UK Newswire Archive
G8 Climate Counter Summit - follow-up event
13-04-2005 20:06
A follow up to the G8 Climate Counter Summit held last month has been called for 18th April, 7 PM at Rampart Street in London. The meeting is open to anyone interested in networking, campaigning and planning for action on climate change around the G8.Manchester Kissit Demo 14th July 2005...related articles
13-04-2005 20:01
I have received a number of documents relating to the above event, which I would like to share with you.US Refugees: Casualties of the 'War Against Dissent'?
13-04-2005 18:19
As part of the 'War Against Dissent', extraordinary events can occur within the US, life threatening events. But has so-called 'realpolitik' effectively denied Americans the right to political asylum. There have been legitimate cases, including one based on torture and attempted murder.Report on Sandra Bakutz trial in Turkey
13-04-2005 16:31
The main body of this is a report I wrote for the Scottish Socialist Party of the March 30 trial of Sandra Bakutz, an Austrian who was arrested in Turkey in February and charged with belonging to a banned organisation. Sandra was released and allowed to return to Austria but the trial continues. I have added an afterword which adds some updated information since her release.Caterpillar clothing boycott begins
13-04-2005 16:20

Destruction of the palmtrees in Iraq
13-04-2005 15:58
Le palmier dattier est l'arbre emblématique de la Basse Mésopotamie. Les dattes sont l'un des produits de base de l'alimentation de l'Irak moderne. Avant l'embargo, l'Irak, qui abritait plus de trente millions de palmiers dattiers et plusieurs centaines de variétés, était le premier exportateur de dattes au monde. Aujourd'hui, les palmeraies, saccagées par les troupes d'occupation et atteintes par une maladie inconnue, sont pratiquement détruites.La destruction des palmiers-dattiers et d'autres arbres fruitiers pourrait-elle faire partie de la politique de génocide culturel menée par les Etats-Unis en Irak, berceau de la civilisation, tout comme la destruction des oliveraies en Palestine par les Israéliens ?
Hardworking families
13-04-2005 15:46
'Hardworking families', besides its direct meaning of 'families that work hard' or 'families whose constituents work hard', is used as a rhetorical device (a code word) in the politics of the United Kingdom and that in the United States: it is used pragmatically beyond its semantic value. In such uses, the phrase usually appears in the plural form.Oxford Animal Rights Meeting - Tues 19th April
13-04-2005 15:17
all welcome. come along to the local animal rights meeting at the EAST OXFORD COMMUNITY CENTRE on cowley road oxford. 7.30 pm tue 19th April 2005Video ramPARTY this saturday 16th
13-04-2005 14:18

As well as screenings of Real2Reel shorts and film making workshop - the musical highlighs of the evening include; Duncan McPherson, Corneilius Lookwood. Lower Depths (punk - 2nd time at the rampART), DavidCronenberg'sWife, Surge, DJane Sexyrubbersole (much loved d&b set), DJane Mondstrom and DJ Milo (rampART radio regular)..
Suggested donation at the entrance £3.

National Geographic's Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
13-04-2005 13:42
Natonal Geographic magazine invites us all to share our thoughts on Guantanamo Bay on its website.'How to Duplicate your Fingerprints'
13-04-2005 13:01

The Trustees of the archive have agreed that the dissemination of fingerprint duplication information is more appropriate than the creation of a centralised archive; and have produced a 'How to Duplicate your Fingerprints' Information Sheet at
For those who have already contributed to the archive the service will
continue as usual.
Thanks for your ongoing support of this project,
The Fingerprint Duplication Archive
Police target journalists
13-04-2005 12:59
Police are increasingly using various 'legal devices' and violence, to remove independent journalists from the scene of actions were the police feel that their actions may be portrayed in a less flattering light. Arrests are often spurious 'holding' charges and those arrested are normally either later released without charge or have charges dropped before they reach court. Such arrests mean missed deadlines and also mean that the police are able to act safe in the knowledge that with no cameras around it will be their word against the protestors...The following is a list of just some of the people arrested while covering issues of political interest:
Remember Mclibel?
13-04-2005 12:54
The David and Goliath story of the McLibel TwoIndypendent video evidence saves the day
13-04-2005 12:49
Video evidence collected by on the streets by independent journalists is being used more and more to challange in the courts the lies of the police. In the USA court cases have begun for the 1,806 people arrested in New York last summer while the Republican National Convention was taking place. In the first case the prosecutor abruptly dropped all charges when video evidence provided proved that the officer who had just testified had not even been present at the arrest! Similar stories can be found around the world and while the footage taken by grassroots videographers rarely making it onto the corporate controlled mainstream media, the footage may often prove vital in protecting people against the worst abuses of power by the police.The police clearly don't like their actions being recorded and are scared of the power of the photos and video footage taken by independent journalist (and don't forget with indymedia we can all be journalists). This fear is demonstrated by this quote by Cheif Supt Davies of the Mets Public Order Branch published in the Police Review in 1997:
"Like all forms of modern protest, experience has shown environmentalist to be highly organised and media friendly. It is almost standard now that the media will give protesters cameras, both video and still, to record a protester's eye view. This would almost certainly result in a significant propaganda victory for the protesters as they are selective about what they release".
However it is the police who are selective, selecting where and what can be filmed. During protests to save greenbelt land from contruction projects in Manchester and Birmingham the police erected fences around the sites and banned all journalists. An observation platform well away from the action was erected with views of only a tiny section of the forest was constructed by officers leaving the actions of balliffs and police unobserved during the evictions.
Obviously the power of the alt media is recognised by the police and frequently those with cameras will be the first targetted for arrest or harrasment.
Ex undercurrents journalist Roddy Mansfield (who now works or Sky News) was arrested for forgetting his press card PIN while covering a protest in London. While reporting on the Manchester Airport, HTV producer John Fraser Williams, sustained two broken ribs after being beaten by police.
Photographer Nick Cobbing was arrested in Oxford merely for leaving a demonstration. The animal rights protest he was covering was covered by a section 12 order and when it came time to leave he told a senior police officer him his NUJ press card. However, shortly after he was arrested.
There is an almost endless list of such stories: David Sims freelance photographer detained for 11 hours, being arrested for breach of the peace at Greenpeace demo against arrival of genetically modified soya beans into Liverpool Docks. Was arrested in spite of repeatedly showing his NUJ card. Police returned camera, but kept roll of film.
In a more recent case in the UK, a freelance journalist was arrested just minutes after filming an arrest that occured during a protest outside a meeting of G8 environment ministers taking place in London. It was reported afterwards that the police kept the camera and footage but have since dropped charges.

Brighton: wrecking operation against Green Party?
13-04-2005 12:49
Why (oh why oh why) are the so-called Alliance For Green Socialism running a splitter candidate in Brighton?Bush arrest when visiting Holland in May?
13-04-2005 12:39
In the Netherlands coming April 29th there'll be an official verdict in the court case vs Bush et. al.: again charged with a string of crimes against humanity, 'Breach of the UN Chapter' and the Torture Convention, which by the way your country - like the US - has signed too.