Callout for a Solidarity Action – International Day to Defend the Egyptian Revol
cece.disco | 10.11.2011 12:51 | Occupy Everywhere | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles
Saturday 12/11/11, 3pm St Paul’s
Occupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
Occupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
Callout for a Solidarity Action – International Day to Defend the Egyptian Revolution
Saturday 12/11/11, 3pm St Paul’s
Occupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied David Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
If the mainstream media would have us believe that the Egyptian Revolution has happened and that the freedom of the Egyptian people is being respected, quite the contrary is true.
Egyptian protesters have reported large amounts of deaths and heavy repression against all those criticising the military’s claim to power and disproportionate influence in the new proposed constitutions.
Moreover, since the military junta took power, at least 12 000 have been tried by military courts, unable to call witnesses and without access to lawyers. Minors are serving in adult prisons , deaths sentences are being handed down, torture runs rampant. Women demonstrators have been subjected to sexual assault in the form of ‘virginity tests’ by the army. Last sunday, on the 31/10, blogger Alaa Abd El Fattah was imprisoned on trumped up charges and will be sending an unforeseeable time in a cell.
The arms companies we will be visiting and shaming are in bed with Cameron in order to profit from the ongoing repression and murders happening right now in Egypt. These companies are also the ones providing the tools of repression for all the solidarity and protest movements around the world.
Occupy London wants structural change towards authentic global equality. The world’s resources must STOP going to the military. Wars and arms dealing have no part in a sustainable, equal and democratic global system.
We stand in solidarity with the global oppressed and and we call for an end to the actions of our government and others causing this oppression.
The arab people have since this winter been an incredible inspiration to resistance movements all over the world. We stand in solidarity with our Egyptian sisters and brothers and we:
We urge the UK government to withhold all support to the Egyptian military until power has been handed over to a civilian government and cease participating in arms deals in the region.
Condemn the Egyptian military’s massacre at Maspero and all the military and police violence against peaceful protesters and demand impartial investigations into all these cases.
Demand an end to military trials in Egypt and all intimidation of activists.
Demand the immediate release of all political prisoners and detainees and for any trials to be before civilian courts with fair representation.
Demand immediate lifting of state of emergency in place since 1981 and the guarantee of the right to protest and strike.
Cameron, BAE, Rolls Royce, Qinetiq and all, you might be able to airbrush your propaganda but you can’t wash the blood off your hands.
To keep updated and support:
Saturday 12/11/11, 3pm St Paul’s
Occupy London is calling for ‘A tour of shame’ on the 12th of November, starting at St Pauls at 3pm, as it is the International Day to defend the Egyptian Revolution. We will be touring central London, visiting 3 of the 6 Arms Dealers who accompanied David Cameron to Cairo in February, in order to strike an arms deal with the Egyptian Army.
If the mainstream media would have us believe that the Egyptian Revolution has happened and that the freedom of the Egyptian people is being respected, quite the contrary is true.
Egyptian protesters have reported large amounts of deaths and heavy repression against all those criticising the military’s claim to power and disproportionate influence in the new proposed constitutions.
Moreover, since the military junta took power, at least 12 000 have been tried by military courts, unable to call witnesses and without access to lawyers. Minors are serving in adult prisons , deaths sentences are being handed down, torture runs rampant. Women demonstrators have been subjected to sexual assault in the form of ‘virginity tests’ by the army. Last sunday, on the 31/10, blogger Alaa Abd El Fattah was imprisoned on trumped up charges and will be sending an unforeseeable time in a cell.
The arms companies we will be visiting and shaming are in bed with Cameron in order to profit from the ongoing repression and murders happening right now in Egypt. These companies are also the ones providing the tools of repression for all the solidarity and protest movements around the world.
Occupy London wants structural change towards authentic global equality. The world’s resources must STOP going to the military. Wars and arms dealing have no part in a sustainable, equal and democratic global system.
We stand in solidarity with the global oppressed and and we call for an end to the actions of our government and others causing this oppression.
The arab people have since this winter been an incredible inspiration to resistance movements all over the world. We stand in solidarity with our Egyptian sisters and brothers and we:
We urge the UK government to withhold all support to the Egyptian military until power has been handed over to a civilian government and cease participating in arms deals in the region.
Condemn the Egyptian military’s massacre at Maspero and all the military and police violence against peaceful protesters and demand impartial investigations into all these cases.
Demand an end to military trials in Egypt and all intimidation of activists.
Demand the immediate release of all political prisoners and detainees and for any trials to be before civilian courts with fair representation.
Demand immediate lifting of state of emergency in place since 1981 and the guarantee of the right to protest and strike.
Cameron, BAE, Rolls Royce, Qinetiq and all, you might be able to airbrush your propaganda but you can’t wash the blood off your hands.
To keep updated and support:
