UK Newswire Archive
DWP and Local Authority Fraud Investigators Beaten
07-07-2008 14:12
Some of the social security fraud investigators in our fair city ended up with egg on their faces last week when they lost an appeal, largely due to their own slackness.London Mayor Boris Johnson’s return to “traditional Tory values”
07-07-2008 14:04
It is only two months since the newly elected Conservative Mayor of London Boris Johnson promised he would, with a new broom, sweep clean the sleaze and corruption he declared characterised the outgoing administration under the Labour Party’s Ken Livingstone.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Trial Set for McDonalds Protester!
07-07-2008 13:34
Date for trial set for Cambridge protester. Support appreciated!LGC & Project 2012 Independence Day Picnic Report - 4 July
07-07-2008 12:59

Namibian Seal Hunt – Open Letter
07-07-2008 11:33
Open letter regarding the seal hunt in Namibia from Francois Hugo, Seal Alert-SA'On The Verge': Smash EDO Film July 21st South London
07-07-2008 11:13
Film Screening: ON THE VERGE: The Smash Edo CampaignThe film the cops tried to ban!!!
Photos of "Plan C" demo in Croydon Saturday 5th
07-07-2008 11:07

For Freedom of Movement, Freedom to Protest and against the G8!
Liverpool NO2ID Inaugural Meeting
07-07-2008 10:40

Place: Cooper's Pub, Lime Street Station, Lime Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1JD
Time: Tuesday 8th July, 7:30pm
Welcome for new owners of DSEi
07-07-2008 10:18
VSS, the parent company of Clarion Events, was welcomed to the world of DSEi and the arms trade last weekend. Paint and glue were vigorously applied to their central London offices.Private Equity Sucks...
07-07-2008 10:00

Rise Up and Resist the Giants of Global Capitalism
Squeezed by Debt, Taxes and Cost of Living? Join in on a Global Day of Action against one of the oldest and largest Private Equity Firms in the world: KKR (Kholberg, Kravis and Roberts)
Thursday, July 17th meet 1:00 PM in Trafalgar Square (near the lions)
Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Climate Camp Publishes Inspiring Newspaper
07-07-2008 09:17
Last week 30,000 newspapers, beautifully designed in black and bright cyan and not looking anything like a boring political paper, came off the printing press and began their journey around the country. To inspire people to camp to this years Climate Camp which sets up at Kingsnorth in Kent in less than a month's time.Another attempt to remove, Kemi, Taiwo & Yasmin
07-07-2008 08:51

Times Newspapers threaten Media Lens with legal and police action
07-07-2008 08:42
Media Lens have felt the need to amend their 25th June alert, Selling the Fireball - George Bush and Iran following "repeated threats of legal and police action from Alastair Brett, legal manager of News International’s Times Newspapers on June 28 and July 2". This has now been picked up by The Guardian, in todays issue Peter Wilby has an article titled, publish and be damned. The original Media Lens report, before the amendments were made due to the legal threats can be read on this site and following is the message posted by the Media Lens Editors about the threats.
Compare Provisions in “Hitler’s Laws” with U.S. FISA Amendments Act Of 2008
07-07-2008 06:50
The FISA AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2008 May be Passed by the U.S. Senate Before You Can Read this.Americans Can Thank Their House of Representatives.
Call for Solidarity with Counter-G8 Protesters in Japan
07-07-2008 05:58
Activists and organizers are asking local groups and individuals to call, e-mail, visit and protest at Japanese embassies over the unjust arrests, detentions, deportations, and repression occurring around counter-G8 mobilization in Japan.Wimbledon Southfields Total Oil Burma Protests
06-07-2008 23:19

Hypocritical Virgin to deport victim of trafficking
06-07-2008 22:46
Despite having direct links with anti-trafficking charity STOP THE TRAFFIK Virgin are due to deport victim of trafficking Kemi Ayinde and family on tuesday 8th July at 10.15 AM on Virgin Nigeria flight vk292 from Gatwick North TerminalBBC mind games and trickery self-evident in WTC 7 programme
06-07-2008 22:42
Did you see the increasing turnaround of apparent real challenges to the official stories with clearly bought off and involved "experts"?Some preliminary analysis here
Fur campaign kicks off in Portsmouth
06-07-2008 22:05