UK Newswire Archive
Students at Universities are being listed for political purposes and abuse
06-06-2012 10:35
According to Police Intelligence PET, Kivimäki would had named Danish Scientists, Experts and Talented Students to Russia Diplomats, which they (Russia) might recruit for agents. CIA financed Finnish SDP after II war. Did they financed Nazis instead and at what extend did this happen?playing redwatch at their own game
06-06-2012 10:24

Lying Prison Social Worker In Fire Risk Shock!
06-06-2012 10:08

Save Lambeth Women's Project
05-06-2012 16:55
Lambeth Women's Project is an umbrella organisation that provides space and other resources to a variety of other women's groups. We currently house 11 groups that will be affected by a looming eviction. LWP had sole use of the building at 166a Stockwell Road from 1979- 2010. When Stockwell Primary School were made managers of the building a 5 year lease was given to LWP in order for the two organisations to share the building. We still have 3 years left on this lease and are being pushed out on totally unfounded grounds with a completely unrealistic timescale of two weeks. Lambeth have offered no alternative space for LWP to move to.
LWP is organising nightly protests in Brixton [video] and a public meeting to plan actions [details]
Even in these times of struggle - with less space and virtually no funding - approx 150 women walk through our doors each month. Many other women benefit from our community outreach work and one off events.
Groups currently at LWP work in the following areas:
- Advisory services
- Art and music
- BAME women
- Counselling
- Domestic violence
- Gang related
- Green issues
- Health incl. sexual health
- Mentoring
- Young women's service
Nightly pot banging protests to save the Lambeth Women's Project:
Angry about the looming eviction of Lambeth Women's Project?
Angry about the systematic stripping of women's services across the country?
Lets make some noise then!
Inspired by the Casseroles movement of pot banging protests in Montreal we propose a nightly meet up with our pots and pans. As we understand it the police need 6 days notice for any march so once that is approved we can stroll from Windrush Square to Lambeth Women's Project on Stockwell Road each night. Until then we will meet either at Windrush Square or LWP or both.
Join us at 7pm. Bring pots and pans. Tell your friends.
We will meet nightly until the proposed eviction date of 15th June. For latest details, keep an eye on the Facebook event page.
Watch the Montreal protesters here:
If you can help make fliers, be a point of contact, write about this, help organise future protests, donate anything useful etc please be in touch with LWP via Facebook (see below) or email
We are also holding a public meeting to plan actions on Sunday 10th June, 5pm - full details here.
Support needed:
Please get in touch if you can offer legal advice, printing, press, food, music, banners, etc.
Find us online:
Twitter: @SaveLWP
Nightly pots and pans Facebook event page:
LWP Facebook:
Abolish the IPCC' Campaign your support wanted
05-06-2012 13:32


To the UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
05-06-2012 13:10
Petition calling for more UN action in SyriaHM the Queen invites Sri-Lankan war criminal to tea
05-06-2012 12:03
Tamil and human rights activists to protest tommorrow outside Commonwealth Economic Forum at Mansion House against attendance of Sri Lankan War Criminal President Rajapaksa, who is speaking at the eventProtests are ongoing outsidePark Lane Hilton Hotel where he is reported to be staying (address: 22 Park Lane, London, W1K 1BE).
Streetmap url:

