UK Newswire Archive
Bombing Iraq Threatens US/UK Troops and Allies
30-01-2003 18:14
If the dreaded stores of weapons in Iraq are hidden, how will bombers know where NOT to bomb?Mandela savages GW Bush: US ponders nuke first-strike on Iraq?
30-01-2003 17:24

from Thursday Jan 30th
Good article by Kurdish writer on why Iraq should be attacked.
30-01-2003 16:44
Good article by Kurdish writer on why Iraq should be attacked.More "virtual" anarchy in Bristol
30-01-2003 14:41
Bristol based anarchy project “launches” web-site –THE CURRENT AFFAIRS FORUM: Still New!
30-01-2003 13:10
Join us for civil, thoughtful, flame-free consideration of current world events. Global participation. Women welcome.Germany, 9/11 and Iraq: Why Regime Change matters
30-01-2003 12:51
In the wake of 9/11 the foreign policy of historical revisionism of the Schröder-Fischer government has faced a strategic collapse which uncovered the roots of the conception. They are pointing to an extensive weakness in American post-1945 foreign policy which now can be corrected. In quest of an effective long-term strategy against global terrorism, Iraq could prove to be the prototype of a new post-war order.The Mother Of All War Shows
30-01-2003 12:28
a powerful polemic on the nature of the coming conflagrationChicago Iraq Peace Pledge Die-in pt.1
30-01-2003 12:13

Wise up and Pay!
30-01-2003 12:10

A new website aimed at galvanising the opinion of London’s silent majority in support of the forthcoming congestion charge is launched today.
Tired and fed-up by the aggressive, short-sighted belligerence of a small but vocal minority of car-drivers in London, the developers of the new site ( are seeking to give voice to the 87% of Central London commuters who walk, cycle or travel by public transport.
US Military plane trashed by Shannon Peace activist
30-01-2003 12:09
Irish peace activist does 500,000 euros of damge to US military plane at ShannonBush is no Nazi so stop saying that!
30-01-2003 12:09
A flash movie on Bush: you need shockwave installed to view and REMEMBER TO TURN ON THE SOUNDChicago Iraq Peace Pledge Die-in pt.2
30-01-2003 12:02

Chicago Iraq Peace Pledge Die-in pt.3
30-01-2003 11:53

Chicago Iraq Peace Pledge Die-in pt.4
30-01-2003 11:46

The strange change of Munich's mayor Christian Ude /-URL-
30-01-2003 11:44

The strange change of Munich's mayor Christian Ude
von pressgroup - Anti-NATO-Alliance Munich - 30.01.2003 01:15
Between anti-capitalism and the alliance for the protection of children
Discussions are getting heavier, statements ever absurd: The NATO-Security Conference from 7th till 9th February in Munich is already providing concern.
Fire Fighters more determined than ever
30-01-2003 11:32
As firefighters and emergency fire control staff return to work this morning their message is loud and clear. Members and Branches from all over the UK have been contacting the FBU Head Office to say they will not back down to threats from John Prescott.On the Homefront, Nu Labour continue its assault on the poor
30-01-2003 11:14
While they can find a billion for a war, budgets for decreasing fuel poverty are to be cutBetween art and the spiriual essence across the art and war.
30-01-2003 09:04
The play's art ..from Klee and Boetti.20.01.02/13.05.03 place Aosta tel information 0039+0165/31572.Tamtando music course about the real sound place Aosta.
Personal power 31.01.03/2.02.03 Expedia
Theosophic group 22/23.02.03
In the image of corpses lit red, white and blue (anti-war poem)
30-01-2003 07:10
I have to give a nod and a wink to poet James Lowell who inspired this