UK Newswire Archive
'Caminos De Resistencia' film festival
09-02-2005 12:29

'Caminos De Resistencia(Paths Of Resistance)' a Latin America film festival in London
Campaign Against Prison Slavery Picket Of Leeds Wilkinson's
09-02-2005 11:02
Next CAPS picket in Leeds.Week of action against Iraq Plunder
09-02-2005 09:00

09-02-2005 02:21

Phone action: EDO/MBM
09-02-2005 00:35
A little bird tells me that Wednesday 9th February is phone EDO/MBM day. Thats EDO/MBM, manufacturers of bomb release mechanisms, on 01273 8105007 Feb – Bristol Stop the war...or election rally?
09-02-2005 00:16
Further to your previous newswire report at
The turnout of 700+ was amazing, and testament to BSTW's ongoing independence and hard campaigning work. However, a lot of people were drawn to see their old MP Benn, and will they have been motivated to do anything else after this meeting?
The 635 Group - Fighting Fascism In West Yorkshire
09-02-2005 00:00
West Yorkshire's militant anti-fascist group and Antifa's Northern section go public:G8: Summat for the Summit
08-02-2005 19:00
The G8-summit is coming to Britain in July. This is going to be a big event. We need to organise now.Shakedown*05
08-02-2005 18:46

Palestine Action Workhop next Monday - Brighton
08-02-2005 18:44
Monday Febuary 14th - Palestine Action Workshop. 7.30pm at the Clermont Room, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton.Smash EDO Campaign Day this Saturday
08-02-2005 18:34
Brighton Quakers and Smash EDO have been working together to bring you a campaign day at the Friends Meeting House on Ship St on Saturday 12 Febuary from 12 noonALL WELCOME
February 15th - alternative to StWC action
08-02-2005 16:53

Now more than ever we need that spirit back.
Canadian Government Seek to Overturn Global Moritorium on Terminator Technology
08-02-2005 16:31
Canadian government seek to overturn global moritorium on commercialisation of GM sterile seed AKA Terminator TechnologySeedy Sunday Brighton 2005
08-02-2005 15:38
Seedy Sunday held their fourth community seed swap at The Old Market in Hove on Sunday 6 February, just in time for gardeners to get their fresh seed in for the new growing season.EU software patent directive postponed
08-02-2005 15:35
Following a lack of support from the Polish government, the EU software patent directive has now been postponed - the struggle for the right to develop free software continues...'Yes Men' Film Preview + Q&A Tour - dates and info
08-02-2005 15:02

These, you may remember, are the same folks who pulled the fake union carbide / Dow Chemicals spokesperson interviews on BBC TV when they apologised for the Bhopal disaster and said they would pay compensation.
Snow, Alcohol and Brothels in Afghanistan
08-02-2005 15:01

Propaganda And The BBC
08-02-2005 14:34
A detailed analysis of some of the politics of BBC reporting, using Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman's book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media as an analytical tool.ESF Trial this friday
08-02-2005 13:44
This friday is the trial of an italian activist arrested & charged during the ESF in London in October. He is charged with:1. assaulting police (Section 89(1) Police Act 1996)
Bow Street Magistrates Court, 28 Bow Street, London WC2E 7AS (nearest tube: Covent Garden) 10am start