UK Newswire Archive
Russia - in defence of Khimki forest and arrested antifascists - solidarity need
09-08-2010 14:42
At this moment, Russia's antifascist, anarchist and environmentalist movementsare in great need of international solidarity.
Govanhill Political Policing (Pics)
09-08-2010 12:27

SUBVERT 2010 - a festival of resistance [1]
09-08-2010 08:22
Vegan cafés! - Info & record stalls! - Films! - Workshops! - Picnic! - Live punk!
All a benefit for an anarchist direct action bust fund.
Bands (Saturday 9th):
(yup that's right, back to show you how it's done)
(the return of incredible Latino super-fast h/c, from Austria)
(rare gig by UK hardcore veterans!)
(stirring London metallic d-beaters you might recognise...)
(fuzzed-out Japan/Bristol worship from Leicester)
(scorching ska-core, Bournemouth)
(the West Country's newest gnarly crust-metal beast awakes)
US Capitalism in Crisis: An Emperor With No Clothes
09-08-2010 02:33
The champions of US capitalism are having to get used to a changing global stage on which they play a diminishing roleBoycott of Israel, fresh artwork for free reproduction (by Latuff)
09-08-2010 01:15

English Defence League LGBT Division in support of Zionist protest in London
08-08-2010 23:44

July 2010 Chiapas/Zapatista news summary
08-08-2010 23:31
1. Mitziton Protest Blocks Pan-Am Highway2. Mitziton Denounces Torture of 2 Other Campaign Members
3. Virgin of Dolores Ranch Denounces Provocations
4. Other Campaign Members Denounce Drainage Plan
5. European Brigade Visits Zapatista Caracoles
6. Oventik Junta Updates Brigade on El Pozo
7. Morelia Junta Denounces Provocations by the CIOAC-I
8. State Elections
islamic regime of Iran set to execute 18-year-old on false charge of sodomy
08-08-2010 22:34

Saeed Kamali Dehghan

Earth First Summer Gathering
08-08-2010 22:23
The EF! summer gathering happend near Derby between the 4th and the 8th of August this year. To brought together eco-activists from all around Great Britan. The event was a sucess as well as being one of the largest EF! gatherings in years.
Prisoner support letter-writing night
08-08-2010 22:22
Bristol ABC's regular monthly public eventWelcome to Bristol ABC's monthly letter-writing night, where we aim to encourage people to send letters and cards of solidarity to political and other radicalised priosners, here and abroad.
This month we are moving location, and tonights session will be held at The Factory, 2-8 Cave Street, St Pauls, Bristol BS2 8RU. All those with a desire to support prisoners are welcome, bring some snacks to share.
Each month we produce a list of UK and international prisoners who welcome support from political supporters. At these letter-writing nights we encourage people toget in touch with these prisoners to express solidarity. This may be in the form of one-off short letters or postcards, or you may choose to develop a long term correspondence with the prisoner(s) - thats up to you. Prisoners really welcome contact with those of us on the outside, it breaks the dreary monotomy of their day and reminds them they are not forgotten. For those of us writing it can provide insights into the harshness of prison life, a greater understanding of our comrades inside, and the opportunity to do something basic and practical to support them.
We will provide the lists, paper, envelopes, and info about other ongoing prisoner & prison-related campaigns. You provide the letter-writing muscle, and if possible donations towards the costs of stamps.
Bristol ABC
Check out The Factory's website -
Unemployed set up new Democracy Village at Minister's church
08-08-2010 21:54
Unemployed residents of the Marsh Farm estate in Luton are currently encamped on the lawn of Romiley Methodist Church, the church of Andrew Stunell MP, Minister for Communities and Local Government, following the denial of funding for a vital job creation project. They arrived on Saturday and it is their intention to stay there in his home village of Romiley until the Minister agrees to meet with them.Flashback: The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today
08-08-2010 21:10

