UK Newswire Archive
Abundance and Scarcity
13-06-2005 13:44
The demand for a basic income attacks one of the basic pillars of the capitalist society: the notion that only persons who work may eat. Every person on this earth has a right to share in social life and wealth only because he or she exists as a person.New Web Site Address for Thames Gateway Group
13-06-2005 12:56
The Essex Thames Gateway Information Group (campaigning against all unnecessary development in the Essex, Kent and London Thames Gateway growth area) has pulled off a major coup, by buying the address EDO Take On The Law. National Demo. Full Report
13-06-2005 12:50
Full report of events at the Smash EDO National DemoSaturday 11th June 2005
RTF party f**king wicked!
13-06-2005 12:19
Reclaim the future party was fantastic!Photos Monday WI Sainsburys GM Demo
13-06-2005 10:52

All this week (13th - 17th June), Sainsbury's staff at the company's London headquarters will be greeted by a series of anti-GM demonstrations as part of a Europe-wide action against GM.
On Monday, the a groups of protesters from the womens institute came down to express their concerns and server organic milk and biscuits. One hand to help out was 'jeeves' the butler who was also ready to answer any questions by-passers or employees might have regarding Sainsburys position on GM animal fed and how it could now threaten the availability of non-GM ingredients in all our food regardless of where we choose to shop.
Sainsbury's Targeted in Week of GM Protest
13-06-2005 09:43
Press release from Friends of the Earth...Photo opportunities every morning from 8am - 9am at Sainsbury's HQ, 33 Holborn, London, EC1N 2HT.
Butcher Blair sends Burundians home to die - Take Action Now!
13-06-2005 09:34
The British government has stepped up efforts to deport war-zone escapees back to their countries of origin, leading to unprecedented criticism from the UNHCR.Snowed: US (Corporate) Media Ignore climate change
13-06-2005 04:04
author: Ross Gelbspan / Mother JonesJun 11, 2005 12:05
Though global climate change is breaking out all around us, the U.S. news media has remained silent. Not because climate change is a bad story-to the contrary: Conflict is the lifeblood of journalism, and the climate issue is riven with conflict.
Juan Carlos Galvis Colombian Trade Unionist Speaking Tour Dates
12-06-2005 23:33
Juan Carlos Galvis, one of the Coca-Cola workers namedin a civil action against the corporation and its
bottling companies in Colombia charging collaboration
with paramilitary death squads, is currently on a
speaking tour of Europe. Juan Carlos has had several
close relatives murdered, and has survived death
threats and actual assassination attempts. He is
President of the CUT union federation in
Barrancabermeja and the Secretary of Organisation of
his own union SINALTRAINAL - the National Food and
Drink Workers Union. He has already spoken in
Birmingham, Oxford and Paris where he has received
standing ovations.
Sheffield Peace in the Park [anti-G8] :: The Pictures
12-06-2005 22:00

Sheffield 'Stop the War' March [anti-G8] :: The Pictures
12-06-2005 21:51

Sheffield G8 and Peace in the Park Photos 4 of 4
12-06-2005 21:37

Sheffield G8 and Peace in the Park Photos 3 of 4
12-06-2005 21:31

Sheffield G8 and Peace in the Park Photos 2 of 4
12-06-2005 21:24

Demo against desecration of the Quran
12-06-2005 21:22

I spoke to various people there and got the impression that the demo and march were hoped to be a spring board to future mobilisations around this and other issues.
Sheffield G8 and Peace in the Park Photos 1 of 4
12-06-2005 21:16

Vigil for Corin Redgrave as Basildon defers virdict
12-06-2005 19:46
A candle-lit vigil was held last night for actor Corin Redgrave following his collapse at a council meeting held to decide the fate of Britain's largest Traveller communityPolice called to Titnore meeting
12-06-2005 18:51
POLICE were called to a council meeting in Worthing on Friday June 10 after protesters stormed the stage.WI prepares for day 1 of Milk Monitor week
12-06-2005 18:45
Below is the text of the leaflet which will be distributed tomorrow outside Sainsburys head office in London. It will be the first of a week of morning vigils aimed at putting pressure on the supermarket to halt the sale of products derived from animals fed genetically modified crops.If you'd like to take part, check out
The events take place each morning from 8am till 9pm from Monday 13th to Friday 17th...