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Save Lambeth Women's Project (px) | 05.06.2012 16:55 | London

Lambeth Women's Project is an umbrella organisation that provides space and other resources to a variety of other women's groups. We currently house 11 groups that will be affected by a looming eviction. LWP had sole use of the building at 166a Stockwell Road from 1979- 2010. When Stockwell Primary School were made managers of the building a 5 year lease was given to LWP in order for the two organisations to share the building. We still have 3 years left on this lease and are being pushed out on totally unfounded grounds with a completely unrealistic timescale of two weeks. Lambeth have offered no alternative space for LWP to move to.

LWP is organising nightly protests in Brixton [video] and a public meeting to plan actions [details]

Even in these times of struggle - with less space and virtually no funding - approx 150 women walk through our doors each month. Many other women benefit from our community outreach work and one off events.

Groups currently at LWP work in the following areas:

  • Advisory services
  • Art and music
  • BAME women
  • Counselling
  • Domestic violence
  • Gang related
  • Green issues
  • Health incl. sexual health
  • Mentoring
  • Young women's service

Nightly pot banging protests to save the Lambeth Women's Project:

Angry about the looming eviction of Lambeth Women's Project?

Angry about the systematic stripping of women's services across the country?

Lets make some noise then!

Inspired by the Casseroles movement of pot banging protests in Montreal we propose a nightly meet up with our pots and pans. As we understand it the police need 6 days notice for any march so once that is approved we can stroll from Windrush Square to Lambeth Women's Project on Stockwell Road each night. Until then we will meet either at Windrush Square or LWP or both.

Join us at 7pm. Bring pots and pans. Tell your friends.

We will meet nightly until the proposed eviction date of 15th June. For latest details, keep an eye on the Facebook event page.

Watch the Montreal protesters here:

If you can help make fliers, be a point of contact, write about this, help organise future protests, donate anything useful etc please be in touch with LWP via Facebook (see below) or email

We are also holding a public meeting to plan actions on Sunday 10th June, 5pm - full details here.

Support needed:
Please get in touch if you can offer legal advice, printing, press, food, music, banners, etc.

Find us online:
Nightly pots and pans Facebook event page:
LWP Facebook: (px)
- Original article on IMC London: