Solidarity Needed for Belarusian Anarchists
minsk solidarity | 28.09.2010 13:02 | Repression | World
Urgent solidarity actions needed in support of Belarusian anarchists who are facing widespread repression, harassment and detention without charge.
This month, Belarusian government has begun a new wave of repressions against anarchists and other social activists in Minsk and other cities around Belarus. Dozens of our comrades and friends are being interrogated and harassed, so far we know names of 11 social activists that have been arrested, many of them held for weeks without charges or with made up charges, 3 of them are still in prison.
These activists need your help to raise international awareness of these illegal arrests, organize demos, write letters to Belarusian Embassy in UK, donate money for lawers, and so on.
You can find more information about this on Indymedia Belarus:
Arrests of anarchists in Minsk (Tag):
A call for international solidarity with the social activists recently
arrested in Minsk (posted 2010-09-12):
The current events (constantly updated, last update 2010-09-28):
Please, spread the word!
These activists need your help to raise international awareness of these illegal arrests, organize demos, write letters to Belarusian Embassy in UK, donate money for lawers, and so on.
You can find more information about this on Indymedia Belarus:
Arrests of anarchists in Minsk (Tag):

A call for international solidarity with the social activists recently
arrested in Minsk (posted 2010-09-12):

The current events (constantly updated, last update 2010-09-28):

Please, spread the word!

minsk solidarity