UK Newswire Archive
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
18-10-2011 20:55
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
18-10-2011 18:55
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Dale Farm facing eviction on Wednesday 19th of October
18-10-2011 18:30
Dale Farm gypsey site is facing possible eviction on Wednesday the 19th of October. People are needed to come down and help to resist the eviction. Dale Farm is in Basildon near Wickord. You can get there by trains from Liverpool street station in London to Basildon or Wickford.Ukraine Is Burning Animals Alive In Preparations For Euro 2012
18-10-2011 17:18
Ukraine is using mobile combustion device to burn stray animals alive.ATOS 2 Rebailed
18-10-2011 14:56
The two local residents arrested following a protest at the offices of ATOS Healthcare, on Stoney Street, have been rebailed until mid-November.
The delay is to allow time for "further investigations." All conditions have been dropped.
If anybody was at the protest and/or witnessed the arrest, please get in touch by emailing nottsdefence[at] (spamfilter: swap the [at] for @). All contacts will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Occupy Nottingham: Day 4
18-10-2011 14:56
Despite the wind, cold and rain, the Occupy Nottingham camp on Market Square is still going strong in it's fourth day (Tuesday October 18th).
The occupation has attracted considerable interest from passers-by, most of it apparently positive.
It also appears that the council and police have taken a deliberate decision to leave the occupiers alone.
A prominent placard declares that the occupiers are very grateful for "all the people who have donated, helped and wished us well."
A "wishlist" has been produced of things which people looking to support the occupation can usefully donate (see below).
Notts police still don't take DV seriously
18-10-2011 14:56
The IPCC have criticised Notts Police's failure to prevent the brutal murder of Casey Brittle by her former partner, Sanchez Williams, last year. The murder was the final of 11 incidents of domestic violence which the police were notified of and failed to do anything about. The force was reprimanded for its failings in this area by the IPCC in Nov 2010, after it failed to prevent Gail Hdili's abusive husband tracking her down and blinding her. Obviously very little has changed.
An IPCC spokesperson said "In this case it is clear that a number of officers failed to perform to the level expected of them and basic actions, that may have helped others see the full picture of her suffering, were not completed. No consideration was given to why Casey was reporting domestic abuse but then subsequently saying that she did not want police help." In other words, officers had not received even basic training appropriate to dealing with domestic violence.
As a consequence of the investigation, six officers face misconduct for their roles in three incidents, while a further four officers "have been dealt with through unsatisfactory performance procedures." In other words, a lot of individuals failed to prevent a woman being murdered and they are going to get a slapped wrist. No wonder nothing seriously changes.
The Nottingham Post reports that there were "A number of failures by officers in individual incidents, including a lack of understanding of the force's domestic abuse policy, and risk assessment forms not being sent to the domestic abuse unit."
Over two women per week are killed by current or ex-partners, and one in four women in the UK will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Those women are being failed by an incompetent and inadequate response by the authorities.
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
18-10-2011 14:56
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
18-10-2011 14:56
Saturday 15th October 2011
The Jarrow March 2011, which is marching from Jarrow in the North East to London to raise awareness of youth unemployment, arrived in Nottingham today.
Marchers and supporters assembled on the Forest Rec at 12.30 and marched to the Market Square where a rally was held. It is the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, which an attempt to raise awareness of the intense poverty and unemployment in the North East. The marchers are demanding a number of major policy changes by the government to improve the lives of young people and give them a better future.
They are making the following demands:
A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.
The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.
The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.
The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.
A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.
On arrival in the Market Square, it was occupied by a gathering of people aiming to “to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for”.
On arrival, there was an event were many speakers expressing their concerns. Notts Uncut also did a tour of the usual tax-dodging suspects.
They camped overnight and are intending to stay as long as they can. The occupation is part of a worldwide movement of occupations that began on 15th Oct. The occupation showed solidarity with youths from the Jarrow March 2011 who rallied in Nottingham on Saturday as part of their journey to London to demand decent employment.
As of writing, the temperature is dropping. BUT ..... people are still arriving. Passers by are showing interest and donations of food and kit being received.
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
The original Jarrow Crusade
Jarrow March 2011
Youth Fight for Jobs
Jarrow March 2011 comes to Nottingham
Occupy Nottingham
Indymedia contributer 'on the box'
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Staffordshire Anarchists - First group meeting!
18-10-2011 14:52

Britain’s Own Pravda-Style Propaganda: Ten Years Of ‘Involvement’ In Afghanistan
18-10-2011 14:16
Imagine Britain had been invaded and occupied by armed forces from another region of the world with China, for example, as a significant 'partner' in the 'coalition'. Imagine tens of thousands of Britons had been killed, and millions had fled as refugees. This is how the Chinese state broadcaster might report the invasion ten years hence:
'It's ten years this week since Chinese forces first became involved in Britain, and more than five years since they assumed responsibility for south-east England. So what's been achieved in that time?'
