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18-02-2006 19:27

Now crystal clear on widescreen!
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can, at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive! Now crystal clear on widescreen!

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amber waves

18-02-2006 17:52

storm of freedom

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Land of the Puppet People

18-02-2006 17:50

It oftentimes boggles the mind to try and understand the ease with which the Establishment can manipulate the American citizenry into another warmongering escapade..yet it is easy to comprehend this phenomenon, for we live inside the United States of Amnesia, a country where all semblance of the yesterday becomes but a haze of blatant forgetfulness and convenient whitewash.

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Notts sends Shell to hell

18-02-2006 17:47

London Road Shell blockaded
Further actions by Nottingham people in support of Rossports resistance to Shell

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Crap "Stop and Search" of the Week: for wearing a McLibel T-shirt!

18-02-2006 17:06

Text from stop and search form
A participant in a small leafleting demo oustide McDonalds in Hastings was subjected to a ridiculous stop and search on the grounds that he was wearing a McLibel t shirt!

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Valentine's Day Protest at Health and Safety Commission (Death by deregulation)

18-02-2006 16:59

Feb 14th: Hazards Campaign held a Valentine's Day Death by Deregulation demo in London outside the
bi-monthly meeting of the Health and Safety Commission, the
government-appointed committee that sets the policy for the Health and Safety Executive.

The protest was drawing attention to the abolition of basic safeguards for workers which they say is happening at an increasing rate as profit takes precidence over people.

‘We love enforcement’ Valentine’s cards were delivered to the new HSE chief executive Geoffrey Podger along with a copy of the damning new report "Total Suck Up", which accuses the watchdog of going walkies from its legal duty to enforce criminal safety law in its haste to adopt the government’s business-friendly ‘better regulation’ agenda.


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18-02-2006 15:21

A CALL for INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY for anti-WTO political Prisoners and PRESSURE to CONTINUE DERAILING WTO: International Action Week, Feb 27th - March 5th 2006 in solidarity with 2 anti-WTO political prisoners who stand trial in Hong Kong, thousands of political prisoners behind bars worldwide, and millions
of prisoners of WTO-related policies.

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18-02-2006 15:21

Demonstration outside Bow Street Magistrates Court, London WC2
Tuesday 14 March 2006 – 10am onwards

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Oldham Labour MP borrows BNP tactics

18-02-2006 15:08

David Heyes, a Labour MP for part of Oldham, has attempted to discredit a local community group's campaign against the demolition of Victorian terraced housing by using the same tactics that he once condemned the BNP for using in the area.

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Stop Shell Hell

18-02-2006 14:32

Mobile sound system
Today a Critical Mass and blockade shut a Shell Petrol Station on Woodside Road and the A52 in Nottingham.

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India: Tea estate lockouts lead to starvation deaths

18-02-2006 13:52

Assam tea pickers
Assam and Darjeeling tea estate lockouts have led to malnutrition and starvation deaths in India this month. from

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Death squads & torture. State terror in Iraq in context.

18-02-2006 13:24

A brief summary of developments in Iraq with useful references.

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when freedom fails

18-02-2006 13:02

they say a week is a long time in politics. Well this last week has been.

I'm left with an abstract feeling of dread, not overpowering, but very much there. Things I've always taken for granted are set to change forever, and I don't know what the future holds or where we are going anymore.

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UK police arrest stars of award-winning film "The Road to Guantanomo" under the

18-02-2006 10:55

Citing the "Prevention of Terrorism" act, British Police have arrested and interrogated three of the stars of the award-winning film "The Road to Guantanamo", together with the three ex-Guantanomo detainees on whose story the film is based.

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Song for Critical Mass.

18-02-2006 10:15

Slung together in GarageBand.

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Activists walk out of court as Swiss Police found not guilty after nearly killing

18-02-2006 09:51

Activists walk out of court
The facade of a trial against the police ended in a not guilty verdict with little chance of their victims ever receiving compensation.

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Are Muslims from Mars and Europeans from Venus?

18-02-2006 09:20

Is the row over the Danish cartoons really part of a clash of civilisations?

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Crossrail-tunnel-hole Council, Tower Hamlets, lacks basic standards

18-02-2006 08:28

The UK’s channel 4 TV ran a programme last night [Friday 17 February 2006] cataloguing the brazen violation of democratic and civilised standards by Tony Blair regime - both in govt and within the former Labour [the Blaired-Browned 'New' Labour] party now in fast decline as a force for ethical standard in society the violence done by Blaired time-serving toughies at the 2005 party conference against a victim of Nazi Germany – Walter Wolfgang, a labour party member for 57 years, would be unbelievable if the details of his abysmal treatment were shown on a ‘foreign’ TV station. The creepy careerists who physically manhandled Walter included a black man and two white men. The two white men were reported as having been Blairing local councillors. They showed no remorse for their violence against Walter and his much younger fellow pro-democracy protester against the Blairing descent into undemocracy within the Party. The role of Blaring councillors has become a very hot political issue in the East End of London. Councillors have been found to have been touting for the Crossrail tunnel-hole attack on the community. The atmosphere of political campaigning for democratic accountability by the controlling group of Tower Hamlets Councillors is getting hotter by the day. Local MP George Galloway has already confirmed that he and his RESPECT Coalition would join the local community in civil disobedience and judicial review actions to stop the Crossrail tunnel-hole. Against this background, Blairing local Government Minister Phil Woolas’s appointment of any number of ‘Standards Board’ members looks unmistakably surreal and ridiculous.

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A thousand reasons to keep fighting! - Solidarity with Ruben and Ignasi

18-02-2006 02:54


Solidarity with Ruben and Ignasi. Free anarchist prisoners!

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Resistance to Shell Hell continues in Ireland

17-02-2006 23:45

Shell's headquarters in Dublin were blockaded during lunchtime today by bicycles and supporters of Rossport's campaign to prevent a dangerous, high-pressure pipeline being built through their community.