UK Newswire Archive
New Plans for Maelstrom....
09-11-2004 13:53

(The old Post Office Hyde Park Corner, Leeds 6)
"FALLUJAH - RESIST THE SLAUGHTER" protests in Scotland
09-11-2004 13:43

U.S. forces launched a major offensive on Monday night 8th November to regain control over the Iraqi rebel-held city of Fallujah. As of the morning of Tuesday 9th November fierce fighting is taking place within Fallujah. Ground troops are meeting opposition, while US artillery and missile-firing helicopters are pounding city buildings. Many civilian deaths are expected. Meanwhile on Monday another Black Watch soldier was killed.
In response in Edinburgh red paint and anti war slogans were sprayed on the US consulate [report | update and picture]. 100-150 protested in Parliament Square, Edinburgh, while protesters blocked roads in London and demos were scheduled for Monday evening in at least 30 locations Britain-wide. [Indymedia UK feature]
Protests are being called for town and city centres across Scotland from 5pm on Tuesday 9th November. In Glasgow meet in George Square. In Edinburgh meet in Parliament Square, marching on the Scottish Parliament around 5.30pm. Anti war demos are being called for town and city centres across Scotland from 5pm on Tuesday 9th November.
USA: the vote was hacked!
09-11-2004 12:21
In Florida, the figures show that, in counties with 1 type of voting machine, voters with no Dem. or Rep. party affiliation appeared to split their votes roughly 50/50 between Bush and Kerry, which was to be expected; yet in counties with another type of voting machine, unaffiliated voters seemed to vote nearly 100% for Bush! Why did Florida voters with 1 type of machine vote 1 way, and voters with a different machine vote another?Protest against Fallujah massacre in Bristol City Centre tonight (Tuesday)
09-11-2004 11:52
emergency protest tonight at Bristol City Centre - meet up by the peace vigilDemonstration against assault on Fallujah tonight!! (Tuesday 9th)
09-11-2004 10:18
Vigil tonight - Tuesday, November 9th, at 6 PM on Cornmarket Street.Demonstrate against the attacking of Fallujah. 5.30pm churchill square Brighton.
09-11-2004 09:59
Sussex Action for Peace the Brighton anti-war coalition has called a demonstration today to protest against the illegal bombing of Fallujah.Please come we meet at 5.30pm to churchill square.
Whos city? Our city!!!..
New group: Military Families Against the War
09-11-2004 09:55
On the eve of Armistice Day, November 10th 2004, Stop the War Coalition has planned a series of events that will bring even greater pressure on Tony Blair and his bankrupt polices in Iraq. The most significant event will be the launch of a new organisation ' Military Families Against The War.'Brighton Activists Trash Army recruitment centre.Viva Fallujah.
09-11-2004 09:44

Fallujah: Allwai claims: 35 "Rebels" killed in Hospital - 1 US heli downed
09-11-2004 09:28

The Iraqi Judge Who Knew too Much -- and was Fired for It
09-11-2004 07:38
The Iraqi Judge Who Knew too Much -- and was Fired for ItIllusionary demons blamed for US led Attack on Iraq, Falluja
09-11-2004 07:01

Foreign Office Minister: Iraq war 'was illegal'
09-11-2004 06:32
Foreign Office minister, Bill Rammell MP, seemed to reveal more than he intended during an interview with Jon Snow on last night's Channel 4 News.BBC is Legitimising Mass Slaughter of Fallujah
09-11-2004 05:07
Pacifying The Population-BBCDresden II: Bush takes on Falluja
09-11-2004 04:37
Bush's re-election bears blood-drenched fruit with the assault on Falluja.Civilian death toll to rise in Fallujah
09-11-2004 03:03

Perhaps a little bit tougher Rumsfeld if you happen to live there?
Song...Deir Yassin
09-11-2004 02:25

Coke...The Pause That Kills!!!
09-11-2004 01:14

As you read this article, the Coca-Cola company is using para-military goon squads to kidnap, torture, and kill union organizers at their plants in Columbia, South America.
Anti-capitalist Action Steyning Update!
08-11-2004 23:37

On Friday 5th of November around 60-80 people gathered in a small Sussex town called Steyning. Their intention was to disrupt a conference held at Wilton Park Conference Centre, Wiston House with the title ‘International Rule Breaking in Global Capital Markets’.
Palestinian Crafts from Beit Sahour in Cambridge Market
08-11-2004 22:14
Advance notification of Palestinian crafts in Cambridge Market 21/11 - 4/12Bad News From Israel: a talk about the way the media shapes public perceptions
08-11-2004 22:09
A talk by Tim Llewellyn and Greg Philo about the way our political understanding is shaped by the media