"Abolish All Immigration Prisons" - demo 21st March - Manchester
Manchester No Borders | 08.03.2009 21:32 | Migration
We are calling for a demonstration against all immigration prisons and against Manchester's Pennine House in particular. At a meeting last week, local groups such as No One Is Illegal, RAPAR, Comittee to Defend Asylum Seekers, AF-Manchester and others endorsed our call.
Meet 12noon on Saturday 21st March on Albert Square outside Manchester Town Hall for a rally with speakers and leafletting. From there, a Critical Mass will leave to cycle to Manchester airport. The rest of the demonstration will follow by train. We will re-converge at 2pm outside Terminal 2, which houses Manchester's immigration prison.
This protest will coincide with a demonstration at Yarl's Wood detention centre in Bedfordshire, called by London No Borders.
A more detailed demo callout will follow soon.
For now, watch the video call
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKmd0V53J48&feature=channel and keep checking
http://www.nobordersmanchester.blogspot.com/ for updates.
This protest will coincide with a demonstration at Yarl's Wood detention centre in Bedfordshire, called by London No Borders.
A more detailed demo callout will follow soon.
For now, watch the video call

Manchester No Borders