UK Newswire Archive
2007: Decisive Year for the Israeli-Neocon Attack Iran Plan
04-01-2007 11:26
"The Israelis are not prepared to wait for the glacial turn of American politics, especially now that the decidedly pro-Israel Democrats are taking over the reigns of Congress."Email alert: Stop more deforestation biofuels and peat burning as 'green energy'
04-01-2007 11:23
On 10th January, the European Commission is expected to make a final decision on the European Biomass Plan. There are serious concerns that they will promote ever more biofuels from palm oil, soya and sugar cane linked to rainforest destruction, peat drainage, biodiversity losses and, in some cases, human rights abuses. There is even pressure on them to class and supoort peat as a source of 'renewable biomass'. Please write to the European Commission today to express concerns.Israel and Saudi Arabia Planned to Assassinate Nasrallah
04-01-2007 07:45
An Arabic web magazine, run by Syrian dissident journalist Nizar Nayouf, has published a report claiming that Israel and Saudi Arabia planned to 'take down' a special Saudi plane that was supposed to carry Hezbullah's Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, to Saudi Arabia in a secret visit on New Year's Eve.See the full article in Arabic:

Friends of the Earth blockades Faslane nuclear submarine base, Scotland
03-01-2007 22:38

Globe is Warming Faster Than Scientist's WORST PREDICTIONS
03-01-2007 21:47
Review of the year: Global warmingOur worst fears are exceeded by reality
Reduce CO2 in Ten Years, or Climate Will be Out-of-Control
03-01-2007 21:15
With the new scientific discoverythat the result of global warming
will be "abrupt climate change"
to ice age conditions (Broecker)
due to a shut down of ocean currents,
this article is a scream in the wilderness
from a scientist that has been muffled
for years by the US Government. Note
it was not printed in the US.
Full article | 1 addition | 28 comments
False Flag Operations and Make-Believe Bogymen
03-01-2007 19:17
War is a racket. The people don’t –of course- want war. It takes false flag operations and make-believe bogyman enemies to get the masses to accept war. The USA has wasted 21 trillion dollars since 1945 on military buildups to fight enemies that don't existPregnant Woman Raped and Lost Baby after Being Deported into the Desert
03-01-2007 17:59
Reports of terrible tragedies suffered by the 240 refugees who were arrested and deported by the Moroccan authorities on December 23, 2006, began to reach us.
According to reports from Attac, a 5-month-pregnant Congolese woman was viciously raped on January 2nd. She was hospitalized but lost her baby in hospital. Since her rape, she is said to have been in a state of shock and refuses to speak.
According to, quoting Paulin Kuamzambi, the vice-president of Morocco Refugees Collective, four women were raped on the way back to Oujda (Morocco). There hasn't been any more information about the circumstances surrounding these rapes except that, in 3 cases, the rapers were Moroccans, while it was Algerians in the fourth.
activists lock down Alcoas' London offices
03-01-2007 17:54
Late on New Years Day activists targeted 2 Alcoa front companies, (Kawneer in central London and ASA in North London.) Both companies had their front access doors locked shut with D-locks and chains, and were left grafitti messages that they should leave Iceland straight away.They are destroying the last pristine wilderness in Europe right now, as well as trashing other communities and ecosystems all over the world.
See for a massive amount of resources and information.
Anti-US demonstration in Manila - January 3, 2007
03-01-2007 17:25

Lauren Booth (Blair's sister-in-law) backs Ugly Rumours’ anti-war single
03-01-2007 16:23
Lauren Booth (Blair's sister-in-law) backs Ugly Rumours’ anti-war singleAnarchist Film Fest seeks submissions
03-01-2007 15:13
The 7th Chicago Anarchist Film Fest will again take place in Chicago around MayDay...Iraqi asylum seekers in the UK, claims in progress or have been refused asylum
03-01-2007 14:25

They are more cautious on returns to the three Northern Governorates (Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Dohuk), though they do say "the security situation, even if calm, remains tense and unpredictable" and that careful consideration must be given before any returns are carried out.
Over 1,000 city centre flats are lying empty
03-01-2007 14:16
Around 10% are still waiting for buyers or tenants, as young professionals shun penthouse suites and studios in the city centre to buy houses in areas like Lark Lane, in Aigburth.Saddam No "Cause Celebre" for Death Penalty Opponents
03-01-2007 13:19
Executing Saddam will do nothing to end the chaos in Iraq.. Even Saddam Hussein had a right to human dignity despite his crimes.. It's a bizarre notion that this inhuman spectacle should aid the development ot democracy and order in Iraq.U.S. Army Subpoenas Independent Journalist to Testify
03-01-2007 13:15

Israel Lobby Pushing Iran War
03-01-2007 12:41
Who would believe it? After Carter, it's Ritter...Genewatch UK consultation:
03-01-2007 11:46
GeneWatch UK is a not-for-profit group that monitors developments in genetic technologies from a public interest, environmental protection and animal welfare perspective. GeneWatch believes people should have a voice in whether or how these technologies are used and campaigns for safeguards for people, animals and the environment. We work on all aspects of genetic technologies - from GM crops and foods to genetic testing of humans.Somalia: New Hotbed of Anti-Americanism
03-01-2007 09:10
The U.S. foreign policy blundering has created a new violent hotbed of anti-Americanism in the turbulent Horn of Africa by orchestrating the Ethiopian invasion of another Muslim capital of the Arab League, in a clear American message that no Arab or Muslim metropolitan has impunity unless it falls into step with the U.S. vital regional interests.Solange Nlandu Therese Nsingu
03-01-2007 06:39