UK Newswire Archive
Arms Trade Now Environmentally Friendly
17-09-2006 19:56
Apparently BAE Systems are coming up with a range of environmentally friendly arms. So you can save the planet while butchering the people on it.Resistance (Anarchist bulletin) - two issues for September 2006
17-09-2006 19:07
The Anarchist Federation (Britain) has published two new issues of its Resistance bulletin for September 2006: the usual monthly issue plus a Labour party conference/anti-war special. Articles on ID cards, databases & fingerprinting for children, Iraq corporate carve-up, Asylum-seekers get organised, Army desertion rise, Starbucks union, Climate change activism, School privatisation, & more.Kari Rajamaki resign appeal due to asem 06 Finland
17-09-2006 18:52
Resign appeal of finnish interior minister Kari Rajamaki due to human right violations by policeat ''Smash Asem'' demonstration in Finland 2006.
Cottage of Content Occupation Comes to a Close
17-09-2006 18:13
On Friday 15th September 2006 the occupation of the Cottage of Content social centre in Sparkbrook came to a close.Activists call on Chavez to recognise 'AMLO'
17-09-2006 16:53

Smash EDO Demo
17-09-2006 16:29
Report from last Saturday's anti-edo, anti-arms trade Demo in BrightonOperation HASH report back
17-09-2006 14:58
Report back from the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.Phase One of Operation HASH (Helping all Smokers Halt) completed.
17-09-2006 11:32
THE US HISTORICAL PURSUIT OF GLOBAL DOMINANCEBritish Government demands Mercenaries from South Africa
17-09-2006 08:41
British High Commissioner in Pretoria tries to get anti-mercenary law changed.THREAT TO OUT GAY PRIESTS “A 21ST-CENTURY WITCH-HUNT” SAY GAY HUMANISTS
17-09-2006 07:53
Gay and Lesbian Humanist AssociationNews Release – 12 September 2006
WOS4: The Creative Anti-Commons and the Poverty of Networks
17-09-2006 01:07
The Wizard of OS conference is currently underway in Berlin, as is to be expected, the fourth edition of this biannual gathering of proponents of free software, free culture and alternative economics has brought together a fascinating group of presenters and participants.Reading Library Privatised - Effects of IMF!
16-09-2006 21:56
Representatives of the G.R.Eedy Corporation were seen leafleting in Reading today, informing people that the town library (along with all others) has been privatised, and they are now the owners. This seems to be a direct effect of a recently agreed IMF loan to the UK - complete with all the usual 'Structural Adjustment Program conditions, such as cutting public spending, making labour markets more flexible and privatising services. The full text of their leaflet is reproduced below....October 7th: Migrants on the march for their rights in London
16-09-2006 21:38
Coming out of the shadowsOctober 7th: International Day of Action on Migrant Rights
No Deportations to Zimbabwe Pictures
16-09-2006 21:16

16-09-2006 20:01
An artistic response from Muslims is suggested to the Pope's expressed bigotry against Islam by using the Catholic Church's own doctrines and practices as the canvas.Hundreds demonstrate against Zimbabwe deportations
16-09-2006 19:00

Day 13 of Mersey Fire Strike: Negotiations Continue Following Rally
16-09-2006 18:40

New Labour Spend 4.2 Million on Manchester Conference policing
16-09-2006 15:52
This should ensure the Police tow the Government line9/11 in the media - 2006: The 5th Anniversary
16-09-2006 15:48

President Bush's Speech: "Solving Problems before resorting to military force"
16-09-2006 11:31
Charles Krauthammer an advocate of war and a spin doctor for the White House has written in the White House that a war in the Middle East is inevitable and eminent in regards to Iran. His article notes a very noteworthy assertion by the American President.Krauthammer writes:
Responding to a question on Iran, President Bush said on Tuesday: "It's very important for the American people to see the president try to solve problems diplomatically before resorting to military force."
"Before" implies that the one follows the other, Charles Krauthammer notes in the Washington Post.