UK Newswire Archive
Obama: Manufacturing A Savior––A Case Study In Social Engineering, Zahir Ebrahim
12-10-2009 11:56

Is the Norwegian Nobel Committee imbecilic? Or is it under the influence of some bizarre psychotropically induced “hope” that President Barack Obama might end World War IV sooner than expected? That American bombs, and American sponsored destabilizations and balkanizations, while bringing peace, might kill fewer innocent civilians and destroy fewer nations than thought earlier? What's really going on here? The Manufacturing of a 'Savior'.
Free Iran: 36 Ashraf Hostages in Iraq were released
12-10-2009 09:00

Many of the hostages, who were on a hunger strike, are seriously ill but in a very high spirit. They were immediately taken to Ashraf medical center for treatment.
New pamphlet: After Makhno (Hidden histories of Anarchism in the Ukraine)
12-10-2009 08:51
The Kate Sharpley Library are pleased to announce our new pamphlet containing two essays on Makhnovist opposition in the Ukraine after the triumph of Bolshevism.Action needed to stop Nick Griffin speaking at BNP rally at Cleveleys
12-10-2009 08:04
Keep the BNP out!AUDACITY IN NORWAY!: It's a morbid joke, right? Barack Obama? Nobel Peace Prize?
12-10-2009 02:58
The Audacity of Hype! Not since Henry Kissinger was given "the Peace Prize" in 1973 has the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize involved such a sad and tragic irony. Between now and delivering his "Peace" Prize acceptance speech, Obama will be sending drones to bomb mostly collaterally innocent people every week (in their homes, marketplaces, villages, and even wedding parties). He will be continuing to operate George 'Dubya' Bush's practically beyond-the-law, rendition-torture gulags (notoriously, Gitmo & Bagram). He will be expanding the technological advancements, types and potential "usability" of U.S. nuclear weapons (while supposedly also being awarded "for his attempts to curb nuclear proliferation"). And, he will be, upon their every request, militarily resupplying a racist apartheid state (Israel) with cumulatively billions of dollars worth of cluster, DIME and phosphorus bombs, no matter how many fleeing families upon whom that state will use those execrable terror weapons. The Nobel Peace Committee must still be high on the 'Obamalade' to make such a blatant mockery of what the Nobel prize for peace(!) should stand for. Or, should they now call it the Nobel "Peace Is War" Prize? [ --JA]World boycott campaign to Chiquita for its support of the Coup d’ Etat in Honduras
12-10-2009 02:50

No Borders protest at Becket House immigration reporting centre, London
11-10-2009 21:39

Peace Prize winner Obama: We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root
11-10-2009 19:29

As the US is preparing to expand the scale of its global reign of terror, we will be constantly bombarded with such insane propaganda until the time when even the most gullible people realize what is really going on.
Activists Occupy Sainsbury’s, S. Kensington in Opposition to the sale of Settlement Goods
11-10-2009 19:17

Peak oil before 2020 a 'significant risk', say experts
11-10-2009 19:15
There is a “significant risk” that conventional oil production will peak before 2020, and forecasts that delay the event beyond 2030 are based on assumptions that are “at best optimistic and at worst implausible”. So says a major new report that puts the excitement over recent ‘giant’ oil discoveries in perspective and directly contradicts the British government’s position. It also warns that failure to recognize the threat of peak oil could undermine efforts to combat climate change.Troops Out of Afghanistan - national demonstration
11-10-2009 18:40
The majority of people in Britain want the troops out of Afghanistan now. They know this war is unwinnable and unjustifiable. The demonstration on Saturday 24 October will give voice to that majority who say the troops must come home now.EDL Outnumbered in Manchester Protest
11-10-2009 18:17
Clashes between police and protestors took place in Manchester city centre yesterday as the neo-fascist English Defence League (EDL) attempted to hold an anti-Islam demonstration. The EDL were met by a large anti-fascist counter demonstration, centred around Unite Against Fascism (UAF).Climate Activists Cheer 'Two Down, One To Go', As Great Climate Swoop Looms
11-10-2009 18:00
Climate activists have been celebrating a double victory this week, whilecontinuing plans to take control of a second power station this weekend.
Urgent! - Solidarity Demo for Amadeu Casellas, Oct 12, London
11-10-2009 17:45
Long-term anarchist prisoner Amadeu needs your solidarity and support!!He has been on hunderstrike for 85+ days and now is refusing water - this situation is urgent - for anyone who can make this demo in London, please attend!!
Easy Jet Event to Encourage Israeli Tourism Picketed by Pro-Palestine Demonstrators
11-10-2009 17:33

The 300-350 Show: Forests in the Copenhagen Deal
11-10-2009 16:35

Greenpeace activists take parliament roof
11-10-2009 16:21

Tomorrow MPs return from their summer break and the government's own Committee on Climate Change will publish a progress report on UK carbon emissions. They make it clear that Britain is not doing enough to meet its commitments, and insist that a "step change" in emissions cuts is needed. With just 60 days go until the critical climate summit in Copenhagen - which faces a very real chance of failure as things stand - Britain has yet to show true commitment to making the process a success. We need politicians who are thinking about the next generation, not just the next election.
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Anti-Zippos Circus Poster
11-10-2009 15:26
Very simple anti-zippos postCambridge going for Foie Gras Ban – Please vote in poll!
11-10-2009 15:18
We need your help. Please vote!