UK Newswire Archive
07-12-2003 05:04

who fought and continue to fight, against this war. You are the heroes!
Debates and Actions around Climate Conference in Milan
07-12-2003 03:33

07-12-2003 02:32
Israel , the only democratic state of the Middle East, is the only western state whose health institutions finance illegal organ trade .Israel is the only western state whose medical establishment and Health Ministry do not condemn the doctors involved or take legal steps against them.
US troops are worse than scabs
06-12-2003 23:05
A working class perspective on the US anti-war movement's adaptation of the slogan "Support Our Troops".Buy Nothing Month
06-12-2003 19:22
Buy Nothing Day may be behind us, but Buy Nothing Month continues-until Dec. 24!Duke of Westminister taking over the city
06-12-2003 18:54
The Duke, the council and Business elite to 'privatise' central Liverpool and exclude the working classCoventry City Pub tour pictures and films
06-12-2003 18:32
This link Article is about Coventry City social, leisure and Business Missions operating from a watercycling base camp area of the city called paradise, using a novel waterbike to help network and promote community internets.The great Coventry watercycling pub tour start and end at
The nearest public house to the base camp called the Adam and Eve
Machiavelli and the young HSP
06-12-2003 18:31
This note covers the working relationship of a machiavellian Finance Manager and a young HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) accountant and how when the boss turns devious/dishonest the HSP reacts. It then turns into a quest for justice which is thwarted by thos of his peers who elected to participate in the dishonest/devious practices. Not sure where it is going to finish up.Hundreds of school pupils stage walkout in Colchester
06-12-2003 18:22
Hundreds of School pupils stage walkout and protest in Colchester, Essex.Smash Water Tax (NEW Irish anarchist organisation)
06-12-2003 18:08
WORKING CLASS RESISTANCEWhat is 'Working Class Resistance'?
Welcome to Working Class Resistance (WCR!)! WCR! is a new eight page anarchist paper which will be appearing six times a year from this point on. The next edition will be ready by early February 2004.
Who are involved with 'Working Class Resistance'?
The appearance of this publication marks the coming together of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation, Anarchist Federation (Ireland), Anarchist Prisoner Support and a number of other individuals to create a more effective and better resourced class struggle anarchist organisation across Ireland. Together we have created a new organisation, Organise!, with local groups and individual members throughout the country.
Any reports from todays SHAC March?
06-12-2003 17:42
Any reports, pics, vids of todays 'Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty' march in Cambridge?Monbiot meeting on ESF
06-12-2003 16:50
Meeting on Paris ESF and forthcoming UK ESFA RIGHT ROYAL ROASTING !!!
06-12-2003 15:55
New Years Eve Relaunch of Movement against the Monarchy (HEADS OFF) state benefit party.Bridge Protest in Madrid calls for full freedom for Thess. 7
06-12-2003 14:36
3 acitivists have hung from the "Eduard Dato" bridge in Madrid for a period of 40 minutes to call for the release of the Thessalonika 7 without condition.The acivists of the "platform to support the Greek prisoners"
Amongst those 7 still in Greece are the Briton Simon Chapman and two Spanish citizens: Carlos Martín and Fernando Pérez, all of whom went on hunger strike.
Bridge Protester cleared of Criminal Damage
06-12-2003 10:57
I was due to take another trip to Parkside Police Station today to find out if they were going to charge me with criminal damage for the graffiti sprayed on the Cambridge war memorial on the same day as my adventure on the cycle bridge - see
Sat 6th: Resist the Multinational Empire - The Coca Cola Boycott Conference
06-12-2003 01:55
Resist the Multinational Empire - The Coca Cola BoycottConference organized by the Colombia Solidarity Campaign
Saturday 6 December 12.45pm to 5pm
SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), Thornhaugh Street, Russell Sq, London WC1
nearest tubes Russell Square, Euston, Euston Square
political incorrectness gone mad...
06-12-2003 00:31
Recently there has been a shift in extreme right wing hate sites ( such as final conflict ) towards using the term 'NEW WORLD ORDER' in order to justify their racist ideology - DO NOT BE FOOLED by those who use this term for their own ends... anti-semetism still exists even though the right wing Isreali Likud party and the U.S Pentagon Hawks accuse anyone of it who critisises their nutty 'totalistic' doctrine of state terror tactics...PARTY FOR PALESTINE AND COLOMBIA
06-12-2003 00:06
Resist the Multinational EmpireThe Coca Cola Boycott
Conference and PARTY organized by the Colombia Solidarity Campaign