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Kalyx & Colnbrook IRCs - Close them down Now!

03-01-2007 06:36

Demonstration @ Kalyx/Colnbrook December 2006
With hunger-strikes, acts of self-harm and protest people are fighting their invisibility. The recent resistance inside these detention centres joins with the thousands of other people worldwide who demonstrate, riot, light fires and destroy compounds in protest against and in defiance of their incarceration. It shows that people, regardless of their desperation, will always struggle for their human dignity.

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03-01-2007 00:02

summary of the first work table on autonomous education at the meeting of Zapatista communities with the people of the world in Oventik, Chiapas, México.

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Encounter Between the Zapatista Peoples and the Peoples of the World - 3

02-01-2007 23:35

03 Informative Bulletin about the Encounter between the Zapatista peoples and the peoples of the world

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Am i paranoid? Superb video

02-01-2007 22:46

Is this news - possibly not unless to your neural networks
A great audiovisual rundown of the current state of affairs emanating out of the Glagow truthers

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University Investment in the Arms Trade

02-01-2007 22:41

Details of a survey of university investment in the arms trade is now available online

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Secret U.S. plan to overthrow Syrian government

02-01-2007 19:56

The Bush administration is secretly funding political opposition to the Syrian government in a bid to topple President Bashar al-Assad's regime, according to a classified document seen by the Time Magazine.

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How to Start a Civil War

02-01-2007 18:48

"In "Crime fighting or Crime Cover-up", the German blogger "Freace" asks if the bombing of the Basra police station really was what we were told in the mainline media.

According to BBC reports, it was apparently the same police building in which last year 2 special unit Brits wearing Arab clothes and driving a car full of explosives had been detained and arrested after they had shot several policemen. The building was then stormed by British troops to free those obviously false flaggers."

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01-01-07: Save Iceland banner drop, London, UK

02-01-2007 18:18

Supporters from arrived on the Millennium Bridge at some time after 10am and attempted to drop banners from the Tate Modern Gallery, from the roof of St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Millennium Bridge.

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Picture of the workiong tables - 1st of January

02-01-2007 17:58

The morning of first of January two tables of work were celebrated, those of the other commerce and the other communication.

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TABLE 6: Possession of land, agrarian destribution, recovered land, harassment. t

02-01-2007 17:36

The land belong to who works it, the fight for land and territories.

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New London Food Not Bombs Group Needs Help

02-01-2007 17:34

After Christmas, a new food not bombs group will be started in London, which is looking for more people to be involved in the project.

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Zanon (Argentina): The factory rocks

02-01-2007 16:38

Es el rock de la linea del frente.

The workers in the self-organised tile factory Zanon have something to celebrate: The temporary legal status of the factory, granted in 2001, was extended for three years this October. In what is fast becoming a tradition, they ended the year with a huge rock concert with 6000 guests.

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Please Urge Bulgaria to Stop Abuse of Pet Animals

02-01-2007 16:30

The Animal Programs Foundation urges Bulgarian authorities to enforce permanent regisration of pet animals; to restrict theyr breeding, trade and abuse; to promote theyr early-aged sterilization

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Support Lindhurst Wind Farm

02-01-2007 16:23

Supporters of Lindhurst Wind Farm will be getting more signatures of support in Nottingham on the 13th of January 2007,letting the planners of Mansfield and Newark & Sherwood understand the full support from the people of Nottinghamshire.

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Join Chomsky, Sheehan, Zinn, etc: Out of Iraq Now!

02-01-2007 16:15

Why we stand for immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq

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Big Brother Is Watchin You.

02-01-2007 16:12

So is old man with a camera

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Table 4 : The 'Other Communication, Art and Culture

02-01-2007 15:53

summary of the fourth working table, the 'other' communication.

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Zapatisa meeting with the perople of the world

02-01-2007 15:51

summary of the first work table on autonomous education at the meeting of Zapatista communities with the people of the world in Oventik, Chiapas, México.

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Demonstrate against First's latest bus fare rises

02-01-2007 15:34

Bus campaigners We Want Our Buses Back have organised a protest demonstration aginst First's latest fare rises. This takes place on Saturday 6th January assembling at 11am at City Hall for a march and rally.

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In Plain Sight

02-01-2007 14:20

Welcome to 2007, the year of plain sight and little doubt! The criminal incompetence of the Bush regime is impossible to hide, thanks in part to a highly successful American son, Bill Gates – and everyone thought that Bin Laden posed the greatest threat to the American way of life! It was Bill Gates, the world’s most successful capitalist, who, a decade ago, accelerated the development of the “information super highway”. His superbly streamlined and devastatingly efficient marketing machine facilitated the age of open communication that many take for granted today.