UK Newswire Archive
Media Disinformation: Syria Threatens Israel’s Security. One Big Smokescreen
27-04-2010 18:23

Occupation of the Hellenic Centre in London
27-04-2010 18:23
The Building of the Hellenic Centre in the heart of London is occupied since earlier this noon, 3 banners are flying on the roof and the balcony of the buillding.Twenty four years is a long time in politics music and film,
27-04-2010 17:20
Still we struggle for the libation of humanity. Twenty four years ago 26 April 1986 , The Number 4 reactor exploded at Chernobyl. It was the worst nuclear accident the world has ever seen, The musical output of these times was also significant – The Human League, Cabaret Voltaire Heaven 17 ABC all come to mind.EuroMayDay 010 and before
27-04-2010 16:22

I wrote this overview of EuroMayDay activities, because I wanted an english language overview that links some of the places where this movement mobilises, reports and reflects. The starting point is the EuroMayDay website. But other online places can be hard to find, especially since they come in many languages and images. Since most groups have the odd person that speaks english, here is a collection of english language resources. I didn't find a EuroMayDay for this year in the UK. However, struggles around casual labour and precarious lives are happening in the UK just like everywhere else. Maybe some in the UK might recognise their own struggles in the EuroMayDay activities.
Subverting the Tories
27-04-2010 15:32
You may have noticed the new Tory ad campaign that has erupted like a rash on the phone boxes here in Nottingham. There are at least four different ads, each containing a slogan with 'Vote Conservative' in the bottom panel. The good news is that they are quite easy to deal with.Workers' Fightback - "No more illusions, War Against The Rich"
27-04-2010 14:56

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
protest joan armatrading tour dates in israel
27-04-2010 13:11
joan armatrading announces two tour dates in israelInstruments of global domination:US spends billions on new global strike weapons
27-04-2010 12:36

projection outside RBS AGM building
27-04-2010 12:27

EDL in Newcastle 29th May
27-04-2010 12:00
The EDL's 'secret' protest is now confirmed as newcastleFlash mob on Saturday, May the first at 2:30pm at Parliament Square.
27-04-2010 11:48
There will be a massive flash mob on Saturday, May the first at 2:30pm at Parliament Square. Spread the word. Lets make this the biggest flash mob ever! The reason for this flash mob event is the forthcoming general election, we want to show our contempt for politicians who lie and cheat and go back on their promises.Anti-nuclear protests in Germany – "We'll be wherever they don't want us to be"
27-04-2010 11:09

Blair Peach killed by police, Met report finds
27-04-2010 10:25
Blair Peach was killed by police at 1979 protest: police report released after 30 years says Blair Peach was most likely killed by an elite riot squad officer.Party At The Pumps Part 2... This Time It's SHELL!
27-04-2010 10:06

• When: Saturday, 15th May
• Meet: 1PM at Oxford Circus
• Bring: a zone 1-2 tube pass, noisemakers, your friends & family and your dancing shoes
» Oxford Circus meeting point map –

» Facebook event –

» IMC UK calendar event –

London Needs Social Centres
27-04-2010 09:23
In a time of political crisis, we need effective bases from which to mobilise effective resistance but why is London one of the few large cities in Europe which currently doesn't have a thriving social centres movement despite the fact that squatting in England is still legal?
With Mayday less than a week away, and a General Election following shortly after, the signs of any coordinated opposition to the ruling regime (in whatever colours it presents itself), in London at least, seem to be very thin on the ground. Aside from the usual high profile events in public places on Mayday itself, there is very little high visibility demonstration of resistance at a local level and, perhaps more importantly, no social centres providing a base from which to organise.
Approximately three weeks ago, a group of people connected with the rampART collective opened a space in East London with the intention of providing living space for five people and using the remainder of the building as a social centre. Last Friday, during the opening night cafe, the owner attempted an illegal eviction which was successfully resisted. So far, so business-as-usual. The events the following day, however, while being boringly familiar to some who have been involved in squatting and managing social centres for some time, raise some serious questions about the meaning of squatting as a political activity.
A call was put out for people to turn up at 2pm on the Saturday when the owner had promised/threatened to return and we were well prepared to defend the building. However, one of the residents took it upon himself to contact the owner beforehand and negotiate for the five residents to stay with the provision that he would get rid of the 'troublemakers'. Not all the other residents were complicit and, in fact, were not consulted.
This was almost a carbon copy of the events that led to the collective voluntarily leaving the Lift 'n' Hoist building in Elephant and Castle. In that case, we were invited by two of the people already occupying the building (with the agreement, we thought, of the other residents) to set up a social centre in the basement and first floor but someone who moved in a few weeks later, again, contacted the owner and negotiated terms that precluded the operation of a social centre in the space. They were evicted four weeks later.
Although we are well aware of the problems faced by people who need to secure living space in a city where alternatives to squatting are, for many, impossible, we are also becoming increasingly aware that, for others, squatting is a lifestyle choice and, it seems, a chance to exercise power in a situation where people, because they are homeless, are vulnerable to manipulation.
We have perhaps been naïve in believing that everyone who agrees (or appears to agree) to live in a social centre shares our political views. But we also necessarily have to trust that anyone who approaches us or gets involved understands what we stand for and supports our project to challenge the commodification of public space, expose the inequalities which lead to homelessness in the first place and provide accommodation, not only for living but for the free exchange of ideas and skills, as well as for political projects and fundraising. These things can't happen if we become exclusive and constantly suspicious but they can't happen either if divisive tactics are used against us.
We know that our recent experiences are not unique to us or to our particular project. They are, perhaps, symptomatic of the culture of competitive individualism which we are committed to fighting. But having to deal with people's personal agendas is tiring and depressing and deflects energy from the urgent project of establishing viable movements for change.
Many of us have been made welcome and been invited to participate in the social centres which exist in many European cities but, currently, we feel as if we cannot offer similar hospitality in London or establish effective networks outside the country. The recent 'Social Centres in a Time of Crisis' meeting in Leeds seemed to us to demonstrate a dissipation of political commitment and capitulation to dominant agendas rather than a real force of resistance. Despite, or perhaps because of this we are more committed than ever to continuing the fight. We will not be beaten. and, once we have found a new building from which to operate, we will call a public meeting to discuss what people want from social centres and how we can best serve the interests of the many active social movements who are mobilising against politics-as-usual. Meanwhile, please leave a comment or email rampartATmutualaidDOTcom.
Trident: women campaigners to challenge police abuse of power
27-04-2010 08:20

Location of the Leicester Animal Lab Building Site
27-04-2010 08:13

The buildings to the north of the site are homes and a fire station and the building to the East is the existing animal lab. To the west is a Railway track and the south a cemetery.
Press Release - Solidarity Caravan to the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Co
27-04-2010 07:40
Caravan of local social movements and international observator tryin toward the militarized area of San Juan Copala, under threat of paramilitariesFRANCE - call for solidarity - Why we must free the Villiers-Le-Bel Four
27-04-2010 07:27
It's not how it's gonna happen: Why we must free the Villiers-Le-Bel FourA communique from the Villiers-le-Bel support committee regarding the upcoming trial, on charges of "police homicide attempt" The next 21st of June, it won't be summer time, it won't be the Fête de la Musique (1); it will be the start of the trial of our friends, of our brothers. Maka and three others from Villiers-le-Bel will have to face the accusation of having shot at the police during the riots of november 2007.
Glasgow May Day
27-04-2010 00:26
The Glasgow May Day street party, featuring stalls, food, mayhem and magic, will be held this Saturday 1 May - meet from 11am on the pedestrianised area of Argyle St.