UK Newswire Archive
Anarchy, War and Globalization
08-11-2001 03:21
Now, whether we like it or not, those of us who identify as part of the radical social justice movement — especially us anarchists — all of us have to adjust. I use that word very deliberately, we have to adjust rather than retreat, as a result of the events of September 11 in the United States. It’s the nature of living in an empire — and I use that word very deliberately too — it is in the nature of living in an empire that the emperor decides his priorities, and we have to reckon with those priorities.Chris Morris decodes the psychobabble
08-11-2001 01:33
Another Chris Morris audio montage; get it before some Tessa Jowell pulls it.Luther Blissett Foundation, Salamanca, Spain.
08-11-2001 01:23

Have you had any strange email or text message delays?
07-11-2001 23:16
There are some strange things happening in everyday communications in Britain today: has anyone any interesting stories to report?FBI AND US SPY AGENTS SAY BUSH SPIKED BIN LADEN PROBES BEFORE 11 SEPTEMBER
07-11-2001 21:39
FBI and military intelligence officials in Washington say they were prevented for political reasons from carrying out full investigations into members of the Bin Ladenfamily in the US before the terrorist attacks of
September 11.
Police get sweeping access to net data
07-11-2001 21:37
Police get sweeping access to net dataBlunkett will not limit scope of measure to
terrorist cases
Woman Sentenced to Death by Stoning in Nigeria, Protest at Nigerian Embassy (Du)
07-11-2001 19:58
A protest was held to protest at the sentencing to death of a woman in Nigeria under Sharia Law for becoming pregnant outside marriageWar Prevention Works: new publication
07-11-2001 17:23
War Prevention Works, by Dylan Matthews, is now published by the Oxford Research group. The book examines 50 stories of war prevention, conflict resolution, and the resolution of differences within communities after conflict has ended.Royal Navy Unit Occupied
07-11-2001 17:13
On Friday 2nd November about 20 people from Brighton Against the War occupied the Royal Navy Unit at Sussex University.WOMBLES trial adjourned
07-11-2001 16:45
Halloween 7 court date adjourned for two weeksTo the death
07-11-2001 12:38
Slandrous article on the animal rights movement from today's Guardian. Email
persecution of our children.
07-11-2001 12:01
a short piece highlighting protest against young children in north belfast . northern ireland.Beware those daisycutter boomerang bombs, Mr Bush
07-11-2001 11:54
"If we cause pain to others by our actions, we will find ourselves eventually in unhappy surroundings until we learn by experience a greater wisdom in living".Oxfam say food and time running out for the people of Aghanistan
07-11-2001 10:38
Food and time running out for the people of Afghanistanthose pesky NY firefighters causing trouble again!
07-11-2001 09:11
Firefighters attack on NY mayor, GiulianiGREEN LIGHT FOR BNFL
07-11-2001 08:42
The Blair government has approved production of the highly controversial mixed oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel by British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL). The British government sought to bury the MOX news under the blanket media war coverage.WORLD TRADE CENTER ATTACK - UNANSWERED QUESTIONS
07-11-2001 08:26
No ones knows what happened because EIGHT (8) indestructible black boxes (2 on each flight) were destroyedBUSH THE LOSER?
07-11-2001 08:05