UK Newswire Archive
Ivory Coast French connection?!
12-04-2011 12:29
French colonial interference in Africa, once again has nothing to do with supporting democracy, everything to do with installing Western Capitalism friendly banker Ouattara as leader.Global Day of Action on Military Spending protest
12-04-2011 12:22
London CAAT took part in the Global Day of Action on Military Spending with a protest outside the Treasury. Placards contrasted the UK's military expenditure in 2010 (£38.954bn) with the number of nurses that could fund (1.5 million) or the cuts the Ministry of Defence was facing (8%) compared to the cut of the school buildings budget (67%). Report and pics ...
A die in took place on the steps of the Treasury and this gained the attention of a number of passersby. Inventive chants such as Welfare not Warfare, A&E not BAE (Systems, one of the world's largest arms companies) and Sure Start not War Start also caught the attention of the public.
Callout to protest ATOS, in Liverpool (now!)
12-04-2011 11:23
This is an urgent call for ACTION in solidarity from the Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign in Defence of Disability Rights and Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC).
From tomorrow until Wednesday ATOS Origin ‘Healthcare' Ltd. - the notorious organisation that is involved in disability denial as sub-contractors of the unjust "Work Capability Assessment" on behalf of the DWP will be having a stall at the Royal College of Nursing exhibition in Liverpool...
...The grassroots disabled people's protest movement in Liverpool has yet to take shape. For this reason we are appealing to you, and through you UK UNCUT Liverpool (following your magnificent direct action against BBC Merseyside) and all other people of goodwill who are active on Merseyside, to take direct action against these savages who are perpetrators of the most despicable and greatest injustices in Britain today."
Anarchist action - Mitie vehicle torched.
12-04-2011 11:05
Let us be clear on something: we are not demanding anything. The libertarian world that we desire is here, in our beating hearts and clenched fists, not to be found through the concessions of our enemies, allegience to this or that party/union/'social movement'. We have no dialogue to be made with the world we have discovered ourselves to be at war with, as it is at war with us. And we are not alone. Across the world the attacks multiply - some claimed clearly by comrades in the perspective of the struggle against State, Capital and Hierachy in whatever forms, many, as always, a mute expression of the rage of stolen lives, broken hearts, trampled desires. Also made beautiful in their rebellion.Animal circuses - not so great
12-04-2011 10:25
As protests get underway on the opening day of their Leicester dates, the 'great' British Circus announce their next venue at the end of April as Sutton Coldfield - rather than Nottingham as expected.
Leicester demos will be held during their (extended) run from April 12 - 27 at Leicester Road, Glen Parva, Leicester, LE29TG
Details are at
After waiting patiently Nottingham campaigners note that overdue dates in Nottingham seem to have been skipped (again). Having opened in Nottingham for many years, they started going elsewhere a few years ago, before visiting Nottingham in April. Two years ago they missed Nottingham all together, but returned last year.
Lets make sure that they are never made welcome in Nottingham again.
Contact the circus site at the Japanese Water Gardens, 0115 9397926 /
fax: 0115 9490451
Meanwhile venues are already cancelling Bobby Roberts 'Super' Circus dates.
The Great Yorkshire Showground and Skipton Auction Mart have cancelled.
Details of two month's venues have been released on Indymedia at
and other potential venues, tracked from previous years are at
Please contact these and other potential circus venues to pre-empt future bookings.
More at
Unemployed Workers' protests needed at Cardogan street.
12-04-2011 10:23
We could do with Hetherington occupation tactics and spirit at Cardogan street,Glasgow.
Bobby Roberts & Hartlepool Marina - Important Update
12-04-2011 10:01
IMPORTANT UPDATE - JOMAST DEVELOPMENTS - HIT 'EM HEAD ON!Anti-cuts activist convicted in Glasgow
12-04-2011 08:22
Glasgow Defence Campaign
Report of Renfrewshire Anti-Cuts Committee Public Meeting 9th April
12-04-2011 08:22
The Renfrewshire Anti-Cuts Committee recently held a public meeting in The Methodist Hall, Paisley to discuss cuts in both the local and national context.Speakers included Alan Brown, a National Executive Committee member of PCS, Jimmy Kerr of the JESS - Save our Pools campaign and SSP activist and Ian Leitch o
For those who do want to contact Century Films
12-04-2011 08:06
The following email has been circulated privately, but in light of the on-going debate, perhaps there is a point to telling Century Films to back-off from doing a documentary based on Mark Kennedy's story. Sometimes it is not enough to ignore, sometimes a clear response is needed - but it does not always have to be dressed up as a well-written press release...Demos continue at Heckler&Koch weapons HQ in Nttm
11-04-2011 23:23
4.00pm Monday 11th April
The Shut Down Heckler & Koch campaign has been picketing the factory in Lenton for over 4 years now. With more recent events in the Middle East, a new urgency is apparent to consider where such weapons are ending up, arming represive regimes.
