Still time to make your voice heard locally!
Oxford campaigner | 14.02.2011 04:34 | Public sector cuts | Oxford
With Oxfordshire County Council set to vote through its budget cuts at the County Council meeting on Tuesday 15th February, you have the right to make your views known.
There is still time to email, fax or hand-deliver applications to address the full Council on any aspect of the cuts and how they will affect your services. These have to be received by Deborah Miller at County Hall by 9am tomorrow (Monday) morning. (Note: you don’t include your speech with the application.) Concerned citizens can download and fill out an application form (from the website here) which should be emailed to, faxed to 01865 247805 or delivered to County Hall. According to the County Council website:
If your request is agreed, you will be allowed to speak for no more than five minutes. Sometimes this time limit may have to be reduced because of the length of the agenda or the number of people wanting to speak. When speaking, you must keep to the subject, you must avoid using offensive or abusive language, and you must keep to time.
Alternatively, why not contact your County Councillor(s) before Tuesday and ask them to speak on your behalf? (They’re supposed to represent you after all!) You can find the details of all your elected representatives at the site below – just enter your postcode:
[You can also find a full list of County Councillors here on the Council website (listed by political party) - as well as details of County Council Cabinet members; political group leaders (Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green) and Committee members. General introductions to the labyrinthine workings of local government in Oxfordshire are available here and here.]
And of course feel free to join us outside County Hall on Tuesday morning! Members of Save Our Services will be taking part in a mass lobby of the County Council (from 8.30am), alongside our partners in the Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance.

If your request is agreed, you will be allowed to speak for no more than five minutes. Sometimes this time limit may have to be reduced because of the length of the agenda or the number of people wanting to speak. When speaking, you must keep to the subject, you must avoid using offensive or abusive language, and you must keep to time.
Alternatively, why not contact your County Councillor(s) before Tuesday and ask them to speak on your behalf? (They’re supposed to represent you after all!) You can find the details of all your elected representatives at the site below – just enter your postcode:

[You can also find a full list of County Councillors here on the Council website (listed by political party) - as well as details of County Council Cabinet members; political group leaders (Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green) and Committee members. General introductions to the labyrinthine workings of local government in Oxfordshire are available here and here.]
And of course feel free to join us outside County Hall on Tuesday morning! Members of Save Our Services will be taking part in a mass lobby of the County Council (from 8.30am), alongside our partners in the Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance.
Oxford campaigner