Occupy Glasgow! continues
18-10-2011 13:55
As of 2pm today the Glasgow occupation is continuing with up to 15 tents on the grassy verge at the side of St Georges Square. They also have four gazeebos and bigger tents with a living space, info point and hopefully a kitchen area. Plenty of discussion and activity going on at the site with biggest threat so far coming from 4 am drunks and Scottish weather.
Crystal Palace Ultras plan boycott of Ipswich match over ticket pricing
18-10-2011 13:25

Jarrow Marchers Coming to Bristol!
18-10-2011 12:55
Youth Fight for Jobs recreate Jarrow Crusade 75 years on to protest high youth unemploymentYouth Fight for Jobs members are marching in the footsteps of the Jarrow Crusade to highlight the issues of youth unemployment and cuts to education and youth services.
This month marchers will be stopping in Bristol and be involved in a couple of events to help raise awareness of the campaign. These include a fundraising gig on Sunday 23rd October and a public meeting on Monday 24th, details below.
As figures have been released showing record youth unemployment of nearly 1 million 16-24 year olds, campaigners have been marching 330 miles across Britain to highlight the issue. The marchers, members of the Youth Fight for Jobs campaign are following in the footsteps of the Jarrow crusade of 75 years ago.
Youth Fight for Jobs is backed by 8 national trade unions and is calling for the government to create jobs with a massive programme of useful public works. They are also calling for the scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes and the bringing back of Education Maintenance Allowance payments.
Some of the Jarrow marchers will be visiting Bristol for 2 days to meet local people. As well as visiting local trade union branches they will be speaking at a fundraising gig and public meeting - details below.
Fundraising Gig - 8pm Sunday 23rd October, Grain Barge, Mardyke Wharf, Hotwells, BS8 4RU
Public Meeting - 7pm Monday 24th October, City of Bristol College, College Green site, St George’s Road, BS1 5UA
The end of the Jarrow march is being marked by a national demonstration in London on Saturday 5th November. A coach will be leaving Anchor Road, Bristol at 8.30am.
For more information contact Tom Baldwin on 07986951527 or
Support your local occupation!
18-10-2011 12:55
Occupy Nottingham is still going strong in the Market Square. More tents arrived last night and they are getting together more materials for a field kitchen. There is a huge amount of interest from local people and loads of support being shown. If you can, get down there and hang out with the occupiers. If you can't, check out the wish list and see if you can support by giving something. Support your local occupiers! They're doing it for all of us.
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
- Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
- Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
- We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
- Join us in our occupation
- Tell friends and family about the movement
- Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
- Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Wishlist for donations
Blankets / sleeping bags / camping mats
Sand bags for holding gazebos down
Rope / tarps
Lights - 12V / LED / Lamps
Batteries - Car / Solar / Rechargeable
Clothes - thermals
More exposure - tell your friends
Pans (large)
Calor gas bottles / regulators
Chairs / cushions
Pens / pencils
Cardboard / laminating plastic
Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Term starts today: Plebs' College is back!
18-10-2011 12:12
Plebs' College is open for the new term.Occupy Wall Street Marks One Month
18-10-2011 11:18

#OccupyLSX - Day Three Report + 53 QuikPix
18-10-2011 10:55
#OccupyLSX - Day Three Report + 53 QuikPix
Dateline: The London Occupation, West Courtyard, St Paul's Cathedral, London, UK, Mon 17 Oct 2011, 17:00-18:30 - Since even the mainstream media have been full of reports all weekend about the global ubiquity and huge scale of the #OccupyTogether uprisings, I really didn't need much of a push to carry me back to the site of Saturday's successful #OccupyLondon General Assembly (see '#OccupyLSX - Day One Report + 75 QuikPix'). So when the call came in for some serious speech amplification, I charged up, labelled up, and delivered my 70Wrms street sound system to the newly erected Media/Tech hub in their Big Blue Tunnel, the better to facilitate communication and consensus decision-making during General Assemblies (which role it fulfilled so well on during Saturday's Occupation creation events). From an amorphous and homogenous sea of citizens two days ago, the London Occupation has transformed itself into a well-structured intentional community encampment, as you can see for yourself in the following photographs.
As a militant atheist (and part-time worshipper of the One True Trinity of the Aten, Ceiling Cat, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster ;-), I fully failed to anticipate how fortuitously world-changing events can gain the benefit of having God on our side. Since the panicked revocation of public access to the pubic space of Paternoster Square, where resides the much loathed London Stock Exchange (target of the London Occupation), we citizens choose instead to hold our General Assembly next door, on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral. One of twelve the working groups our people's assembly decided to create was tasked with liaison with the folk of the Cathedral, and boy has that paid off big time: on Sunday morning, the Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral, Dr Giles Fraser, spoke to the citizens of the London Occupation.
