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broken words

Angie Bual | 10.03.2005 17:01 | G8 2005 | Culture | Cambridge

“...and then the word becomes flesh! Choreo-poetry takes spoken word to new dimensions” Jonzi D

broken words takes a dark look at issues in contemporary society– freedom, control, gun culture, aspirations, longing and desire -
through verse, street dance, film, r ‘n’ b jazz and blues music.

ZENA EDWARDS, CRISIS & ROSEMARY HARRIS in a lyrical poetrical show, where theatre and spoken word collide, with visuals, decks, rhythm & FAT Beats thumping through the system.
Live music from Rob McDonald, Lucy Wilkins and DJ J2K directed by Jonzi D, visuals by Jason Larkin and dramaturged by Roger Robinson


DRESS CODE – Trainers & Caps Standard!

Its bout the content the rhyme flow
Not bout buffness or how yu batty show
On a clean page I can rage like fire
Can’t cuss can’t cry, words take me higher
Step to me there’s no contest
Rhyming is a game like lyrical chess

Zena Edwards

Angie Bual
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