UK Newswire Archive
I am a Tabloid Police Moralist
13-03-2001 14:33
The Saatchi gallery is so far refusing to comply with police 'requests' to censor the content of its current exhibition.Government Euro Site Hacked
13-03-2001 11:11

Whats Behind Langan - a critique of the BBCs Langan behind the lines
12-03-2001 21:52
What’s behind Langan?Serious Questions of State Censorship
12-03-2001 15:55
North London. An art gallery has become the unlikely center of the fight against censorship.Amnesty Report Condemns Czech Police Brutality
12-03-2001 12:33
CZECH REPUBLIC: Police brutality should be firmly addressed"We are concerned that the Czech police appear to have violated the rights of hundreds of people who were detained following protests organized to coincide with the annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Prague in September 2000", said Amnesty International in a report published today. This report is based on extensive information, including over 60 complaints of people who had been detained in Prague at the time.
12-03-2001 07:22
Help the Organic Consumers Association shut down GMO sales in the US and promote fare trade coffee world wide.Protestor explains 'Why Nike?' Pt II
11-03-2001 21:15

Text report at:

Protestor explains 'Why Nike?' Pt I
11-03-2001 21:12

Text report at:

Zapatista Solidarity - inside Nike film clip 2
11-03-2001 21:08

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Zapatista Solidarity - inside Nike film clip 1
11-03-2001 21:03

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Zapatista Solidarity - Niketown photo montage
11-03-2001 20:50

(some of the pics show security guards and suspected undercover police aggresivly trying to push out the protestors - but failing)
Text report at :

Zapatista Solidarity - Protestors storm 'Niketown'
11-03-2001 20:43

Zapatista Solidarity at Mexican Embassy
11-03-2001 20:26

Milestone Reached In Musical Battle For Mumia As New Single Passes 500 Downloads
11-03-2001 16:22
More than 500 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.CHILE. MILITARY REVENGE
11-03-2001 02:52
The Chilean citizens (women and men) are being persecuted and being tortured by the Armed Forces and police officers of Chile. These aberrations, that began in 1973, continue today, March of 2001. In Chile, the ArmedForces and police officers today have the same conformation and the same personnel who during the dictatorship of Pinochet. The case of Isabel Pavez Guzmán is clear and forceful. We requested the diffusion of this article. In order to facilitate this, we sent the English, Spanish and Italian text in.
The Mood is about to Change
10-03-2001 11:17
World Wrestling Federation is de-sensitizing our children to gratuitous, sexist violence.Vatican Bank Sued For Alleged War Crimes
10-03-2001 08:37
In apparently the first legal action of its kind, the Vatican Bank has been sued byWorld War Two victims and their heirs and beneficiaries.
Brought as a class action in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, the
initial plaintiffs are Ukranians and ex-Soviet citizens but the affected class
includes Serbians, Roma, anti-Fascist Croatians, and Jews.
pic - Hackney town hall rocks to the sound of drums
09-03-2001 18:20

International Womens Day - Philippines
09-03-2001 16:51

Female death row convict Evangeline Padayhag (left) and other inmates demand an audience with the president as part of International Women's day
International Womens Day - Moscow
09-03-2001 16:41

Moscovite women brave the icy water, to demonstrate in celebration of International Womens day.