UK Newswire Archive
No Evictions campaign targets Jon Collins
13-11-2011 18:55
A group of 20 people took part in a demonstration outside the Hucknall Road home of Nottingham City Council Leader Jon Collins today. The protest was a response to Collins’ threats to evict the families of council tenants found to have been involved in the riots, and his Council’s involvement in the Nottingham City Homes scandal.
The “corrupt landlord and enemy of the people” was targeted at his home to give him a taste of his own medicine. We unfurled a banner saying ‘No Evictions’ and handed out a few hundred flyers informing Collins’ neighbours about the issues. Many didn’t know about what was happening and were supportive.
The No Evictions campaign believes that the threat of evictions is “spiteful and should be fought, and that the families involved be supported every step of the way.” Evictions are an extra punishment to the harsh sentences already being given by the courts and one that would only apply to people living in council housing.
The City Council, led by Jon Collins, has a long and dubious record when it comes to its use of council housing, with a history of “wrongly giving homes to its employees, relatives, partners and friends”. Earlier this year the investigation into the misuse of council homes by it’s housing service was dropped by the Council with no houses repossessed and all but one of the suspended staff back in their jobs. The Council also refused to call on the police to investigate.
Jon Collins was personally implicated in the misallocation of council housing. His secretary asked a housing officer for “a favour” to help one of council leader’s constituents gain a place on the waiting list for a new home.
The government says that people who allow their children to take part in riots don’t deserve to live in housing “subsidised” by the tax payer. However, a council tenant is not ’subsidised’. Council house tenants are merely paying a reasonable rent for their home to the local authority, unlike a private tenant who is paying an unreasonable rent to a private landlord. Who is subsidising who?
Grant Shapps, the Housing Minister wants to change the law so that council tenants convicted of offences which are not connected to where they live can be evicted in new fast track procedures, in addition to fast track evictions already planned for people who behave anti socially in or around their homes. The decision to evict whole families based on the actions of one member is nothing less than collective punishment.
If the council continues in its efforts to make families and children homeless in order to look tough on crime they can be assured that there are members of the public in Nottingham who will respond and make their disgust felt.
SMASHEDO Tour in Edinburgh 16/11
13-11-2011 18:55
Smash EDO are touring the country gathering support for the 2012 Summer of Resistance, a summer of anti arms trade direct action in Brighton. The workshop will include a rundown of the campaign so far, a direct action workshop and a chance to plan actions for next Summer in Brighton. Come along and find out how to get involved.
SmashEDO touring Northern England
13-11-2011 14:55
Smash EDO are touring the country gathering support for the 2012 Summer of Resistance, a summer of anti arms trade direct action in Brighton. The workshop will include a rundown of the campaign so far, a direct action workshop and a chance to plan actions for next Summer in Brighton. Come along and find out how to get involved.
The summer of resistance will be a summer of antics and opposition to Brighton’s very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
Since 2001, EDO/ITT’s products have been used to attack civilian populations in Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia and Pakistan. ITT, EDO’s parent company, has a track record of clients that includes the Nazis, Franco and the Pinochet regime. ITT continue to lobby Western governments to pursue military action in order to boost their profit margin. EDO/ITT may be only one cog in the global war machine but shutting them down will throw a spanner in the works.
Since 2004 Brightonians and thousands of supporters from around the world have demonstrated their rage at the factory through a variety of methods. Weekly noise demos, pickets, blockades, rooftop occupations, lobbying, street theatre, mass demonstrations and sabotage have all been used to pile pressure on EDO to leave. Despite being subject to a successful civilian decommissioning during Israel’s 2009 brutal assault on Gaza, the factory somehow clings on.
The summer of 2012 is the time for you to come and take action! We want you, your mates or your affinity group to come to the factory and express your outrage as creatively as you like. We welcome a diversity of tactics and no action is to big or too small. We will provide accommodation, support and advice wherever necessary.
How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign 07538093930 e-mail:
Confirmed dates so far:
- November 13th – Manchester – OKasional Cafe ( – 7pm
- November 14th – Sheffield – Occupy Sheffield – ( 1pm and 7pm
- November 15th – Liverpool – Next to Nowhere ( – 7pm
- December 3rd – Manchester and Salford Anarchist Bookfair ( – People’s History Museum – Time TBA
- December 4th – Newcastle – Star and Shadow ( – 4pm
SmashEDO Tour comes to #OccupySheffield 14/11
13-11-2011 13:53

