UK Newswire Archive
Swansea Protest at Israeli bombing of Lebanon
03-08-2006 21:17

Solidarity with Prison Guards! Solidarity with Class War Prisoners!
03-08-2006 20:57

Orwellian Eye-in-the-Sky Gets Orwellian Fanfare in Liverpool Echo
03-08-2006 20:35

Sheffield Hands off Lebanon Protest Photos
03-08-2006 19:15

Appello per una mobilitazione antirazzista a Lampedusa il 9 e 10 sette
03-08-2006 18:56
La Sicilia è diventata negli ultimi anni la frontiera Sud dell’Europa e Lampedusa è il suo avamposto. Il tentativo di mascherare l’inarrestabile fenomeno politico-sociale delle migrazioni come un problema di ordine pubblico da contrastare, con la crescente militarizzazione delle frontiere e provvedimenti di polizia, ha prodotto soltanto l’istituzione di nuove forme di apartheid.Transport from Swindon to Lebanon demo, London, this Saturday
03-08-2006 18:51

Two Arrested for Publicising Britain’s Terror Weapons
03-08-2006 17:27

G8 Trials continue in US from 2005 protest
03-08-2006 17:25
On july 8, 2005 while the G8 was meeting in Scotland a demonstration was held in San Francisco. Now one defendant is to go on trial while another sits in jail for refusing to turn over video footage.Doomsday Global Warming: Fact-Sheet / What To Do?
03-08-2006 16:00
Drastic and tragic Climate Change is well underway, and will worsen unto Doomsday if we do not take drastic measures to stop its progress. Energy conservation is at best stopgap. The development of Green (clean, renewable, cheap) energy sources is indispensable. This has never been a particularly difficult technical problem. The Problem has been primarily political, necessitating a crucial political change --- Polluters' Power overridden by People's Power.Take economic action against Israel and its Imperial supporters!
03-08-2006 15:39
Israel gets tremendous funding/support from Christian fundamentalists in the U.S.Angela Patterson, Back in the Wars
03-08-2006 15:29

detention and the fight to save her life commenced. Some of you will
remember (NCADC Bulletin: Save Angela Maria Patterson 31/10/2005) that she was blinded and shot in Jamaica, attacked in Birmingham and assaulted
at Heathrow airport when she resisted removal.
Full article | 4 additions | 74 comments
The Northern Green Gathering and the British National Party
03-08-2006 14:23
Get your dates right or you'll be bedding down with some very strange bedfellows.Israel started it!
03-08-2006 13:32
Israel must accept blame for latest conflict with Hizbullah.The US lost an important country today
03-08-2006 12:51
The 'Project for a New American Century' is sinking so fast that only the blood besmirched American flag is still visible above the ruins, the genocides, cemeteries and globally growing waves of intense contempt. Within six years the US management and its war machine has been unveiled: the blood of it's victims has definitely washed away the façade.Hizballah: A Primer
03-08-2006 12:44
Hizballah, the Lebanese Shi‘i movement whose militia is fighting the Israeli army in south Lebanon, has been cast misleadingly in much media coverage of the ongoing war. Much more than a militia, the movement is also a political party that is a powerful actor in Lebanese politics and a provider of important social services. Not a creature of Iranian and Syrian sponsorship, Hizballah arose to battle Israel’s occupation of south Lebanon from 1982-2000 and, more broadly, to advocate for Lebanon’s historically disenfranchised Shi‘i Muslim community. While it has many political opponents in Lebanon, Hizballah is very much of Lebanon -- a fact that Israel’s military campaign is highlighting.
Israel's True Goal
03-08-2006 11:57
Less than three months after its formation, the Olmert-Peretz government succeeded in hurling Israel into a two-front war whose goals are unrealistic and whose results are unforeseeable.. When the weapons speak, the muses fall silent. When the cannons roar, the brain stops functioning.Scottish Socialist Party upholds interests of Scottish business
03-08-2006 11:19
Scottish nationalism is not a left-wing or anti-imperialist movement, as the SSP maintains. It first emerged as a significant political force only in the late 1960s as a response amongst sections of academia, business and the middle class to their own social concerns.Online Activism is the future!!!
03-08-2006 10:56
I need your help to show the world how effective the online activist community is!!!Rachel Corrie's Memory Hijacked On MySpace
03-08-2006 10:14
A 'Rachel Corrie' page set up on MySpace falls a long way short of what her memory deserves.Robin Archer conned the mug Council
03-08-2006 09:41
FORMER Culture Company director Robyn Archer worked in Liverpool for just four months in nearly two years that she was employed in the £150,000 role.