UK Newswire Archive
The Mexican government is losing control
29-09-2010 08:38
The Mexican government is losing control Brown Berets and their drug cartel taking overBrown Berets and their political goals
29-09-2010 08:31
Brown Berets and their political goalsBristol Transport To Smash EDO demo
28-09-2010 23:37
transport will be going from bristol for the eventfor more information check
transport will be going from bristol for the event
for more information check
EDO make weapons components vital for the waging of aerial war. EDO's technology is used to attack people from Palestine to Iraq, from Afghanistan to Pakistan. They arm F-16s, build components for Paveway bombs and help develop technology for Predator and Reaper drones.
During Israel's 2009 massacre in Gaza the 'decommissioners' broke into EDO and by causing hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage shut down the production line. Their defence was that theyu were acting to prevent war crimes. Sixteen months later they were found not guilty by a unanimous jury verdict.
The question after all this is, how long can EDO sustain their bloody business in Brighton? Now it's time for a final push to remove the factory from Brighton.
Our action comes at a time when the people of Afghanistan are being targetted by remote control. Unmanned drones piloted by mercenaries on the other side of the globe are used to maintain aerial supremacy in Afghan skies. Tens of thousands of Afghans have died in the nine year assault. Now is the time to attack the industries which are propping upthe occupation.
It's Hammertime! We are calling for people from around the UK, and beyond, to join us in besieging EDO. We aim to shut the factory for the day through the creativity and diversity of our actions.
The Big Society - A warning to Jobseekers Claimants
28-09-2010 23:37
Volunteering Wealth Warning - Just don't do it!DO NOT volunteer! Or if you do - DO NOT tell your Jobcentre under any circumstances.
This may be a personal experience, but the warning needs to be made public for ALL claimants of Jobseekers Allowance to be aware.
Whatever you do, DO NOT volunteer for the "Big Society" - as currently being touted by Cameron/Clegg and their evil, slicing and dicing government. Don't encourage them to shirk their responsibilities to society, or to yourself!
This is what happened to me:
Whilst signing on, I happened to mention that I occasionally volunteered at a local tourist attraction on the odd Saturday - and had been for many years. I had thought nothing of it really - not even relevant. Mistake or what!!!?
The next thing I knew, I was being interrogated as to what payments I received (I'm a Volunteer FFS!); how many hours I spent there and on which days; was my presence keeping somebody else out of a job? And countless other unbelievably stupid questions.
I was made to fill in an "earnings record" with all zeros on it each fortnight - and worst of all - MY BENEFITS WERE STOPPED FOR SIX WEEKS while I was "investigated"!
NOTHING, no amount of pleas, could make the bastards see sense - or move any faster. Yes, it was extremely stressful - £65 a week is quite useful when you have nothing else and have paid in for 30 years of your working life.
Anyhow, as a result, my council tax benefit was stopped - leading to endless and time-wasting paperwork with the City Council to make a reclaim. I was told to apply for "crisis loans" (thank God for generous and willing mates) - and presumably if I had been on Housing Benefit - my rent would have gone unpaid and I would now be well on the road to homelessness. Truly bloody frightening!
So BE WARNED: Don't help the bastards out. They certainly won't help you!
Or if you do, the very, very last people to tell you are volunteering are those insane bureaucrats down at the Jobcentre!
And for all the Big Society hype - I have now given up volunteering - so the tourists have to show themselves around on a Saturday morning .... Progress indeed!
Appeal letter from Sakin's son, Help us to stop stoning my mother!
28-09-2010 21:46

The President and I (a *must watch* interview of President Ahmadinejad)
28-09-2010 21:43

So far, all the interviews given by President Ahmadinejad to US reporters have inevitable resulted in idiotic questions, outright hostility, petty accusations and outright nonsense.
Opposition to kraakverbod
28-09-2010 18:50
A quick review of some of the things happening as part of the days of action in the Netherlands to mark the banning of the noble act of squatting, which finally becomes law on october 1. But for sure the squatting won't stop.Gasoline hoses of Shell gas station sawn through.
28-09-2010 17:24
translation from
Palestine Today 09 28 2010
28-09-2010 16:47

