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Support your local occupation! (99%) | 18.10.2011 12:55 | Occupy Everywhere

Occupy Nottingham is still going strong in the Market Square. More tents arrived last night and they are getting together more materials for a field kitchen. There is a huge amount of interest from local people and loads of support being shown. If you can, get down there and hang out with the occupiers. If you can't, check out the wish list and see if you can support by giving something. Support your local occupiers! They're doing it for all of us.

Occupy Nottingham

Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.

We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.

  • Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
  • Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
  • We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.

Ways you can help

  • Join us in our occupation
  • Tell friends and family about the movement
  • Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
  • Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change

Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk


Wishlist for donations

Blankets / sleeping bags / camping mats

Sand bags for holding gazebos down

Rope / tarps

Lights - 12V / LED / Lamps



Batteries - Car / Solar / Rechargeable

Clothes - thermals

More exposure - tell your friends

Pans (large)

Calor gas bottles / regulators

Chairs / cushions

Pens / pencils

Cardboard / laminating plastic

PEOPLE (99%)