UK Newswire Archive
New anarchist radio collective in London
04-03-2002 13:19
New group formed to produce material for underground radio stations.Int. Women's Strike: 8th March: 24hr Web Stream
04-03-2002 12:09

On March 8th will host a 24 hour live internet stream created by women for women.
So where do you come in?
blair told he is a racist
04-03-2002 11:55
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been accused of racism by Zimbabwe's information minister, in the latest row over the country's elections.London streets get UK's first booze-free zone
04-03-2002 11:36
police said on Monday the UK's first no-go area for street drinking had been introduced in the heart of central London.massive demo in italy
04-03-2002 11:22
Thousands in march against BerlusconiKOREAN POWER WORKERS NEED OUR SUPPORT
04-03-2002 11:08
The Korean power workers are now in the sixth day of their strike against privatisation and the government is getting worried. The police are already trying to hunt down the union leaders. All messages of solidarity are important and are being translated and posted on the KCTU website. The struggle against privatisation is truly global.Colorado billionaire supporting nationwide propaganda campaign in U.S.A.
04-03-2002 10:53
propaganda warWhy The U.S. Supports Narco-Fascism
04-03-2002 08:11

DC IMC: Farid Esack speaks on 'Progressive Islam & the Secular Left' (audio)
04-03-2002 07:41
.Colombian anarchist statement
04-03-2002 01:23
We reject the escalation in the war caused by the breakdown of talks between the government and the FARC. Likewise we reject the official version according to which this breakdown was “caused” by the kidnapping of a senator, because there is evidence that it was planned well in advance
03-03-2002 20:37

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Bring as many -----PEOPLE----- as you can
Lets show the BRITISH and IRISH Governments that the risks they are subjecting us to are UNNACEPTABLE
We must shut down Sellafield reprocessing Plant before its to late, There is no 2nd chance!
Systermatic Safety Breaches, Coverups and Billions $£$£$£$£$£ (BNFL) of Vested Intrest make this an accident weighting to happen....
BBC4 to put Kissinger on trial!!!
03-03-2002 20:30
New digital channel BBC4 is to air a programme entitled "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" which places the Nobel peace prize winner's policies under the spotlight.Virtual strip search
03-03-2002 20:26
In these times when even your confidential medical records will soon be open to the police, social services and the drug companies, privacy is going out the window. Holographic imaging tecnology is now being developed which will be able to produce a nude image of you, and anything you're concealing as you're passing through the airport or wherever. The FAA is interested. Click the link for video demonstration (From Kills!
03-03-2002 20:26

tony ben calls for non-vilent direct action if new war starts
03-03-2002 20:26
loosened from the shackles of the dead hand of parliament tony calls for sitdowns etc the breadth of britain,if war stars with iraq...