UK Newswire Archive
New Report Challenges Basic Assumptions About Climate Change
21-05-2007 12:44

Local Travel Around The G8, Practical Info
21-05-2007 11:46
Many people going to Germany next week (and there seem to be many, really ) were concerned about how to travel between camps and other locations in the area. There seem to be an easy answer fro that now:Earth First! summer gathering - 18-22 July - flyer downloadable/website updated
21-05-2007 11:40

* Are you fed up with bare-faced lies from politicians, big business and the media?
* Have you had enough of a world where corporate profit comes before life and dignity?
* Do you want to see an end to mindless consumption>
* Then this Gathering is for you! Read on...
London G8 meeting notes
21-05-2007 11:37
On Thurs 17th May we had a G8 preparation meeting in London. Here be the notes therefrom.School biometrics in the City and Notts
21-05-2007 11:05
A recent article in the local rag contained the news that Big Wood School will be employing retina scans for class registration. Here's the latest on what schools are and aren't doing with biometrics in the region.Sheffield Food Not Bombs/Wobblies @ Starbucks, City Centre
21-05-2007 09:44

A Talk on Life in Palestine
21-05-2007 09:13
A talk on life in Palestine on Tuesday 22nd May at 7.30 pmChina and USA in New Cold War over Africa’s Oil Riches
21-05-2007 08:11
The present concern of the current Washington Administration over Darfur in southern Sudan is not, if we were to look closely, genuine concern over genocide against the peoples in that poorest of poor part of a forsaken section of Africa.No. “It’s the oil, stupid.”
Hereby hangs a tale of cynical dimension appropriate to a Washington Administration that has shown no regard for its own genocide in Iraq, when its control over major oil reserves is involved. What’s at stake in the battle for Darfur? Control over oil, lots and lots of oil.
21-05-2007 08:08

Contact Andrew Beckett or Sarah Johnson For more
Email -
AIR GUANTANAMO comes to London
21-05-2007 07:43
The Save Omar Campaign (Brighton) will be joining the LGC at its weekly demo outside the US Embassy and performing their street theatre piece "Air Guantanamo!"Germany: Fire, stones, paint, and banner drops in the run-up to G8
21-05-2007 07:37
What happened in the last two weeks:full list on:

Malmö: 300 on Street party against the G8
21-05-2007 07:34
May 21, 2007Indymedia Germany
Saturday, May 19 three hundred young people took over the centrally located spot Triangeln and placed a great party right in front of shopping avenues and luxurious hotels. Hip hop acts with local bands from Rosengård (a part of the city which has the most poor of which the big share are immigrants) was mixed with mobilising speeches about the G8-meeting. Participants from Mexico, Germany, and the USA, who stopped in Malmö on their way to Rostock, used the microphone to announce why everyone should go to Germany in the beginning of june to block the meeting.
Australia: Police-state measures for APEC summit in Sydney
21-05-2007 06:55

Defending Labor Rights in Haiti
21-05-2007 06:13
New legislation in Washington D.C., under the acronym H.O.P.E. – short for “ the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act,” has the goal of promoting the garment industry in Haiti. But the legislation falls noticeably short in protecting labor rights or promoting long-term sustainable economic development that will benefit the poor as well as the rich.Australia: 'Howard's Wood' - picket at Crown Casino
21-05-2007 01:56

Australia: Poll shows 'mood for change'
21-05-2007 01:04

The Great Global Action
20-05-2007 23:55

Australia: 1 in 8 kids exposed to INDULGENCE: study?
20-05-2007 23:15

Wrexham Women Remember the Dead
20-05-2007 22:11

held a 'funeral procession', carrying coffins and a peace flag through
Wrexham town centre on Saturday in memory of those whose lives have been
lost in conflict worldwide.