UK Newswire Archive
Northern Rock: Government attempts to stem banking crisis
20-09-2007 11:13
The Labour government’s pledge to guarantee savings at the Northern Rock building society has been forced on it by a massive public display of no-confidence in Britain’s banking sector.No War, No Warming, Rise Up!
20-09-2007 10:13
For months a movement has been developing that consciously and intentionally links the related issues of the war in Iraq/oil wars and the heating up of the earth that is disrupting the world’s climate. On Monday morning, October 22, in Washington , DC on Capitol Hill and elsewhere around the country, that movement will become visible as large numbers of people engage in nonviolent direct action to disrupt business as usual. We will be calling for an end to this criminal war and strong action to slow, stop and reverse global warming (
“Ignominious” British in Basra
20-09-2007 10:10
The British government promoted its occupation of Basra as an exercise more sophisticated and intelligent than that conducted by its ally the US in Iraq. From the moment the British hunkered down in Basra after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq it seemed the British government and much of the mainstream media never missed a chance to boast of the softly-softly, ‘hearts and minds’ approach of its occupation. We were assured that this had everything to do with the experience it had gained in previous British military exploits, particularly in Northern Ireland, while the US were still learning lessons from their historic defeat in Vietnam. This projection of the fair-playing Brits was repeated ad naseum until a string of dramatic events took place in front of the world’s media which put an end to this myth making. Events such as prisoner and detainee abuse by British soldiers, and SAS special forces undercover operations apparently designed to foment civil strife, exposed the British army as no different to any other hostile military occupier. Everyone outside the Ministry of Defence and Cabinet agrees that the British ‘deployment’ from Basra Palace to the airport eleven kilometres out of the city is a defeat.C.U.T.S ( Communal Use Textile Studio), Liverpool.
20-09-2007 09:55
A Newly-opened community resource for creative textile recycling in Central Liverpool, with sewing studio and screen-printing facilities. Details of up-coming workshops for October and November 2007.Israel's Agenda For Ethnic Cleansing and Transfer
20-09-2007 09:04
The stage for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has been set in the Occupied Territories, and ethnic cleansing is in progress. At present, this is the major project of the state of Israel. For an impartial person of medium intelligence, a tour of the Occupied Territories may be sufficient to understand this fact.Zeitgeist the Movie
20-09-2007 08:58
What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve have in common?Palestine: The Trademark of Resistance (by Latuff)
20-09-2007 07:56

Zimbabwe: Why Africa finds it hard to support MDC/ and Ghana supports Mugabe
20-09-2007 06:15
Weve seen a lot of media driven hysterical attacks on Zimbabwe, its govt and its people by white europeans, even those on the left who should know better than to be led by the mass media. So lets see how real africans feelSTILLMANS EXPOSED! Ponies abandoned for slaughter
20-09-2007 02:56

Neo-Fascist Plot Against Iran Meets Resistance
20-09-2007 02:03
You have to wonder what pressure the media has come under, to produce such deceptive spin.UN Condemns Israel's Escalation of Gaza Crisis
20-09-2007 02:00
Since this is a crisis caused by Israeli and American covert operations in collaboration with corrupt elements of Fatah, it stands to reason that this was the plan all along.Liverpool IMC Info Night
20-09-2007 00:19

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Setting up the Gatwick No Border Camp
20-09-2007 00:16

Impressions from the NoBorder camp
19-09-2007 23:41
"The best organised camp I have ever seen", said one.Return Beatrice to Liverpool
19-09-2007 22:32

Leafleting at St Lukes at the top of Bold Street on Saturday 22nd September 1.30 - 2.30 for Beatrice and others, as sadly Beatrice's case is not exceptional, many others suffer from these racist immigration controls.
Time for Navy to Ship Out of Illegally Occupied Hawaii
19-09-2007 21:56

Allotment Holders Sowing the Seed of Resistance in Reading
19-09-2007 21:28

BALOCHISTAN - ICJ - Articulating the case and educating the West
19-09-2007 20:30

Deliberate Lies, Strange Deaths and Agression to the World Economy
19-09-2007 20:15