“People have a right to protest and it's been very good natured. Church went down well this morning. There were no problems. We had no problems getting people in. People were very helpful. I haven’t seen any trouble. I understood there might have been some, but I haven’t seen any trouble. The police were trying to protect the building for us, which was very good of them. Earlier this morning I asked them if they’d leave, because I didn’t feel that it needed that sort of protection. We'll see how it goes. We're taking one day at a time, and it's really good to see it's all worked out well for us today.”
~ Dr Giles Fraser, Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral
“The reverend came out this morning and asked the police to leave the steps of the cathedral, and said he didn't mind protesters being here, that he supported the democratic right to protest. He said there was no issue and that people were treating the site respectfully, and he was happy for it to carry on. He was asked if the services would still be carrying on and he said yes, they would carry on as if there was no problem happening. The response from protesters was very positive - everybody likes to feel that the community around us are helping out.”
~ Ben Doran, 21, music student from the Midlands
“I’m here today because I can’t see why you wouldn’t be, and I feel that this is one of the few moments in history where it’s not a protest, it’s an actual movement that’s taken root. We’re trying to challenge this myth that there are not enough resources to go around.”
~ Lorena Fentes, 27, charity worker, hailing from Vancouver, Canada
“We want as many occupations as possible, to spread the message that we can make a change. We’re peaceful and very organised.”
~ Tarek Von Bergmann, 36, German chef, Swindon
“I’m sick of talking about the state of the country, so I thought I’d do something about it.”
~ John Dean, 21, chef, Milton Keynes
“I was made redundant two months ago. I’ve come to show my anger at the Government about bank bailouts and not helping the people.”
~ Tristan Woodwards, 28, ex-IT support worker, Basingstoke, Hampshire
“Inflation is growing, prices are going up, but my income is not only frozen but going down. There’s a minority causing these problems for the majority.”
~ Virginia Lopez Calvo, 30, women’s rights worker, from Hackney, East London
“I lost my job in April because of the cuts. But now I’ve got the best view in England from my tent. I could stay here for ever.”
~ Carl Buckland, 51, social worker, Hastings, East Sussex
We're very grateful to Dr Giles Fraser and the folk of the Cathedral for their amicable pro-democracy intervention. By dismissing the intimidatory police presence as unnecessary, they’ve help to ensure that the atmosphere of the London Occupation is dramatically improved, now resembling that of joyful free festival of music, poetry, revolutionary ideas, and world-changing direct democracy. Now that we're no longer hemmed in by a gang of armed-&-armoured thugs in uniform, in the pay of the 1% plutocrats, interfering with our fundamental human right to Freedom of Assembly, we 99% citizens of the Occupation and our visitors can move around freely, free from the obstructive intimidation of the rozzers.
Do please come on down to the London Occupation, for just an hour, or a day, or a week, or as long as it takes. You can discover for yourself how powerful it feels to begin giving up illusions in bourgeois representative democracy, while starting to exercise your political power DIRECTLY, in concert with other citizens of the Occupation. Once we've re-discovered how to govern ourselves - through the direct democracy of our General Assemblies - we'll be able to withdraw our consent from the corrupt and corrupting Parliament, by which the 1% capitalist plutocrats lord it over us, and enjoy the spectacle of the Palace of Westminster collapsing like a house of cards in a direct democracy earthquake.
Before visiting or joining the London Occupation, please take a look at its collective needs and wants, and see if there are practical and material ways in which you could deliver your support too:
• Donations webpage at Occupy London
• Occupy London
» Website -
» Facebook -
» Twitter -
• Hashtag - #occupylsx
• Occupy Together
» Website -
• Hashtag - #occupytogether
• United for #globalchange
» Website -
• Hashtag - #occupytogether
• Occupy London, Global Day of Action #15Oct - further coverage
» Indymedia London Aggregate Article -
Up the Revolution,
Tim Dalinian Jones
PS: For the sake of topicality (and coz my beloved MacBook Pro is still away at the menders) I'm uploading these photos as soon as possible, without the photo-editing and captioning that normally characterises my Indymedia Action Reports.
All these photos are 'CopyLeft' This means you are free to copy and distribute any of my photos you find here, under the following license:
• Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
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NB: The pix above are auto-downsized versions for onscreen webpage display. If you would like the free, unedited, full-sized versions (up to 3072x2304px, 7.1Mpx, typically c. 3 MB) just click on an image: bingo! You can also right-click on an image and choose ‘Open Link in New Tab' (or similar) to open a full-sized version alongside the report webpage. If you'd like to take a copy of the full-sized image version, right-click on it and choose ‘Save Image As...' (or similar). Share and Enjoy!
Dale Farm fundraiser at the Sumac
18-10-2011 10:07