UK Newswire Archive
Interview with Aleida Guevara March (daughter of Che Guevara)
19-10-2003 21:35
Aleida Guevara March, daughter of Ernesto Che Guevara, and Irma, daughter of imprisoned René González, have just completed a tour of 11 Canadian cities between September 26 and October 12. They were invited by the combined Canadian solidarity with Cuba movement with the main objective of informing the Canadian public about the case of the Five Cubans who are incarcerated in the United States after a flawed trial in a Miami court.Stop Bush - Bus Stop subvert idea
19-10-2003 21:32

Cardiff activists imprisoned following anti-McDonald's protest
19-10-2003 15:57
Cardiff police admitted in court to beating Val Swain while she was handcuffed. The judge then sent her and a fellow protester to prison despite the fact that neither have any previous convictions and represent no threat to any member of the public.Panoramic Overhead Stills of Manchester Camp X-ray
19-10-2003 14:03

Report on Condition of Working Class in Iraq
19-10-2003 12:12
Dodgy unions, ex-Baathist fascist bosses, spies monitoring the new ministries in Iraq and machine gun armed picket lines.Global Monument of Akropolis Greece IN DANGER
19-10-2003 10:54

A request for the Marbles of Parthenon was made to Blair by Simitis due to incoming elections! A giant museum 32m high and 10 acres on base is illegaly under construction in Archaeological site with the excuse to host the marbles while they can be return back on the monument. A recearch will help to find out what is correct and you may give your opinion at:
Cleaning up the city - Part 2
19-10-2003 02:03
Liverpool City Council flyposting ban!Cleaning up the city - Part 1
19-10-2003 02:00

do summat...
18-10-2003 23:00

Federal judge seals records alleging FBI's involvement in international spy bus
18-10-2003 22:24
A judge in federal court in Sacramento has issued an order sealing previously public court documents in a sensational case that involves a former FBI agent who claims he worked as an international spy for the Bureau.Bolivia: Statement from the Mujeres Creanda
18-10-2003 19:56
Since the beginning of the unrest in the city of El Alto on Wednesday 8th, Mujeres Creando as a movement decided to join in the fight and mobilization in the streets, without any self-promotion either by the group or its members, united shoulder to shoulder with the people.Ordinary Iraqis Among Guerrilla Movement
18-10-2003 15:19
Despite U.S. insistence on publicly focusing the scope of Iraq's guerrilla movement on Saddam Hussein loyalists and foreign militants, organized Iraqi civilians also participate in the violent resistance to the U.S.-led occupationOil Workers Union in Daurra, Baghdad is Fake
18-10-2003 14:11
There are many ex- high ranking Baathist initiated struggle absorbant unions popping up all over Iraq that need to be scrutinised. Many are not authentic expressions of worker solidarity or struggle..Glasgow Autonomous Project
18-10-2003 13:39
Glasgow Autonomous Project will be meeting up and screening Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine at the Halt Bar (lounge) Woodlands Rd Glasgow, at 8pm on Monday 20th November.IMC related article on Slashdot
18-10-2003 13:10
Can someone sort out this Tom/Thomas J menace please.IMC can do more helpful things than getting involved in crap like this.
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Undercurrrents video activism workshop in Manchester
18-10-2003 12:40
Unde4rcurrents video collective is holding a video activism training workshop in Manchester this week....