UK Newswire Archive
Phien O'Phien Dale Farm Folk Singer
14-03-2012 04:10
Dale Farm folk singer sensation(recorded and video mixed by Mavi)
Sri-Lanka: flawed UNHRC resolution still gives overdue exposure of SL war crimes
14-03-2012 03:41
On the 7th March, the United States submitted the draft resolution against Sri-Lanka to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) at its 19th session in Geneva, which began on February 27. The resolution notes that Sri Lanka has failed to implement the reconciliation measures recommended by the country’s own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) and calls for Sri Lanka to take more concrete actions towards reconciliation and especially, addressing the accountability issue and implementing the recommendations put forward by the LLRC.Though the resolution seeks to address alleged violations of international law, critics point to the fact that the resolution, in giving credibility to the LLRC, will only entrench Sinhala state rule over Tamil territories and provide it a fraudulent legitimacy to do so (see below). Irrespective of this, Sri Lanka is confident that the country has support from enough of the UN Council`s member states to vote against the resolution, such as China, Russia and Pakistan as well as from African states, the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) and the members of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Meanwhile, Amnesty International have just issued a report saying human rights violations remain routine in Sri-Lanka almost three years after the end of the war Ref:

Block The Bill Builders
14-03-2012 03:03
Action against the Coalition Government's planned Health and Social Care bill has so far largely been what ministers will have expected and planned for, since privatisation of the NHS was first mooted (long before the 2010 general election).As a result, such action is being largely ignored by those who will vote, and indeed by the mainstream media.
We are calling for a Day of Action on Wednesday 14th March
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Granting No Quarter
14-03-2012 02:20
Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad AtzmonSearchlight smearing Anarchists - Paul Preston & "The Spanish Holocaust"
14-03-2012 00:31
The Hope Not Hate website run by Anti-Fascist campaign group Searchlight has published a review by Sam King of historian Paul Preston's new book "The Spanish Holocaust". Sam King states that "Preston makes it clear that the Anarchist CNT were as anti the Republic as the Fascists", and that claim is historically false...Ocean acidity increasing at unprecedented rate not seen in last 300 million years
13-03-2012 21:39

In a new study marine scientists have warn that the rate of ocean acidification presently occurring is unprecedented in the last 300 million years. This is due to dissolving carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, much of which human activity has contributed over the last 200 years through the use of fossil fuels. The extent and rate of acidification enhances the prospect for a mass marine extinction event this century. Research in paleoclimatology and oceanography has revealed that anthropogenic climate change is driving Ocean Acidification threatening marine ecosystems.
Ocean acidification has been called the 'evil twin' of climate change with marine scientists warning climate negotiators in Durban of the necessity for climate mitigation action in December 2011, along with a statement on the IUCN website urging action to cut carbon emissions. New research in November 2011 from Australia's Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre showed the Southern ocean is warming and freshening.
Marine scientists warn ocean acidification is already impacting marine food webs which will lead to substantial changes in commercial fish stocks, threatening protein supply and food security for millions of people. The Northwest Oyster Die-off from 2006-2008 in the USA highlights the growing impact on commercial fisheries. The United Nations Environment Program estimates that 3 billion people use fish protein in their diet, with one billion people dependent on subsistence fishing as a primary food source.
Related: International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) | The Ocean in a high CO2 world | Takver: Ocean acidification articles | UNEP report - Environmental Consequences of Ocean Acidification: a threat to Food Security (PDF)
Petition to Ban Cruel Blood Sport
13-03-2012 21:26

Blood, Sweat and Gear: the human cost of the London Olympics
13-03-2012 18:06
International and local speakers will discuss whether the Olympics legacy will be exploited garment workers and the marginalisation of east London communities.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
What Gave Rise to the EDL?
13-03-2012 16:55
Failure to oppose British armed forces on their role in Afghanistan provided opening for EDL
Stop the fascist North West Infidels – Saturday 24 March (Greater Manchester)
13-03-2012 14:38
The North West Infidels (NWI), a splinter group from the English Defence League with links to many other fascist and extreme-right groups, are planning a demonstration in Greater Manchester on Saturday 24 March.We call on all anti-fascists, anti-racists and organised workers to mobilise in opposition to the presence of these fascists on our streets.We call for a national mobilisation of anti-fascists!
Anti-nuclear activists claim double record at Hinkley Point demo
13-03-2012 14:07

On the first anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, anti-nuclear campaigners claimed two records in two days. The mass protest at Hinkley Point nuclear power station on Saturday attracted more than 1,000 people from all over the UK – the largest protests against a the construction of a nuclear power station in four decades.
Successful anti-nuclear rally at Hinkley Point on Fukushima anniversary
13-03-2012 14:02

The Stop New Nuclear alliance has hailed today’s mass rally at Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station as the largest anti-nuclear protest in three decades.
Israel's Rogue Killing Machine
13-03-2012 13:53
Israel's entire history reflects depraved, out-of-control targeted and mass killings. Days of unrelenting bombing, murdering and injuring Gazans shows its contempt for law and human life. Netanyahu exceeds the worst of Ariel Sharon and other rogue Israeli leaders. Gideon Levy says Israel never had one like him before. He governs by deceit, mocks the peace process, and reflects extreme racist hate for Arabs. Murdering Gazans shows why. So did his comment saying he'll kill as many more as he wishes "as long as necessary" to achieve his degenerate aims. Four merciless bombing days left at least 25 dead and dozens injured, many seriously. Civilians, including children were victimized. Washington expressed support. ........Anarchist insurrectionary news update
13-03-2012 12:33
Hamburg: banks attacked in solidarity with Greek revolt // Buenos Aires: bomb attack on criminal court by Indomitable Nucleus For the Spread of the Fire / FAI // Savoy & Lyon: rail sabotage in solidarity with No TAV struggle // Rome: bomb attack on bank by Anti-Social Nucleus / FAI // Santiago: Riots after International Womens Day March // San Fransisco: Anarchists attack Greek consulate // Buenos Aires: communique from Friends of the Earth / FAI for luxury car arsons // Sydney: anarchists vandalise bank in memory of anarchist urban guerilla Lambros FoundasTeach- in on Rio+20 Earth Summit: Green Economy or Greed Economy
13-03-2012 12:24
Climate science update; the UN Earth Summit in Rio (20 years later); the international treaty process and economic justice; technology assessment: hope or hype; and what to expect in the future. Plus open Discussion.Barclays Brighton closed down for complicity in Israeli apartheid and arms trade
13-03-2012 09:20
Occupation of Barclays - 10/3/12video at

Growing Concern Over Surveillance Drones In The UK
13-03-2012 02:55

Israel initiates bloodbath on Gaza
12-03-2012 23:09