Notts Solidarity Network- A new fight
05-06-2012 10:55
A few weeks ago Nottingham Solidarity Network were contacted by James Coll, he informed us that he had been recieving demand letters from the Lowell Group a debt recovery company based in Leeds. They had brought a debt from Shop Direct and were now intent on collecting the money from Mr.Coll. The account had not been opened up or used by Mr. Coll, he had not signed for anything, and was both unwilling and unable to pay the debt. The Lowell Group are now threatening litigation in order to collect the debt. Nottingham Solidarity Network and James Coll ask you to email the Lowell Group the letter drafted below their email is or write a letter to them at PO Box 172, Leeds, LS11 9WS. The letter is addressed to Mr. Andrew Bartle the company director of the Lowell Group and the signatory of the demand letters.
To Andrew Bartle, We are writing to you regarding account number 94884193, as you know this is a debt purchased from Marshall Ward and their company Shop Direct. At present you are sending Mr. Coll letters threatening litigation due to an outstanding balance of £1541.27. We ask you to desist with these threats immediately. Mr.Coll has been in touch with you via Aid Uk, who informed you that the original Shop Direct account was not opened up by Mr. Coll, but a third party. We believe that you know of this third party, and that you have been in contact with them, but as they were unable to work out a payment plan you have continued to direct your focus on Mr.Coll. Mr. Coll was in hospital at the time undergoing treatment for cancer, treatment which is still on going. The account was not opened with his blessing nor knowledge. He did not sign for the account nor knew about it until the letters that you have sent to him. Furthermore, Mr. Coll does not have the means nor the inclination to pay for a debt built by a third party, and believes that you are unfairly targeting him at a time in his life where he needs to be focusing all his energies on dealing with the cancer treatment his doctors are providing him with. We believe that you would be gravely mistaken to pursue further action against a man who is seriously ill and who had nothing to do with the account to begin with. We are members of Mr.Coll’s community, and will be supporting him throughout this process. If this matter is not dropped we will take further action. We hope that this letter finds open ears and sensible minds. Sincerely James Coll and Nottingham Solidarity Network 07423631681
Bristol Unemployed Bussed to Jubilee to Work For Free
05-06-2012 10:55
At 2300 Saturday 2nd of June 2012, a coachload of Tired, untrained and ill equipped people left Bristol by coach for London and the Queens Jubilee.At around 0240 they were dropped off by the side of a road with their Baggage and Tents and left stood for more than an hour along with 80 other people.
Having Had no sleep at 0415 these people were told that at 0500 they would be starting a 16 hour shift.
No these are not migrant workers, these are Security Staff for the Queen.
Ages ranging from 16 to 50 with one thing in common. Unpaid and on “work experience”.
Zippos Circus Comes To The Durham
05-06-2012 04:15
Zippos Circus Is a Disgusting animal circus that is currently touring the countryits now visiting Durham
we are asking everyone to take action against Zippos circus
Dalton Park Outlet Shopping Centre, Murton, Co Durham, SR7 9HU

Bark & Co Solicitors - Working Together With The Met Police To Screw Clients
04-06-2012 23:29
6-8 June: Vigils for Bradley Manning in London, Chester and Brisbane
04-06-2012 22:52
Bradley Manning is back in court in Fort Meade, Maryland, US this week for a further motions (pre-trial) hearing. Solidarity vigils will be held on 6 June in Chester, England and in Brisbane, Australia and on 8 June in London (and possibly Exeter, to be confirmed). There will also be vigils at Fort Meade and elsewhere around the world. Consider holding a 'Free Bradley Manning' vigil wherever you are.Smash EDO Press Release - Anti-militarists march against attack on Iran
04-06-2012 21:22

Hunger Strike in Calais Detention Centre
04-06-2012 17:15
People go on hunger strike inside Calais' immigration prison for at least the third time this year...Living in Sweden, Thinking of the Holocaust - CounterPunch
04-06-2012 14:56
The Sweden that Julian Assange might be sent to is not the country many believe it to be. In 2010 The Guardian had an article titled "The new Swedish xenophobia", the piece ominously warning of xenophobia's finding new strength, strongholds and legitimacy. Notably, on 25 April, a seminar at Sweden's Parliament addressed justice system prejudice against minorities and foreigners.Anti fascists attacked in Newcastle
04-06-2012 13:26
Fascist mob attacks the stuff the jubilee assemblyCitizens on Patrol Sussex
04-06-2012 12:52
If I becomer Sussex’s Police & Crime Commissioner said David Joe NeilsonI will set up CITIZENS ON PATROL SUSSEX