UK Newswire Archive
9/11: Time for a Second Look by Prof. David Ray Griffin
04-04-2009 12:22

Ian Tomlinson Wife Make an appeal for Information.
04-04-2009 11:04
Ian Tomlinson Wife Make an appeal for Information the widow of the man lead on today for her partner who she said “died for the crimes of capitalism.”In a statement made on behalf of the dead man's wife, witnesses were urged to come forward and give statements to expose “the failures of both the police and members of the media in the accurate reporting of yesterdays incident.”
Over 150 people have turned up to Support the Occupied Factory in Enfield
04-04-2009 10:10
Update 11am: In response to the request for solidarity, over 150 people have already turned up at the occupied factory in Enfield. There are around another 100 people inside the factory composed of workers.G20- Circled and Shaken Down During the 2nd. Sorrowful Mystery
04-04-2009 08:39
Sometime during the second decade of the sorrowful mysteries, I had a sense we were not alone. Martin, Katrina and I were sat alone in a small East London park facing the Excel Centre where the G20 of the most powerful government leaders were gathered to rearrange deckchairs on their sinking ship.Dialect - Moves to stop arms sales to Israel - Palestinian journo. Iqbal Tamimi
04-04-2009 01:22

BNP's Lie Lorry comes to Lancaster (but not for long)
04-04-2009 00:18
(Reader report)Full article | 1 addition | 15 comments
17 year old RBS girl is released on bail
04-04-2009 00:09
The girl arrested at the RBS has support of friends.Obama and the 6th anniversary of Iraq War (by Latuff)
04-04-2009 00:02

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G20 report from veganarchists
03-04-2009 23:21
Communiqué from some veganarchists on the G20 riots and resistance:5 minute video of G20 Meltdown
03-04-2009 23:10
Following the Red Horse march to the Bank of England, scuffles and minor confrontation with police.Solidarity with Enfield factory occupation (photos) !
03-04-2009 22:51

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School Occupied
03-04-2009 22:08
Glasgow Primary school occupiedBungalow Explosion: Another Side To The Story.
03-04-2009 21:47
I knew Mr.Donald (aka Derek) Joyce, the man who decided to blow up himself and the bungalow he lived in when he knew that Bailiffs were being sent around to evict him.I am posting this story here so that the truth of it can start to
ripple out across Cambridgeshire, and I hope that questions will be
asked in the wider community as to why this tragedy occurred, why
nothing was done sooner to deal with what was essentally a very simple
problem to solve.
London: Saturday April 4th - against cops, bosses and fascists
03-04-2009 21:03
Three demos/actions in London - lets get as many people as possible onto the streets/factories as possible - against cops, bosses and fascists!Private Prisons as Stimulus
03-04-2009 20:27
Cities and towns from coast to coast are struggling to stay afloat in this recession and they're grasping for any new industry that will move to town - including one that profits from locking up immigrants, private prisons. It's sad that the warehousing of immigrants is one of few stable industries in the United States today, but it'll stay that way as long a cycle of profit surrounds our immigration policy.So much is lost with the news-wire
03-04-2009 19:49
So much opportunity to comment and discuss issues are lost because of the daily scrolling newswire on the right-hand side of the site.The Strasborg begining. Pictures
03-04-2009 19:45

anti-NATO campaigners clashed with police -Strasbourg - pics
03-04-2009 18:54

anti-NATO campaigners clashed with police -Strasbourg - pics
03-04-2009 18:47

ITV embedded camera & TASERS
03-04-2009 18:44
MEDIA, POLICE and FIT working together for repression and liars ////MARCH ON SATURDAY