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UkUncut Vodafone Tax Evasion Protest

29-10-2010 13:22

Vodafone have reached an agreement with HMRC to avoid paying a massive £6bn tax bill. This would be enough money to pay for almost all the welfare cuts proposed by the Government. This week there was a sit in protest in Vodafone's flagship store in Oxford Street. Tomorrow there are similar protests happening around the country. There isn't one organised for Bristol, do we want to organise one?
Vodafone have reached an agreement with HMRC to avoid paying a massive £6bn tax bill. This would be enough money to pay for almost all the welfare cuts proposed by the Government. This week there was a sit in protest in Vodafone's flagship store in Oxford Street. Tomorrow there are similar protests happening around the country. There isn't one organised for Bristol, do we want to organise one?

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Survival website under cyberattack

29-10-2010 13:18

Website down after bombardment

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Violations of Workers Rights in the Philippines in 2010

29-10-2010 12:53

Aside from the worst forms of labor repression such as the killings of union leaders and members that are well documented by human rights groups, workers in the Philippines suffer from a host of other violations of internationally recognized and constitutionally protected rights and freedoms.

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nationwide day of action against £4.8bn tax dodge vodafone tomorrow

29-10-2010 12:40 has details of actions in oxford, glasgow, edinburgh, liverpool, york and brighton. this callout is a general one but is focused on the action in LONDON.

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Radio Interference: August 27th 2010

29-10-2010 12:23

3rd episode of the Radio Interference programme, broadcast on the 4th Friday of each month at 8pm

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Vodafone Direct Action Spreads - Saturday Callout

29-10-2010 12:22

Today, Thursday 28th October another Vodafone store has been hit by direct action against the cuts, this time in Leeds...


London: Meet 11am Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park. Saturday 30/10.


On Wednesday 27/10/2010, 65 members of the general public managed to mobilise in just a few days on the vague promise of civil disobedience against the cuts. The target turned out to be Vodafone, who have recently been let off paying £6bn in taxes to the public purse by HMRC. This is money that could have been spent on social housing, keeping public sector workers in their jobs, pensions, social care, and welfare for the poorest. Indeed the debt to the public purse by corporate tax avoidance is estimate at over £12bn every year – something which George Osborne did not mention in his savage CSR speech.

The action went well, it was fun and empowering. It received huge publicity and hundreds of shoppers on oxford street agreed with our action. It was the most talked about thing in London over twitter and received praise and acknowledgement from many highly regarded people such as Naomi Klein. People across the internet have been discussing shutting their local Vodafone store as a result, and this Saturday is the time to do it. 

What’s more, at some point during Wednesday’s action, after the store had been occupied for a while, two middle aged men in suits and ties appeared and stood by the police line, staring at us. They were Vodafone executives who had come to see their flagship Oxford street store closed for business. They looked spooked.

Here’s some news that will perhaps give them more cause for concern. This Saturday, the busiest shopping day of the week, we’re going to shut loads more. We need to continue this pressure on them and all other corporate tax dodgers and expose the lie of that savage cuts on public services that support the poorest and most vunerable in our society is the only way to fix the mess created by the recklessness of the banking industry.

If you’re in London, meet at Speaker’s Corner at 11:00 prompt. Speaker’s Corner is synonymous with speeches, rallys and marches, but this time we will be meeting for a day of  mass civil disobedience against the cuts! We cannot spend the next five years marching on Whitehall and listening to Tony Benn speak -to force the Government to change its plans we will need to confront them head on.

We will gather, meet each other, see the growing movement, and divide into groups. Each group is given a store to close for the day by blocking the entrance, in the best tradition of non-violent civil disobedience. As well as people to sit down, we need others who want to talk to and flyer thousands of shoppers.

This day of action is aimed at being inclusive and open to absolutely anyone who is angry at the cuts! They are not fair, we are not all in this together and we will not pay for their crisis! There are alternatives – start by collecting instead of wiping off corporate tax bills. Let’s show them what the Big Society can really do.