The Shut Down Heckler & Koch campaign has been picketing the factory in Lenton for over 4 years now. With more recent events in the Middle East, a new urgency is apparent to consider where such weapons are ending up, arming represive regimes.
Anyway ..... people had gathered at the gates to the UK headquarters of Heckler & Koch, based within the Easter Park Industrial Estate on Lenton Lane, Nottingham. [Unit 3 in fact].
One would have thought that a city infamous for its gun crime would be a poor location for a warehouse full of guns. Not according to H&K, who do great business equipping war-mongers on any side.
Proud owners of H&K weaponry include the brutal militias of Darfur - the Janjaweed. Funnily enough, despite the outcry against the massacres in Darfur, they obviously weren't quite bad enough to stop selling weapons to the perpetrators. Even a recent arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against a senior Sudanese politician accused of selling H&K weapons to the Janjaweed hasn't seemed to stem the flow of H&K guns to a militia accused by everyone including the US of committing genocide. (H&K guns also fill the arsenals of the US Dept of Homeland Security, US Navy Seals & the FBI amongst others).
H&K have a 'strategic partnership' with the world's largest mercenary company Blackwater. H&K supply the guns to the Iraqi and Afghan puppet governments, and Blackwater provide the training.
There was a plan for H&K to produce special edition 'Blackwater' weapons - complete with the Blackwater logo on them. However, after Blackwater made the headlines for killing 17 innocent Iraqis (not the first time that Blackwater have killed innocent Iraqis, but the first time that it made the news in a major way), the plan was shelved.
Interestingly, local media also came under pressure; Trent FM, who had shown some enthusiasm about reporting these demos, received a word in their ear from both H&K's press office as well as the police, warning hacks that it would be 'irresponsible' to publish the fact that H&K has a warehouse full of weapons in Nottingham, as it may prompt criminals to try and steal them.
In response the campaigners pointed out to the radio station that H&K's address was published at Company House, as well as in several business directories. About the radio station being leaned on, the campaigners said that "If the security policy of H&K and Notts police relies on no-one finding out the company's location, then clearly it is they who are irresponsible, not our campaign and not the media. A large warehouse stocked with high-power assault rifles and submachine guns with inadequate security to prevent a robbery is clearly a significant danger to the public, and publicisng such a danger is very much in the public interest."
The H&K warehouse, located at Easter Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, is next to the 'Trent Vineyard', an evangelist church that held the funeral of Danielle Beccan, a 14 year old girl who was killed in a drive-by shooting. At her funeral service the then mayor of Nottingham said, "Guns have no place at all in our community - not in Nottingham, not in my city nor any other city in Britain."
One campaigner said: "The arms trade relies on secrecy. Most people abhor the idea of factories and warehouse making and selling weapons around the world, and arms companies know this. By lifting the lid on the business, anti-arms protesters can make a put the pressure on the government/corporate killing machine to stop killing for profit." [schNews]
As you can see from the front board, Unit 3 is simply 'let'. One feels that they might just be a little embarrassed about their presence on the Easter Park Estate. Previous occupants had been the Royal Small Arms Factory. Even during wartime, they had a sign on the gate, saying who they were! Another example might be British Aerospace Works at Filton, Bristol. Again, they say who they are on the gate. This lot still remain shy of folks knowing of their activities.
In my opinion, lights need to be shone into dark corners.
The campaign pickets H&K on the second Monday of every month from 4:00 to 5:30 at the gates of Easter Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2PX.
Demos continue at Heckler&Koch weapons HQ in Nttm [March event]
Middle East dictatorships armed by H&K [feature]
Campaigning against Heckler & Koch Weapons in Germany and the UK [feature]
and ..... on German Indymedia at:
Shut Down Heckler & Koch Campaign
Poster / Flyer PDF of H&K leaflet
Notts arms dealer in trafficking conspiracy [Feature]
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
IRMS security works with Gardaí to block Rossport Solidarity Camp protesters
11-04-2011 22:42

Dangerous Conversations
11-04-2011 21:23
Dangerous Conversations is a project born out of the struggle to end systems of domination. Our involvement in movements described as anarchist, activist, horizontalist, and so on has been at times inspiring and at other times disillusioning and frustrating. This zine is not aimed at Anarchists or Activists but at anyone who struggles against the many forms of domination that blight our lives: ableism, ageism, authority, capitalism, civilisation, caste and class systems, heteronormativity, islamaphobia, male privilege, speciesism, transphobia, white supremacy (and others that are still unrecognised).
[Please note: The PDF viewer on this site does not display some of the fonts correctly. Download the version at the link above to see it as it was intended.]
The Cruellest Cut
11-04-2011 21:23
The shocking news that daycare at Hayward House is to terminate.
