UK Newswire Archive
the other WMD film about media manipulation
11-03-2005 04:08
There is going to be an attempt at a global launch screening of this timely and important film WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception we are showing at the duke of clrence , st georges theatre and other but are looking for other venue sreening date 20th march mail with help or offers to stand around in your local drinking beer showing a film to you mates contact
Boycott Israeli Goods - Action
11-03-2005 00:33
Join us this Saturday outside Tesco on Market Street in campaigning for a Boycott of Israeli Goods.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 3/11/05 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
11-03-2005 00:11
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.Colombia update- san jose massacre
10-03-2005 21:02
9th march 2005Latest news reports from the main dailies in Colombia
carry news which threatens the ideals and the very
geographical existence of the San Jose Peace Community
(recent victim of a massacre on 21st February).
G8 Employment Ministers Protest In London (thurs 10th report)
10-03-2005 20:21
Today, Thursday 10 March 2005, a small group of around 25 activists gathered outside the Department of Trade and Industry in London to mark the G8 Employment Ministers meeting.While the last G8 Summit in the UK in Birmingham in 1998 focused on ‘employability’ and economic restructuring, the result people see now in their daily lives is social cuts, privatisation and compulsory work schemes imposed throughout Europe and beyond.
Anti-G8 Protest Brighton 11/03/05
10-03-2005 18:15
About demonstration tomorrow against G8 Employment Ministers meeting.Pit Stop Ploughshares Trial Day 4
10-03-2005 17:51
The Pit Stop Ploughshares, five anti-war activists, began their defense against the charge of criminal damage to a US warplane at Shannon Airport on February 3, 2003.Prior to admitting the jury, Judge O' Donnell raised questions about the admissability of evidence to be introduced by the defense. He said " that there was a potential to contaminate the mind of the jury with totally irrelavent matters..."
coastal management: plankton move north, study shows
10-03-2005 17:37
coastal sustainability managementTrident AntiNuke LockOn Protest OUtside Scots Parliament NOW
10-03-2005 17:33
At this very moment there is a lock on outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh in protest against the Trident Nuclear Weapons System. Protesters are locked into a 'Trident Sub' and are going to stay as long as they possibly can (in other words...they won't be leaving of their own accord!) They are asking for people to bring essentials like food and blankets, and for any one willing to do a shift on the lock on to get down there ASAP. Call 07760 161755 for more detailsbroken words
10-03-2005 17:01

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NEW Centre 13 Social Centre
10-03-2005 16:32
A new social centre has opened up in Birmingham, exhibiting local artists work and promoting alternative energy.Open day - 12 march
Vote RON campaign
10-03-2005 16:07
a campaign was conducted in university of southampton to expose the farcical nature of student council elections.Theatre of War and Trident Ploughshares Locked on at Scots Parliament
10-03-2005 15:35
Come down!Aldermaston - BLOCKADE IS ON !!!!
10-03-2005 15:28
A post has been made claiming there is no blockade of Aldermaston on the 14th of March. see below
France: Massive Public Sector Strikes
10-03-2005 14:40
Massive public sector strikes in France, similar to issues here, but we just moanWATCHING THEM WATCHING US.
10-03-2005 14:18

natural filtration systems
10-03-2005 13:45
this is of relevance to anyone interested in natural water management and filtration. i have seen simple man-affected designs that can work with swimming pools, ponds and other water features. but this is the real deal..IRAQ SPEAKER MEETING - 10th March
10-03-2005 13:16
Iraq - Speaker MeetingOxford Town Hall, Council Chamber, Thurs 10th March, 7.30pm
Amnesty International, Ox Uni Iraq Society, Oxford Y&S CND