What you can do:

Come and invite everyone you know.

Follow and retweet us on twitter – @ukuncut

What to bring:

Your own banners

Maybe maps of London Store Locations

Maybe something to make sitting down more comfortable, or moving you more difficult.

Maybe your bike. We might have a bike blockade.

If you’re not in London, there are Vodafone stores up and down the country, on every high street, just waiting to be closed or picketed. The few resources you’ll need – flyers etc – will be posted here, you just need to provide the bodies. If you want to organise an occupation (or a picket, or some flyering), let us know and we’ll help you publicise it through this blog and twitter. Just post in the comments below or send us an email at

A successful action doesn’t need tons of planning or expensive kit, it just needs some committed people. Get to work.

See you on the high streets!

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Sponsor a camel! Or animal abuse?

29-10-2010 11:28

Is this animal exploitation?

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Wikileaks & Rethink Afghanistan

29-10-2010 11:22

8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Monday 1st November – Wikileaks & Rethink Afghanistan
8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.)
featured image

Monday 1st November – Wikileaks & Rethink Afghanistan
8pm at the Cube Cinema, Stokes Croft, Bristol
Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.)

The Afghan war grinds on and on with no end in sight. A brutal guerilla conflict set against the backdrop of regional power-plays and endemic corruption, the war has become a bitter pill in contrast to the original optimism that the fall of the Taliban was trumpeted with. Then in July this year the whistle-blower site WikiLeaks publishes thousands of pages of classified material that showed that the brutality, civilian death toll and confusion of the the conflict was far, far worse than NATO had been willing to admit.

Bristol Indymedia is please to have Dr Lee Salter (UWE) introducing the powerful documentary 'Rethink Afghanistan'. Dr Salter's talk will look at WikiLeaks and what this means for journalism, propaganda and the future of the war. Rethink Afghanistan examines the terrible costs of foreign military intervention and occupation in Afghanistan. The continuing application of purely military logic to complex political, social and developmental problems have extracted a catastrophic toll on the population.

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Any understanding of the diverse local and tribal issues of Afghanistan and the Pakistani borderlands is distorted by the news-speak simplifications of 'Taliban' or 'Al-Qaeda'. Visiting Afghanistan himself and working with groups in the country engaged in the search for peaceful humanitarian resolutions to the tragic legacy of conflict in the country Greenwald’s documentary is powerful, articulate and emotive.

Including interviews with Afghan women’s groups, local charity and peace workers, ex-Mujahidin fighters, Soviet-era generals and Afghan politicians, this compelling documentary cuts through the bias and spin of mainstream media accounts to deliver a devastating indictment of the disastrous nine year military intervention.,_2004-2010

Venue: Cube Cinema: Dove St South (off Kings Square), Bristol

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The Third Revolution? Worker and peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government

29-10-2010 10:54

Audio The Third Revolution? Peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government
Audio from Nick Heath's talk, "The Third Revolution? Worker and peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government", recorded on 27th October 2010.

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Devonport Blockade - Press Release

29-10-2010 10:16

Press Release for the forthcoming blockade of Devonport Dockyard by anti-nuclear campaigners.

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Islamist radicalisation at British universities

29-10-2010 09:53

Islamist radicalisation at British universities

A Quilliam Foundation report

Study highlights intimidation of women, Jewish, gay and Muslim students

London, UK - 29 October 2010

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Hamilton House Open Day

29-10-2010 09:22

Come and explore Hamilton House and all that its' vibrant inhabitants have to offer in an open day extravaganza on Saturday 6th November.
Come and explore Hamilton House and all that its' vibrant inhabitants have to offer in an open day extravaganza on Saturday 6th November. Seize the chance to experience the hidden treasures of this building and it's community.

Get ready for an irresistible programme of free activities for all ages and inclinations! Take part in dance and artistic workshops, or enjoy fantastic live music and theatrical thrills. Also expected are cinema screenings, guided tours, bike surgery, cafe and endless possibilities…If all this excitement seems too strenuous, surrender yourself to one of the many healing treatments on offer, then happily retire home in style by Bristol's finest rickshaw service.