PFI Turns Into Ongoing PR Disaster for Barclays
08-08-2010 19:22
Having spent £25m on the branding rights to London's new cycle hire scheme, the bright sparks in the Barclays marketing department have started a dialogue with the public and which could last for several years. The scheme is part of a private finance initiative providing thousands of rental bikes in return for painting London's roadways in the bank's corporate colours.
Only minutes after the bank unveiled the bikes-for-rent in partnership with the city's Conservative administration, situationist guerrilla teams struck in the night to add their own mobile advertising messages under the Barclays logo. One of the messages, "Funding depleted uranium birth defects in Iraq", was particularly timely. New studies suggest that the ongoing genetic damage caused by the U.S. attack on the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004 may be worse than that caused by the atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 65 years ago. | Read more
According to the International Campaign to Ban Uranium Weapons, Barclays and RBS are the two UK banks which provide the most funding for the research and production of depleted uranium (DU) munitions. These weapons are special cannon rounds, fired by planes or tanks, which are tipped with a form of very dense nuclear waste. This gives them more penetrating power against armoured or dug-in targets.
Studies suggest that the dust produced by DU munitions impact can significantly raise the rates of genetic defects in places where it's used, leading to higher infant mortality and birth defects. It is unknown whether this is the result of the radioactive or the other effects of uranium, which is classed as a toxic metal. The radioactive half-life of Uranium-238 is 4.468 billion years.
Childrens database dismantled
08-08-2010 16:12
The national database of all children that the stalinists of new labour wanted to create is being dismantledNotts Hunt Sabs gearing up for new hunting season
08-08-2010 14:24
Help required as preparations begin for the new fox hunting season
Another season of wildlife murder will shortly be upon us and we need your help.
We need active sabs who are willing to come out on the hunting fields and use non-violent direct action to save animals lives.
We also need supporters who, although not willing or able to actively sab, are willing to fundraise or donate money themselves. Running a sab group is an expensive business and every penny raised goes directly to saving the lives of hunted wildlife.
It is vital for our work that we gather information on hunts. We need to know where they are and what they are doing in order to stop them. If you know where and when hunts are meeting or have knowledge of illegal hunting please let us know and we will try our best to stop it.
If you can help with any of the areas above please get in touch and together we'll work to protect our wildlife.
Check out or website for more info
Biggest ever anti-Afghan war demonstration planned
08-08-2010 13:52
The biggest ever anti-Afghan war demonstration is planned for Saturday the 20th of November 2010 in central London. Hopefully the numbers at this demonstration will surpass the massive numbers at the February 2003 anti-Iraq war demo.Nottingham Riverside Festival 2010: Saturday
08-08-2010 13:24
The Riverside Festival takes place every year on Victoria Embankment in the Meadows. A large funfair, stretching along the Trent, the event is much like a thinner Goose Fair. With live music.
Highlights this year included veteran folk/county/bluesgrass/american bank Wholesome Fish who played a storming set, even if they did struggle to get people dancing. There was a stage dedicated to local acts, I had heard of only Kamba Semba and the headliners Royal Gala who were every bit as brilliant as ever, proving once again that they are the best live band in Nottingham. Once the music had ended, the night was closed by an impressive fireworks display.
Alongside the music there was the usual funfair attractions: rides, hooplas and overpriced food. The "Army Information Team" were also out and about with their climbing wall (because if you're in the army you spend all your time on climbing walls). As at previous Riverside Festivals, there was an exhibition of steam engines and musical organs.
Politically the events was largely vacuous, just as you'd expect from a city council organised event. That said, the Socialist Party were out and about when I arrived attempting to get people to sign petitions or buy the paper. There was also a Love Music Hate Racism stall, but LMHR appears to have transformed itself from a political campaign to a clothing line.
As is the case with all these events in Nottingham, council branding was everywhere. On the publicity, in the programme and all over the stages. Ironically some of the "proud" banners adorning at least one of the stages are now starting to look a little tatty.