Kari Rajamaki resign appeal due to asem 06 Finland
anon | 17.09.2006 18:52 | Repression
Resign appeal of finnish interior minister Kari Rajamaki due to human right violations by police
at ''Smash Asem'' demonstration in Finland 2006.
at ''Smash Asem'' demonstration in Finland 2006.

The web address above is to fill the resign appeal of finnish interior minister Kari Rajamäki who is ultimately responsible of the human right violations executed by finnish police forces at the ''Smash Asem'' demonstration in Finland 2006.
Some tips for filling the appeal:
'Etunimi', means: First name. 'Sukunimi', means: Family name.
Saako nimesi julkistaa netissä? means: May we publish your name in the net?
'Kyllä', means: Yes. 'Ei, means: No'.
The button, ''Allekirjoita adressi', means: Sign the appeal.