UK Newswire Archive
Poor Turnout for the English Defence League Demo
11-10-2009 14:41

Fur Is A Drag!
11-10-2009 14:35

Come to Brick Lane for a 'dress in drag' parade & party against the disgusting amount of fur sold along Brick Lane market in East London!
BAA to back down on Third Runway
11-10-2009 13:13
Activists had reason to cheer as the Third Runway at Heathrow was kicked into touch this weekend. The news comes hot on the heels of the announcement that E.on has delayed plans for a new Coal Powered Power station at Kingsnorth. Direct Action is bringing Direct Results.Why Obama? By Zahir Ebrahim
11-10-2009 11:15
These prizes are anything but “empty gestures”. It is both a payoff to tickle the ego of the 'errand boy', and a propaganda seed. In the expert hands of the Mighty Wurlitzer, such a gift can convince the masses of the most ridiculous absurdities, like the War on Terror already has. The proof of these statements of fact is both empirical, and historical. Watch Barack Obama crafted into a fine new global 'savior' at the expense of the 'untermenschen'. That's why the United States President, ceremoniously presiding over the most militarized superpower in the world which has just devastated two civilizations to smithereens, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while he rapidly accelerates his war prosecution to bring “peace” in a one-world government.
Athens: To live and die under socialism (migrant dead from police beating)
11-10-2009 11:05
from the "after the greek riots" blog517 years of resistance: Global mobilisation for Mother Earth, Monday 12 October
11-10-2009 06:45

12th October is an international day of protest in solidarity with indigenous
people and against global warming - a "Global mobilisation for Mother Earth"
Come and join us to support the "Minga" of indigenous resistance. We support the struggle of Latin American native peoples and protest against the Free Trade Agreement
with the European Union and agro-fuels.
Columbus' 'discovery' of America: the greatest hoax of all times?
11-10-2009 03:07
Instead of winning Nobel Peace Prizes, who in Washington D.C. will ever discover the flowing, over flowing Mandinga truth about this world one day?Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Newcastle March and Rally against Vivisection report
11-10-2009 01:47
newcastle march and rally against vivisectionDirect Action; Denmark, Mexico, Sweden, UK & Chile
11-10-2009 00:46

Sabotage and digger-diving – work stopped twice in two days at Mainshill Wood
10-10-2009 23:06

Third Demo this Week for Next One Leather
10-10-2009 21:47
Seven activists today held a demonstration at Next One Leather and their backers for the third time this week.Gude Cause Anniversary March In Edinburgh
10-10-2009 21:27

West Midlands Vegan Festival - Sat 24 Oct
10-10-2009 20:44

At the West Midlands Vegan Festival in Wolverhampton, there`ll be a feast of food, 50+ stalls, 4 cookery demos, 12 talks, live music, performance poetry, magic show, a yoga workshop, tons of FREE stuff, raffles, competitions and much, much more...!! All this for just £1 admission!

Afghan Elections Fraudulent - Key Evidence Hushed Up in UN and in UK
10-10-2009 19:32
So determined are the British mainstream media, and all three main English political parties, to maintain patriotic support for the War in Afghanistan, that there has been almost no reporting here of conclusive evidence that the Afghan elections were entirely fraudulent.War and Peace Prizes
10-10-2009 19:19
The dismaying gift of the Nobel prize puts Barack Obama on the list of its winners who promised peace but prosecuted war.Free Murad Akincilar! Stop the criminalisation of Turkish trade unionists!
10-10-2009 18:51

The longest running unresolved development issue will now cost £16.73m
10-10-2009 17:10

Edinburgh Bin Workers' Dispute
10-10-2009 15:48
News of the Edinburgh Bin Workers Dispute can be found on the front page of Indymedia Scotland:
Massive yes vote smacks down Royal Mail
10-10-2009 15:17
What a great result! A massive majority of 76.24%. Royal Mail’s feeble appeals to the membership have fallen flat on their face.