A large number of people in Nottingham will have cause to be grateful to Hayward House Macmillan Specialist Palliative Cancer Care Unit, having had a relative or friend helped by the dedicated staff there. And none of us know whether or when we could personally be grateful for the work done there.
Hayward House is situated in the campus of the City Hospital, and cares for patients with advanced cancer. It has been going for years, offering inpatient care and daycare. My mum died there in 1997, and I have been a volunteer driver for almost 10 years.
Patients find the daycare invaluable. It's very personal. Cancer sufferers get to see doctors and nurses to have their medical conditions looked after; spend time in company rather than alone; get a nicely served hot meal plus drinks and snacks; get the chance to do craftwork and other activities; go on an annual boat trip; are able to have a shower or bath and have other physical needs cared for; and, most importantly, are treated with love and respect. The daycare offered by Hayward House is invaluable as it combines medical, emotional, personal and social care, and all patients and their carers are treated individually, and with human warmth. Many patients who attend daycare find it is their only opportunity to get out of their houses and do/see something different. For those who live alone, it may be their only opportunity for a chat. Daycare also provides much needed respite for carers.
Now there is the shocking news that daycare at Hayward House is to terminate.
Hayward House is funded by a Primary Care Trust, whose Commissioners have made the decision to stop daycare on September 1st. No-one from the PCT has been to Hayward House to see what goes on there. Some different kind of service, but not daycare, will be offered after Sept 1st, but nobody yet knows what. No new daycare referrals are being accepted as from now. As the daycare service runs down, there will be fewer and fewer patients attending, so the service will lose its happy atmosphere and be transformed into a handful of people hanging on grimly.
The in-patient facility is not (yet) affected.
Money will not be saved in the long run. Currently, patients experiencing problems will usually wait until their next daycare session to ask for help, confident that trained medical staff with knowledge of their cases will be available to help. Without daycare, and experiencing terrifying symptoms or unbearable pain, they will go straight to A&E. Many more will become inpatients much earlier than they would with the support of daycare. Others will have to go into nursing homes when daycare would have supported them living in their own homes.
Patients, who should be spared unnecessary worry at this stage in their lives, are very distressed, sad and angry. Volunteers, staff, carers, and others affected are also upset. One patient with advanced cancer who spoke to me said that since she heard this news, she has been unable to keep any food down, and she is terrified that she will have to go into a nursing home once daycare ends. She can’t stop herself from crying.
Daycare at Hayward House is a remarkable service, especially in the way it combines medical care with care for the whole person; enables people with often painful or frightening conditions to chat with each other and find they are not alone; gets people out of the house and into a social situation; helps with personal issues such as bathing, massage, relaxation; treats everybody with care and dignity. Patients whose conditions deteriorate can move seamlessly into the wards to become inpatients in an environment they are already familiar with.
The staff are very dedicated, and there is a large team of long-term volunteers, helping with tasks such as serving meals, greeting, providing tea and biscuits, driving, etc. We started volunteering years before there was any mention of a “Big Society”; now that we supposedly should have a “Big Society”, everything worth volunteering for is being cut.
A patient described Hayward House daycare as “our last sanctuary”. Having already picked on the truly vulnerable when attacking services for disabled people, refugees and the homeless, there was only one way for the money-men to stoop lower: by kicking the terminally ill. Hayward House daycare must not be allowed to stop.
Staff are not allowed to campaign on this issue, and patients are too ill. However, volunteers are angry, and free and able to campaign; although there have been no meetings and no formal campaign exists as yet, some volunteers are starting to write letters to publicise this attack on the dying. When I know the address of the PCT, I will post it here, in the hope that they will receive bags of letters explaining why Hayward House daycare must be saved. It can probably be found at . Meanwhile, there are other letters to be written - to the media, etc.
I beg for everyone’s support to try to keep Hayward House daycare there for people in their bleakest hours.
Wave of raids and arrests against anarchist networks in Italy
11-04-2011 21:11
5 arrests in Bologna, 7 banning orders, 60 raids all over ItalyOn April 6 more than 300 officers were employed in an “anti-terrorism” operation named ‘Outlaw Operation’ that specially targeted anarcho-insurrectionalist activists.
Urgent! Oppose Welsh Streets demolition
11-04-2011 20:22
The 7 year campaign to save the Welsh Streets in Liverpool 8 is again fighting a demolition order. Petitions online and offline, plus letters of objection to Liverpool City Council must be submitted by 13th April. For the first time the Welsh Streets Homes Group has a campaign website and also a twitter account, and support is spreading rapidly.
US-led troops forced out of Samangan
11-04-2011 19:42
US-led troops forced out of SamanganAfghan people have reportedly forced Finnish and Swedish soldiers from the US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) out of Afghanistan's northern province of Samangan.
BP Flash Mob
11-04-2011 18:09

Sunday 17 April 2011, 2PM at Tate Modern, Bankside, London, SE1 9TG