Come and join in, or simply observe, as we share and celebrate this thriving and growing community at the heart of Stokes Croft.

Contact, or call 0117 9249 599 for more info.

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Petrol bombds used to send message to Fotress shareholder

29-10-2010 07:58

Nomura in France under attack..

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Dump Veolia Protest at the Natural History Museum, London 23 Oct 2010

29-10-2010 07:47

The Dump Veolia Campaign lead a demonstration outside the Natural History Museum on 23rd October 2010 to protest against Veolia's sponsorship of the Environment Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition at the Natural History Museum.

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MI6 chief: We need intelligence operations to stop Iran developing nuclear weapo

29-10-2010 07:41

MI6 Chief Sir John Sawers delivers his 'Britain's Secret Frontline' speech
"Stopping nuclear proliferation cannot be addressed purely by conventional diplomacy. We need intelligence-led operations to make it more difficult for countries like Iran to develop nuclear weapons," Head of MI6 John Sawers said in the first public speech by a serving UK secret intelligence service chief.

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Nottingham Claimants' Union

29-10-2010 04:25

Nottingham Claimants' Union - Organising benefit claimants in Nottingham to defend their welfare against government cuts

A new association is being set up to organise benefit claimants in Nottingham, to represent our interests and fight the cuts in welfare being perpetrated by the current government: Nottingham Claimants' Union. Anyone living in the area who claims a benefit - including housing/council tax benefit, working tax credits, child support etc. as well as JSA and medical benefits - is entitled to join. We also welcome help and support from those who aren't claiming benefits but who are with us in the fight. Alone we have little power to challenge the state bureaucracies that condition our lives; united and working together there is a lot we can do and we owe it to ourselves to stand up and assert our rights and needs.

What will the Union do? At least the following, and maybe more:
  • Contribute to the general anti-cuts movement that involves many other groups and sectors of society

  • Help each other by mutual aid, collective activity and economy, information and moral support

  • Make sure benefit claimants speak for themselves and are heard rather than being ignored or spoken for by others

  • Link with similar groups in other parts of the country and the world

A mailing list is up and running at, so if you're interested in contributing to the fight, whether a claimant yourself or a comrade who wants to help, please join and let's get organising. Nobody's going to do it for us, we have to do it ourselves.

I've also created a wiki website for the NCU at, for the purposes of collecting useful information. Examples include details of the cuts, anti-cuts campaigns, claimants' evidence of how they're affected, advice and guidance on dealing with the DWP, links to other organisations. I've written a substantial first page, and if you join the mailing list you can read a post giving some guidance on how to use the wiki yourself.

Anyone is welcome to sign up and add to the wiki; its strength lies in its multi-contributor nature which allows a really collaborative way of working rather than a situation of exclusive control. (Like Indymedia? :) ) Those who are not benefit claimants but who are involved in the anti-cuts campaign are welcome to contribute relevant information on that. Please contact me if you have any concerns or difficulties.

Also we are going to have a first (non-public) planning meeting soon. We have invited someone from the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers' Centre in Chesterfield to give us some advice on how to set up a claimants' union. Get in touch if you would like to come to that.

More news soon.
Mat McVeagh
organiser, Nottingham Claimants' Union

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"Shut Down Tax Dodging Vodafone": Cornmarket 2PM SAT 30TH

29-10-2010 01:31

Shut Down Vodafone store, London

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Sequani Demo

29-10-2010 00:49

Halloween demo...

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Anti cuts demo escapes police control in Oxford

29-10-2010 00:18

A huge crowd, mostly students, mobilised at short notice to protest the visit of Vince Cable to Oxford, turned up in spite of the fact that he cancelled his visit, and briefly took over several busy areas of Oxford in the face of police attempts to contain us.

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Anti-cut linked protests across UK this Saturday (30.10.10)

28-10-2010 23:12

As the title states. If you're aware of other protests this weekend please post details below.