The summer of resistance will be a summer of antics and opposition to Brighton’s very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
We will be at Occupy Sheffield at 1pm and 7pm on Monday 14th November
Simon Kirby mp covers up Sussex Police Corruption
13-11-2011 13:08
Simon Kirby mp covers up Sussex Police Corruption. Simon Kirby mp said he would help a 76 year old man who is very sick who expose a major case of Police CorruptionBilly Bragg to sing at Occupy Sheffield and other events this week
13-11-2011 13:06
Events at Occupy Sheffield this week include talks about the campaign against the arms trade with Israel organised by the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign with speakers from Smash EDO, on Monday at 1pm and 7pm. A visit and songs from Billy Bragg on Tuesday at 1pm. On Thursday there will be a talk from the Sheffield Equality Group on "You can buy happiness - how closing the wealth gap would help everyone" at 7pm.
Scottish Crown Office - Unfit for purpose
13-11-2011 12:55
Scottish Crown Office - Unfit for purpose?
Here is a summaryof the way that the Scottish "justice" system has treated Robert Green from the outset.
12 February 2010
Whilst walking peacefully down a side street in Aberdeen at ten in the morning on the way to meet the electorate and
More hunt violence in South East
13-11-2011 11:31
Sabs attacked by hired thugs on the South Downs and Eridge Hunt on SaturdayFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Police eviction bid - live streaming from Portland
13-11-2011 10:13
Dramatic scenes live from Portland, USA, as police prepare to evict Occupy protest.Brixton Demonstration against racist Police
13-11-2011 02:55
Over 200 people gathered outside Brixton Police Station this afternoon to protest against racist Police. They were joined by leading campaigner for social justice and race equality Lee Jasper.
Passengers on passing buses reached through open windows for leaflets and cars sounded their support.
Smiley Culture, Kingsley Burrel, Demetre Fraser, Mark Duggan and Jake Michaels, Sean Rigg, Cynthia Jarrett, Dorian Mackie and so many others. All dead after interaction with the Police.
Ricky Bishop was murdered ten years ago, 22nd November 2001. His mother Doreen still fights for justice.
African Resistance Now –
#OccupyLSX solidarity with the revolutionaries of Egypt
12-11-2011 18:49

About 40 people responded to a callout for a 'tour of shame' of the arms companies who accompanied Cameron to Cairo days after the fall of Mubarak.
The tour left the camp at about 3.30pm and called at the offices of Qinetic and BAe.
Police harass activists traveling by coach to nov9 protests
12-11-2011 17:42
The police were stopping many coaches with students and activists traveling to the November 9 student protest.(Italy) The militarisation of the Susa Valley: final act
12-11-2011 17:38
Berlusconi’s moribund government has finally managed to pass a decree – with the opposition’s approval – that formalises the current state of militarisation in the Susa Valley.Hunger Strike By Young Activist
12-11-2011 15:34
Animal Rights Activist Edmund Maile goes on Hunger Strike.Antifascist demonstration, Greece Nikea 12/11.The same day fascists are planning an event at 17:00
12-11-2011 12:55
During the last months, parastatal neo-Nazi rippers of the ‘Golden Dawn’ [Chrissi Avgi] have made their appearance attempting to pour their fascist, nationalist and racist poison in the neighbourhood of Nikaia.
Neo fascists in the new Greek Goverment
12-11-2011 06:08

Occupy Leeds!
12-11-2011 02:55
Leeds now has an occupation! City Square, opposite the swanky Queens Hotel, right in the middle of the financial district.
Leeds now has an occupation! City Square, opposite the swanky Queens Hotel, right in the middle of the financial district.
Wrap up warm, and if you're heading there and want to bring us something nice, here's our wish list:
Things already on this list
Ready made banners - it's a bit wet to do much banner making on site at the moment and there's loads of space for banners, so please make and bring your own!
Whiteboard pens (without which the whiteboard is less useful...)
Water and water containers (Rain doesn't count. No more rain please.)
Rope, e.g. polyprop.
Hand sanitiser
Plastic crates, especially with lids, for storage
Chopping boards
Entertainment, e.g. a deck of cards, a radio, some board games
See you there :-)
Nuclear powered crime: EDF hacking conspiracy directors jailed
12-11-2011 01:04

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers