UK Newswire Archive
Anti-war protest outside Parliament TOMORROW (Tuesday
23-09-2002 19:28
Anti-war protest outside parliament TOMORROW (Tuesday)How UN resolution was gained for last Iraq attack
23-09-2002 19:24
Diplomacy?If you want to know how George W Bush will go about getting international support for war, look at how his father did it 12 years ago.
23-09-2002 18:54
The International Organisation on Migration has opened an office in London. A meeting with a German activist on the IOMUnbearable Likeness
23-09-2002 16:53

Activist and community groups driving you crazy?
23-09-2002 16:22
one day workshop in solutions to problems in activist and community groupsRepression against phillipino communist Sison
23-09-2002 16:21

Workshops in community building, facilitation and consensus decision making
23-09-2002 15:58
One day workshop on solutions to problems and issues in political, social and community groupsViews from the Countryside Alliance March
23-09-2002 15:57
The views of a city dweller witnessing the Countryside Alliance march yesterday - and why all urbanites should act to stop it happening again.Countryside demo, pics and report.
23-09-2002 15:45

Another Desert Slaughter? The Case Against Bush's War on Iraq
23-09-2002 15:43
Read Chomsky interview on the war; excerpts from the new edition of Iraq Under Siege; articles on U.S. Labor in the Depression Decade and Steinbeck's Grapes of WrathWho's hiding behind Arafat?
23-09-2002 15:34
PA Intelligence chief Tawfik Tirawi, who is hiding at Arafats headquarters, is not only responsible for a multitude of fatal attacks against Israeli civilians but also for the torture of his own people. Israel wants him to stand trial.Anticapitalist Bloc threat forces Army event postponement?
23-09-2002 15:30
Elements within the Anticapitalist Bloc for the September 28th antiwar demonstration had planned to disrupt the "Operation: London Soldier" Army recruitment event in Central London on the 28th and 29th.It has now been rescheduled to the 27th and 29th.
Farnborough Airport -- urgent action
23-09-2002 15:05
TAG Aviation have made application to discharge conditions 16 and17 of their outline planning consent for a business airport at
Farnborough - 1:10,000 and 1:100,000 risk contours. More people
will be placed at risk than at any other UK airport. The
application must be REJECTED.
US doctrine of global domination
23-09-2002 14:07
... set out in various Republican manifestos before their seizure of powerGood comment published in the Moscow Times, one of the few English-language expat papers critical of the US
CRIME OF THE CENTURY: 'Compelling evidence' 'Compelling evidence'
23-09-2002 12:56
Tony Blair will brief ministers on the dossier of evidence against Saddam during a two hour cabinet meeting later on Monday afternoon.One senior politician who claims to have seen it says it is a compelling document and contains horrific pictures of the suffering the Iraqi dictator has inflicted on his own people using chemical and biological weapons
insufficient evidence?
23-09-2002 11:01
PSNI chief superintendent Johnathan McIvor, (ex disgraced Met police bungler in charge of the investigation into the racist murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence) now in charge of the investigation into the sectarian murder of NUJ journalist Marty O Hagan.Sympathy for the Countryside Alliance?
23-09-2002 08:21
Despite my ragings at the CA, watching a news report on Channel 4, I have to say that I could identify with some of the issues that some people on the demo were talking about.