Mayall Road eviction, the story
28-09-2010 16:08
On Monday, 27 September, Lambeth Council's out-sourced housing management
"Lambeth Living", brutally evicted the house in Mayall Road, Brixton, which
was squatted for the last 1 1/2 years.
Some Background
Located just around the corner from the former 121 social centre (which
was evicted by Lambeth Council 10 years ago) the Mayall Road squat, beside
housing, served as small community cinema, and a space to host events from
neighbourhood meetings to poetry nights.
The house had been empty for years, after the council "decanted" the last
council tenant under the false promise that they would refurbish the house.
Instead they spend money on security companies to "secure" the house and
let it fall derelict. After an offcial request last year it was revealed that Lambeth
Living "had no plans to use the house" and it was managed by its "long term void"
management team.
The Mayall Road squat gained attention even in the mainstream press in spring 2010,
when, shortly after Lambeth Living had announced that they want to evict the place,
local residents petitioned to let the people stay. Neighbours from 40 houses in the road
alone signed the petition.
When Teodoro De Carvalho, Lambeth Living's housing officer for the premises, received
the petition he stated "that he does not know the property and he would not care
about petitions". he also proposed that the residents should move to a hostel. Instead of
responding to any of the requests to sit down and talk to find a solution for the house,
Lambeth Living also stated to the press that they were having a "zero tolerance" strategy
towards squatters and would proceed with the eviction plans.
Several eviction attempts
A first eviction attempt failed end of July 2010, when neighbours and friends protested
outside the house at the announced eviction date.
Last Monday early morning, police and bailiffs were again confronted with people
protesting outside and were unable to get through despite brutal attempts to remove
people and clear the road. Two people got arrested during this attempt, several were beaten
by the police. For several hours, Mayall Road was filled with police vans, while neighbours
tried to convince the only council representative who turned up (who titled himself
an "eviction officer") to stop the eviction. After about two hours, both police and bailiffs
Only a few hours later they returned in what can only be described as a concerted action
of police, court bailiffs and security. About 40 police officers sealed off the road
clearing the space for 10 or more bailiffs, trying to batter the entrance with rams,
jigsaws and angle grinders for almost an hour. Finally the managed to storm the house, randomly
smashing the furniture and other belongings they found to the walls.
After the last occupier had been removed, the security company "secured the house" with
steel boards, hereby willingly smashing the front windows (they didnt even bother to open them).
Questioned by neighbours the security company claimed that that they were told to smash
installations and toilets in the property to render the house uninhabitable for future
Zero-tolerance for housing?
Currently about 1000(!) units managed by Lambeth Living are sitting empty, while more and
more people are unable to pay their rents and getting evicted. Lambeth Living, which is run
in the style of a company, does not care about housing, they care about business results,
which means that there is no chance for old properties to be used. Those properties either
get sold to the private market or fell derelict.
But the eviction from Monday does not only show Lambeth Living's approach to housing, it also shows their ignorance towards the local community where it does not fit into a business model.
more fotos:
Coach company will not carry EDL 'scumbags' again
28-09-2010 15:44
A coach company that transported English Defence League supporters to a rally in Bradford last month has expressed its deep regret and promised it will not do that again in the future.In an email to Corporate Watch, which exposed the affair earlier this month, Ausden Clark's operations manager Adam Frost said: “We are deeply sorry we got involved in the transportation of such narrow-minded individuals […] and we are NEVER going to transport this group again.”
Sweden: On how to challenge rightwing racist class politics
28-09-2010 15:06

Did Obama really say that?
28-09-2010 14:59

Wednesday is International Radioactive Waste Actio
28-09-2010 14:18
The date was chosen to commemorate the worst known radioactive waste disaster -- a reprocessing storage tank explosion, following loss of cooling water, in the Ural Mountains of Siberia on Sept. 29, 1957 . An entire region contaminated, hundreds immediately killed and the poisoning and death of many more since, due to the lingering radioactive contamination of a vast area of the environment.
solidarity attack... natwest bank smashed on gloucester road, bristol
28-09-2010 14:16
attack on a bank on gloucester road in solidarity with those in prison in chile and the early hours of the 28th of september we attacked the natwest bank on gloucester road, bristol with paint and bricks.
windows were smashed, paintbombs thrown and 'destroy all prisons' was sprayed up on the wall.
this action was taken in solidarity with the 35 mapuche prisoners, the 3 incacerated in switzerland and the 14 imprisoned anarchists in chile - the majority of which are on hunger strike.
natwest is owned by the royal bank of scotland, which is complicit in state repression in chile, the pillaging of the earth, and the financing of the prison machine.
we send solidarity, love and rage to all those continuing the struggle in whatever way possible.
until all prisons are burnt to the ground
Wildkatz Social Centre present A Week of Free Stuff
28-09-2010 13:14

President Ahmadinejad's New York meeting with U.S. activists
28-09-2010 13:07

On Sept. 21 – the annual U.N.-declared International Day of Peace, he held a particularly interesting meeting at a midtown hotel with some 130 members of the U.S. peace and social justice movements, including major figures in the Black activist community.
Solidarity Needed for Belarusian Anarchists
28-09-2010 13:02
Urgent solidarity actions needed in support of Belarusian anarchists who are facing widespread repression, harassment and detention without charge.Wednesday is International Radioactive Waste Action Day
28-09-2010 12:54

Porn to Trans identity: Leeds Queer Film Fest
28-09-2010 11:41
From Thursday to Sunday in Leeds there was a queer film festival at a squatted location in Leeds organised by Queer Mutiny Northern. The festival was held to bring Queers together to a safe space in Leeds and open up issues for discussion.