UK Newswire Archive
The Revolution Will Be Televised
14-02-2011 15:30
The website Indymedia, is a hub for activists who are organising direct action protests, and social networking sites, blogs and email lists are widely used in communicating information to and in between activists. I have also heard of plans to make laptops mini portable internet hubs, so information can be communicated amongst demonstrators, even when the authorities close down the regular internet and mobile phone provision in areas where protests are taking place.Guerrillas Of love & Saint Valentine
14-02-2011 15:18
Guerrillas Of Love & Saint ValentineBudget of Government 'anti-snooping' agency is slashed
14-02-2011 12:49
The Government is planning to dramatically cut the budget of its surveillance watchdog despite pledging to protect the public from Big Brother-style snooping.Justice on trial – the case of Mumia Abu Jamal - film show 20 Feb
14-02-2011 11:43
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! invites you to a free showing Justice on trial – the case of Mumia Abu Jamalon Introduced by a speaker from the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Defence Campaign UKSunday 20 February 7pm at The Compass, 58 Penton Street (corner of Chapel Market) London N1 (nearest tube Angel)
Shrewsbury march against the cuts on 19th February
14-02-2011 10:11
On 19th February there will be an anti-cuts protest in Shrewsbury.Bike-powered Protest Occupies Shell Forecourts In Bristol
14-02-2011 09:22

Yesterday Saturday 12th February, Bristol and Bath Rising Tide and friends went on a bicycle tour of Bristol’s Shell petrol stations. The ride was in protest at Shell’s activities in Co. Mayo where they are laying a high pressure gas pipeline; and in solidarity with the courageous local resistance to the project.
The 30 cyclists - and an escaped stegosaurus - occupied the forecourts at the petrol stations on Muller Road, St Philips Causeway and York Road, circling the pumps and handing out flyers to customers. They then dismounted and danced to the accompanying sound system. As a result the Muller Road petrol station was closed for a while. Lots of people were interested and asked questions about the action. The police were ‘in attendance’ but did not intervene. Two cops on bikes joined the ride as they saw how much fun we were having.
In Rossport, County Mayo, Shell have just been given planning approval to lay the final section of the high pressure Corrib gas pipeline, ignoring massive local opposition. The planned pipeline would run close to people's homes, up the centre of the beautiful Sruwaddacon estuary (a Special Protected Area and Special Area of Conservation) and over an unstable peat bog. Due to courageous resistance by the local community the project has so far been delayed for a decade and is 3 times over budget - impressive for a rural community fighting one of the biggest multinationals in the world. Throughout, the Irish Government has colluded with and supported Shell while ignoring the interests of its own people. The project as it stands will endanger their health, livelihoods & local environment; all for the profit of Shell. At a global scale it will also contribute to climate chaos.
Full Story | Rising Tide Meeting
This is just one example of Shell’s operations destroying communities and wrecking the environment: from oil extraction in the Niger Delta to the tar sands in Alberta, Canada. People all over the world are resisting by defending their communities and environment against Shell.
Bristol and Bath Rising Tide plans to keep up the pressure on Shell: come and get involved! We meet fortnightly at the Kebele Social Centre on Robertson Road, Easton. The next meeting is on Monday 14th February at 7.30 pm.
Professor Colin Blakemore in Animal Rights Zone
14-02-2011 07:16
The animal rights social network and advocacy website Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) announces a groundbreaking interview with British neurobiologist and University of Oxford1 Professor Colin Blakemore Ph. D. to take place at 10pm GMT on Saturday February 19, 2011.Still time to make your voice heard locally!
14-02-2011 04:34
With Oxfordshire County Council set to vote through its budget cuts at the County Council meeting on Tuesday 15th February, you have the right to make your views known.BMA anti-privatisation lobby on 17th February
14-02-2011 04:08
Lobby the British Medical Association to oppose privatisation.Victory to the Egyptian Revolution - London rally 12 Feb 2011
14-02-2011 00:28

We Love Nottingham Services: Cards against cuts
14-02-2011 00:24
Anti Cuts event: Pre-Valentines day ‘We love Nottingham Services: Cards against the cuts’.
1pm until 3pm. in Market Square in front of the Council House
People gatherered outside the council house, asking passers-by to sign petition and to sign Pre-Valentines day ‘We love Nottingham Services – Cards against the cuts’.
They were joined by Lilian Greenwood MP for Nottingham South.
Notts Save Our Services
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Detaining of Other Campaign Adherents, Chiapas, Mexico
13-02-2011 23:23
Urgent ActionFray Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Centre
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas
February 7, 2011
Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty of ejidatarios in Chiapas
State government has detained 10 ejidatarios, adherents to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón .
Oxford Education Campaign meeting!
13-02-2011 21:08
Monday 14th February at 8:00pmRuskin College, Walton St Oxford OX1 2HE
Weekly consensus based anti-cuts campaign meetings.
Open to all: students, staff and anyone with an active concern to resist the cuts

Media Blackout of Protests in Occupied Cyprus
13-02-2011 21:00
Turkish Cypriots continue indefinite strikes and to take to the streets to protest the occupation by Turkey... a small island that is the heart of British strategic interests in the region... unlike Egypt the 30,000 strong occupying force is an army not made up of relatives of the protesters but of external occupiers... where is the solidarity that is so badly needed?Emperor Silvio will make you ‘queen for a night’
13-02-2011 20:52
While the crisis deepens and the precariousness spreads, the old PM and his court are busy relaunching their own personal vision of women’ s role in society – a rehashing of all the old tired clichés.Collapse - is a Perfect Storm Brewing?
13-02-2011 19:32
It's time to talk honestly about collapse.