UK Newswire Archive
Ilisu Dam protest
16-03-2001 12:46

16-03-2001 11:07
'It is natural that in any human society there will be differences and conflicts, but we have to develop confidence that dialogue and other peaceful methods are a valid alternative to violence in all our relations. If we take the differences between us as grounds for fighting and argument, there will be no end to it. All of us will be weakened and diminished.'Foot and Mouth Vaccine
16-03-2001 05:34
Foot and Mouth Disease can be vaccinated againstMonbiot's BOOK, "The _NO-LOGO_ of Science; corporate takeover of British science
16-03-2001 04:21
The Corporate Take over of Science_Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain by George Monbiot, MacMillan, London, 2000. Review by Mae-Wan Ho. ; The corporate take over is here and threatening the foundations of democratic government. That is the message of George Monbiot's explosive and important book Corporations have seized control of our hospitals, schools and universities. The _No-Logo_ of science.
New Single For Mumia Hits 800 Downloads With Help Of World's IndyMedia Centers
15-03-2001 23:38
More than 800 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.OFFLINE - the Indymedia UK News Sheet (lo-res: 240K)
15-03-2001 22:49
Offline is the first of a monthly publication bringing the highlights of IndyMedia news back to the streets. Providing background stories the corporate media ignores. Maintained by a collective of media activists, extending links to the direct action movement and campaigns concerned with anti-racism, anti-capitalism, state oppression and others.OFFLINE - the Indymedia UK News Sheet (hi-res: 1.7 MB)
15-03-2001 22:45
Offline is the first of a monthly publication bringing the highlights of IndyMedia news back to the streets. Providing background stories the corporate media ignores. Maintained by a collective of media activists, extending links to the direct action movement and campaigns concerned with anti-racism, anti-capitalism, state oppression and others.Protests at an exhibition
15-03-2001 15:19
By Thursday mid-afternoon it was still unclear whether the police had obtained a permit to seize items from the "I am a camera" exhibition in Swiss Cottage, north London.NATIONAL FRONT NOT TOLERATED IN NOTTINGHAM
15-03-2001 11:44
On Saturday 3rd of March the Nazi national Front held ademonstration outside of Nottingham prison, Perry Road.
How long shall they kill our prophets?
15-03-2001 10:39
When Bob Marley first fell ill in 1980, he was diagnosed as suffering from exhaustion, within a year, he was dead at the age of thirty-six, riddled with cancer. During his stay at Dr.Joseph Issels clinic in Bad Wiesse, a very ‘telling’ conversation took place:It's GAPpening
14-03-2001 12:27

BBC and US Commission on Civil Rights expose Bush coup d'etat. LINKS. Drug war
14-03-2001 09:53
Thank you BBC, Gregory Palast, Observer! 600 votes in Florida won the election. Illegal disenfranchisement (voting rights blocked) of tens of thousands of Florida voters. Blacks, Puerto Ricans, poor whites. Mostly Democrat voters. Also, Republicans' legal felon disenfranchisement via racist drug laws.The Last Straw
14-03-2001 09:41
The New Terrorism Laws are now in force, and affect us all, without exception.Contrails or Chemtrails? You decide. [pictures, video, audio, chemical analysis]
14-03-2001 05:06
Do they spray us here? They have been spraying most areas intensely in the U.S., Canada, Europe and England since 1998, including areas with no commercial flight paths overhead. Recently, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia have reported chemtrail spraying. Pass on this information to other indysites in these areas.Satpal Ram's letter to the international movement to free Mumia Abu Jamal!
14-03-2001 00:55
Refuse & Resist released this statement that I thought y'all should look at!Let them know there are no compromises!Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! Statement by
Satpal Ram from inside Britain's Blakenhurst prison February 2001
13-03-2001 19:41
Depth Charge Car Ad Subvertised - pics
13-03-2001 16:01

The subvert lasted for about a week before the text was blacked out by the billboard police (although they left the logo with an X through it :)
Subvertising related links:
Farm Crisis Intensifying
13-03-2001 15:32
Latest reports suggest that the army is to be called in to shoot wild animals, hogs in East Anglia and ponies in Exmoor.