UK Newswire Archive
Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus!
09-03-2009 02:23
Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.Announcing The Black Dove Support Network's New Website
09-03-2009 02:03
This website is meant to be an online resource for anti-prison organizingand prisoner solidarity work. Here one will find a collection of prisoner
news and updates as well as developments on the organizing to abolition
prisons. We hope y'all enjoy.
Bush to follow Bashir?
08-03-2009 22:18
Former US President George W Bush could possibly stand trial at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, says an ex UN Prosecutor.[ Why wait? Arrest him in Calgary, Canada March 17.]The Great Outdoors: Energy depletion.... and camping!
08-03-2009 21:49
The Great Outdoors is a initiative by The Free Range Network and Paul Mobbs on the simplest route that people have to learn how to reduce their consumption and practice the skills required for a low impact lifestyle -- living outdoors."Abolish All Immigration Prisons" - demo 21st March - Manchester
08-03-2009 21:32
We are calling for a demonstration against all immigration prisons and against Manchester's Pennine House in particular. At a meeting last week, local groups such as No One Is Illegal, RAPAR, Comittee to Defend Asylum Seekers, AF-Manchester and others endorsed our call.Gender Is My Agenda Campaign
08-03-2009 21:24
SHAC Financial Campaign Update - Andrew Baker proposes HLS buyout
08-03-2009 21:09

08-03-2009 21:07
A closer look into the moral consequences of one of today's most favourite past-times - backbiting. One Bahai's take on a problem that no one seems to be immune to and everyone seems to suffer from.Student Activism Not Dead in Plymouth!
08-03-2009 18:26

G.W. Bush's criminality
08-03-2009 18:16

Human Rights in Israel and Occupied Palestine
08-03-2009 16:13

Inequality and discrimination persist because they're hard to prove and Israeli society never internalized these values in practice.
Leila Deen, Custard Queen, Arrested
08-03-2009 15:43
London activist Leila Deen was arrested Saturday for throwing green custard over government minister Peter Mandelson on Friday to protest at his undemocratic involvement in the decision to Heathrow airport. She received a text message and phone call from the police to inform her she was to be arrested for common assault. After being interviewed she was released without charge, and bailed to return on the 9th of April.Crufts Demo Report
08-03-2009 15:17

Animal rights activists from Nottingham, London and elsewhere gave a grand farewell to the Kennel Club, hoping that this will be the last year that people will be allowed to breed dogs for racial(breed), purity whilst thousands of healthy dogs die in shelters around the world because of a demand they created.
Interview with Will Potter: Green Is The New Red
08-03-2009 15:11

Forza Nuova, BNP & NPD: Milan April 5th, 2009
08-03-2009 14:56

In England Do You know anything? Please collect infos!!!!
UAV ,parc aberporth
08-03-2009 14:04
ty hafan, a welsh charity going to an arms fair 7 April south walesThe Times chunters on about animal rights activists again.
08-03-2009 13:32

Apparently animal rights activists are hypocrites for not campaigning against Halal and Kosher slaughter because we are all too scared of upsetting Muslims and Jews!!!
Russian solidarity demo for SHAC prisoners
08-03-2009 12:38

In Petrozavodsk (Republic Karelia, Russia) animal rights activists organized a demonstration against vivisection – one of the most cruel animal-abusing industries. About 30 people took part in the action.
Days Of Action Against Detention Profiteer
08-03-2009 11:33
This is an invitation to take part in a phone blockade TOMORROW against detention profiteer, CgMs Consulting.Million Women Rise March, London
08-03-2009 10:59