two
inappropriate Rusholme planning applications in the last six months that
were recommended for "approval", so I am happy to help or advise the
Residents' Association or individual objectors in any way I can about the
best way to tackle the planning process.
Incidentally Platt Fields Park is actually in the Fallowfield Council Ward,
but to all intents and purposes it will be Rusholme residents most affected
by this proposal if it went ahead. Also the relevant MP is Gerald Kaufman
not Tony Lloyd.
Finally, I don't think your correspondent on the relevent thread is being
fair when they write "Target these f*ck*rs" on a posting earlier today,
referring to local Councillors. We represent the Rusholme people who
elected both of us so we are as angry as everyone else on this issue. We
should all be mature enough to work together to defeat this absurd plan,
and set aside whatever political or philosophical differences we may have.
Councillors Paul Shannon and Lynne Williams, Rusholme Ward, Liberal
Councillor Paul Shannon
Liberal Democrat, Rusholme Ward
20 Lowestoft Street
Manchester M14 7PU
0161 6139362 ( home )
0161 2343002 ( Town Hall )
0161 2343296 ( Fax )
I am writing to let you know what Councillor Lynne Williams and I, both
elected to represent Rusholme ward, are doing to oppose the proposed Car
Park for the Platt Lane side of Platt Fields Car Park.
We are both horrified by these plans. We were not consulted by the Council
before they gave permission for the park to be used. Platt Fields is our
local park. This park is the "Green Lung" or "Community Garden" of this
part of Rusholme and it is crucial that it be protected from the advance of
concrete and tar. Most of us around here live in densely-packed terraced
housing and the park is the only garden we've got.
It would involve:
- some tree felling
- hundreds of extra cars in our area every day
- 2.1 metre mesh fencing
- 6 metre lighting columns
- 416 spaces
- bus turning circle
I was sent a copy of the plans by the Council on May 11th, at the same time
as other local residents received consultation letters, and I studied the
plans carefully over the weekend. I have also spoken at length to the
Parks Manager and to the Chair of the Friends of Platt Fields. We have
since been liaising with members of the South Rusholme Residents'
Association, who have acted with commendable haste to leaflet the area.
I can honestly say that in my four years as a Rusholme Councillor, no issue
has raised so much heat and anger. I have had e-mails, phone-calls and
angry callers at my door. No doubt letters will follow.
One of the worst things is that the applicant ( the local Health Authority
) is applying for temporary permission for two years. Yet the Council's
parks management have already said the only reason they are giving
permission for the park to be used is so they can take it over permanently
In fact the Council's planners only found out it was planned to be
permanent this week - when I rang them and told them!
I have asked for all consultation letters, which state that the car park
would be "temporary", to be re-issued giving the correct facts. However,
the City Council have refused to do this.
We believe that it is misleading for the applicant to apply for "temporary"
planning permission when they know that the only reason the Council are
backing it is so that it can permanently take over the car park in two
So what have we done this week? -
1) Councillor Lynne Williams and I issued a press release yesterday to
highlight the issue to the people of Manchester, rather than only those
local residents leafletted by the admirable South Rusholme Residents'
Association. This work may bear fruit tomorrow, as the Manchester Evening
News are interested. I met this week with their reporter and gave him copy
of a map of the proposed car park. Hopefully the whole city or region will
know soon.
2) I have put a large banner saying "No Car Park in Our Park" in my house
window. I can see the park and the corner of the site of the proposed Car
Park through this window.
3) We have prepared letters with a map to go out to residents this week
alerting them and stating our opposition to the plans for any number of
sound planning reasons.
This is our local park and we aim to protect it. Both Cllr Williams and I
live on streets within sight of the proposed Car Park. We are doing and
will do everything in our power to stop this unwanted development. I have
helped other Rusholme residents overturn at Planning Committee two
inappropriate Rusholme planning applications in the last six months that
were recommended for "approval", so I am happy to help or advise the
Residents' Association or individual objectors in any way I can about the
best way to tackle the planning process.
Incidentally Platt Fields Park is actually in the Fallowfield Council Ward,
but to all intents and purposes it will be Rusholme residents most affected
by this proposal if it went ahead. Also the relevant MP is Gerald Kaufman
not Tony Lloyd.
Finally, I don't think your correspondent on the relevent thread is being
fair when they write "Target these f*ck*rs" on a posting earlier today,
referring to local Councillors. We represent the Rusholme people who
elected both of us so we are as angry as everyone else on this issue. We
should all be mature enough to work together to defeat this absurd plan,
and set aside whatever political or philosophical differences we may have.
Councillors Paul Shannon and Lynne Williams, Rusholme Ward, Liberal
Councillor Paul Shannon
Liberal Democrat, Rusholme Ward
20 Lowestoft Street
Manchester M14 7PU
0161 6139362 ( home )
0161 2343002 ( Town Hall )
0161 2343296 ( Fax )
