UK Newswire Archive
Tel Aviv sur Seine/Promotion of the bloody Israeli occupation in Palestine
15-08-2015 20:57
Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipalgovernment, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order in order to promote Israel. No promotion
of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´
bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.
BLACK SKIN, WHITE FATIGUES Opposing Imperialist Army Recruitment
14-08-2015 21:01

UG#713 - The Deep State in Western Europe, 1972-1986 (The Vicious Cercle...)
13-08-2015 18:50

John Pilger at Edinburgh Festival Fringe `Power and Propaganda`
13-08-2015 15:01

(A-Radio) Interview: Week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners August 2015
12-08-2015 14:46
In the following interview we talk about the "Week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners", who is promoting it and what it is about. For security reasons, this interview has been re-recorded using our own voices.Cleaning up Nazi/Anti-semitic graffiti in Newcaste Upon Tyne
10-08-2015 17:00

Tarnac case - terrorism charges are dropped
10-08-2015 15:10

Launch of new research project on gendered harms in UK activist communities.
10-08-2015 12:08

DSEI - Day of Action. Details for the day
10-08-2015 11:57
On Saturday 12th Sept, take part in a big day of action to challenge the arms fair on the weekend before the arms fair begins.This fun and accessible action will be the culmination of a week of action in the run up to the arms fair to make it as difficult as possible for it to go ahead. Exhibition equipment and military hardware will be rolling (or sailing) into ExCeL – let’s stop it getting to its destination!
The unknown soldiers of the strange war
10-08-2015 07:53

Swedish veterans of the war in Donbass have confirmed the participation of officers from the EU and NATO member states in war hostilities in eastern Ukraine
Is there anything in the world worse than war? It may be only the sort of war where the truth is sacrificed to fit propagandistic agenda of the opposing sides. This is exactly the case with the present conflict in Ukraine Amid lack of information the words of the direct eyewitnesses to the events, right from the spot, are only welcomed, just like those revelations of the Swedish participants of fighting in Donbass.
Sadly enough, substantial part of the forum reports has been subject to censorship as the stuff mostly contradicting the official version of the events in Ukraine. The general line of this censorship may be easily defined from the numerous pro-Ukrainian comments (with the wide use of Cyrillic symbols in them), actually giving a lead in discussions. Some exempted stuff was preserved in the Google cache, something failed to come through indexation and was lost. Still, the level of western countries’ involvement in the civil war in Ukraine is being visibly restored now.

The key moment in the discussion is the factual acknowledgement of the fact that some commissioned officers and secret services’ staffers from European countries are available now in the Ukrainian volunteer units.
Ireland and the Privatization of Water
09-08-2015 16:16
Anti-Water Charge Campaigners’ VictoryAnti-water charge campaigners had a major moral victory over government plans to make the people pay for the financial crisis when Eurostat determined that Irish Water had failed the Market Corporation Test.[1]
Concerns over the safety of missing Sussex whistleblower
08-08-2015 18:58
East Sussex Social Services Concerns over the safety of missing Elderly Abuse Victim East Sussex Social Services missing since 22 MayDavid “JOE” Neilson
ACTION: Close the Ripper Museum - Weds 12th August 6pm
08-08-2015 18:01

Gweithredu yn erbyn yr Heddlu yn yr Eisteddfod / Action Against Police Brutality
08-08-2015 10:36

Radical Anthropology London talks: Chris Knight, Camilla Power, David Graeber, C
07-08-2015 18:53

An Introduction to Human Origins
Tuesdays, 6.45–9.00pm
Blairite Burnham increased suicides
07-08-2015 17:16
Burnham is probably the strongest of the three Blairite candidates vying for the Labour Leadership. As a Health Minister in 2007 he ordered that people with serious long-term mental health problems be abandoned to suffer and die. New research has been published into the suicide rate of the mentally ill. This show he increased suicides among middle-aged men, 45-54 years old, being treated in the community in England, by a whopping 73%.UG#712 - Facing The Failing Culture Of Control - 5 (Deep State Control Freakery)
07-08-2015 15:16

(A-Radio) Interview: Capitalism and the changes in the UK legal aid system
07-08-2015 14:25
In the following interview the Anarchist Radio Berlin ( made with an UK-based prisoner support activist, we talk about recent changes in judicial law, especially concerning legal aids and the introduction of so-called "court costs", showing clearly an ever more class-based judicial system.CURO Housing criticised by Housing Ombudsman over asbestos complaint records
07-08-2015 09:21
"The Curo Group suggested you might want to pursue a legal claim through its insurers, rather than identify liability through its complaints procedure, If you are of the view that the Curo Group was liable for exposing your family to asbestos."...