UK Newswire Archive
Hey! “Anti-War” protester what you gonna do? How yu gonna “Stop the War”?
24-09-2002 14:33
This should be a lesson for us all. Learning lessons from our very recent past. Learning from his-story hopefully not replicating it!Peace Camp Being Evicted - Help NEEDED NOW!
24-09-2002 13:28
The peace camp outside the Imperial War Museum has been given until 4.30pm this afternoon (tuesday) to remove the tents or face arrest for trespass.People are needed urgently to help resist.
Peace Camp Being Evicted Now - Imperial War Museum
24-09-2002 13:16
A new peace camp just set up outside the Imperial War Museum is being evicted by police now - 2 o'clockDOWNLOAD UK-SADDAM CRIMES REPORT - pdf
24-09-2002 13:09
A REPORT MUST READ TO KNOW WHO IS SADDAMDeconstructing the "Dossier"
24-09-2002 12:54
On a day when stock markets in the US and UK are at 6 year lows and global economic instability threatens the positions of Bush and Blair, what could be more convenient than to call for war...Iraq dossier in full
24-09-2002 12:20

london tube strikes on 24 sept and 1 october
24-09-2002 12:11

a tale of two demos
24-09-2002 09:35
illuminating article contrasting media coverage of the CA march and Saturdays anti-war marchPhotoessay on MOVE emergency in Philadelphia,USA, by W. Imarisha and H. Bennett
24-09-2002 08:38

What does The Disclosure Project have to do with anything?
24-09-2002 08:24
Amid the complete and utter chaos which abounds in the world today, the strangest phenomenon of all- The Disclosure Project- remains unexamined by most activists, not to mention most people.Does the project matter? Why? And should it?
Protest against US DEA Terrorism held at CA State Capitol
24-09-2002 04:45

Mass Vaccination Proposed
24-09-2002 00:55
In 1994, smallpox virus remained only in laboratory deep-freezers in Moscow and the CDC in Atlanta, USA, awaiting a politico-scientific decision for it's final extinction.Pilger's response to Zionists attack on film
24-09-2002 00:22
Why my film is under fire
The pro-Israel lobby intimidates journalists to ensure that most coverage remains biased in its favour
British Witness Says Troops Killed Palestinian Boy Without Provocation
24-09-2002 00:19

NABLUS, West Bank (Sep 23, 2002) - A British volunteer working with Palestinians in the West Bank said Monday she witnessed an Israeli soldier shoot dead a Palestinian teen-ager, deliberately and without provocation a doctor said he was killed by a gunshot in the chest.
Jewish Activists Ejected While Disrupting Barak's ''Humanitarian'' Award
23-09-2002 21:23
New York - Four Jewish human rights activists were removed by police as they disrupted an awards ceremony for Ehud Barak, former Israeli Prime Minister (1999-2000), at the Pierre Hotel.Friday: london, RECLAIM THE BEACH!
23-09-2002 20:56
Reclaim the beach party this friday (27th) on the beach of the Thames, south bank London.FRIDAY: LONDON **CRITICAL MASS**
23-09-2002 20:49
Monthly bike ride around central london to protest 'car culture'. Bring a bike and bring some noise!!!!British Witness Says Troops Killed Palestinian Boy Without Provocation
23-09-2002 20:01

NABLUS, West Bank (Sep 23, 2002) - A British volunteer working with Palestinians in the West Bank said Monday she witnessed an Israeli soldier shoot dead a Palestinian teen-ager, deliberately and without provocation a doctor said he was killed by a gunshot in the chest.